Action Studies Program, 1967-1968
1971-12-14 Compost Page 35
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HOUSING PROTECTIVE TENANTS' ASSOCIATION Iowa Memorial Union, between the Wheel Room and Activities Center. 353-3013 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday Handles any kind of landlord problem. Also lists available houses and apartments, rooms to share and trailors to rent or buy. Free tenants' protection handbook. OFF CAMPUS HOUSING OFFICE Student Development Center, Iowa Memorial Union 353-3013 Help students under 21 find approved housing. Also list unapproved housing available. UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE 330 N. Capitol 353-3834 They assign University-owned apartments to married students, on a first come first served basis. Also are in charge of the dormitories. JOHNSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Johnson County Court House 351-3085 Report landlord problems about garbage, sewage, rats, and any negligence. Insists that they see the proof. CO-OP HOUSING We are a group to form a housing cooperative (we are looking for a house right now). The housing coop and food coop (New Pioneer) intend to join forces and offer a series of courses related to the coop movement. The five courses will be: Historical Perspectives on New Institutions, The American Utopia Community Movement and Contemporary Applications, Food and Nutrition, Cooperative Organization and Management, Consumer Protection and the Law, Development and Management of Cooperative Housing. If you are interested in housing coops, the food coop, and/or the courses, contact David Ranney or Bob Soules at 353-5001. WESTHAMPTON, THE VILLAGE VOICE Published by the Westhampton Village Tenants Union (corporation papers filed). Voice of the people in Westhampton Apartments, trying to find a community both for bargaining purposes and social activities. President: Bob Handy (926C) Phone: 338-8034 LEASED HOUSING PROGRAM (Low rent housing) Civic Center, Iowa City 337-9605 A government run program for eligible low-income families. The Housing Authority leases rental units from participating rentors to low income families who pay no more than 25% of their income for rent (utilities included). WESLEY YOUTH HOSTEL 120 N. Dubuque 338-1179 June 1 to August 31 Crashing for travelers, $1 a night. If unable to pay fee, the guest will be allowed to work it off. Bed, shower, and cooking facilities. OVERNIGHT CRASHING FOR WOMEN Women's Center 3 E. Market 353-265; 353-6266 Try to make arrangements during the day, or come over anytime. EMERGENCY HOUSING--WOMEN Christus House 124 E. Church St. 338-7868 Emergency housing for women only. Call and ask before going there. EMERGENCY HOUSING--MEN City Jail, Civic Center, Washington and Gilbert 337-9605 The Iowa City Police will put up a single male in an unlocked cell for a night. REVOLUTIONARY LETTER #14 Diane Di Prima are you prepared to hide someone in your home indefinitely say, two to six weeks, you going out for food, etc., so he never hits the street, to keep your friends away cooly, so they ask no questions, to nurse him, or her, as necessary, to know 'first aid' and healing (not to freak out at the sight of torn or half-cooked flesh) to pass him on at the right time to the next station, to cross the canadian border, with a child so that the three of you look like one family, no questions asked, or fewer, to stash letters, guns, or bombs forget about them till they are called for, to KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT not to 'trust' even your truelove, that is, lay no more knowledge on him than he needs to do his part of it, a kindness we all must extend to each other in this game MAPS JOHNSON COUNTY ROAD MAPS Maps showing all the rural houses, farms and buildings in the county, and the conditions of all the roads, are available at the Johnson County Courthouse for a quarter, and are on file at the Public Library. Convenient for bike hikes or Sunday drives. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 16 W. Jefferson St. Iowa City 338-1173 Topographical maps of Iowa and any other state through the Geological Survey office. Price per quadrant (2 quadrants includes Iowa City and some countryside) is $.50 BUS ROUTE MAP A great map of Iowa City with the bus routes marked out in pretty colors. Available at the Civic Center. PAGE 35
HOUSING PROTECTIVE TENANTS' ASSOCIATION Iowa Memorial Union, between the Wheel Room and Activities Center. 353-3013 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday Handles any kind of landlord problem. Also lists available houses and apartments, rooms to share and trailors to rent or buy. Free tenants' protection handbook. OFF CAMPUS HOUSING OFFICE Student Development Center, Iowa Memorial Union 353-3013 Help students under 21 find approved housing. Also list unapproved housing available. UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE 330 N. Capitol 353-3834 They assign University-owned apartments to married students, on a first come first served basis. Also are in charge of the dormitories. JOHNSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Johnson County Court House 351-3085 Report landlord problems about garbage, sewage, rats, and any negligence. Insists that they see the proof. CO-OP HOUSING We are a group to form a housing cooperative (we are looking for a house right now). The housing coop and food coop (New Pioneer) intend to join forces and offer a series of courses related to the coop movement. The five courses will be: Historical Perspectives on New Institutions, The American Utopia Community Movement and Contemporary Applications, Food and Nutrition, Cooperative Organization and Management, Consumer Protection and the Law, Development and Management of Cooperative Housing. If you are interested in housing coops, the food coop, and/or the courses, contact David Ranney or Bob Soules at 353-5001. WESTHAMPTON, THE VILLAGE VOICE Published by the Westhampton Village Tenants Union (corporation papers filed). Voice of the people in Westhampton Apartments, trying to find a community both for bargaining purposes and social activities. President: Bob Handy (926C) Phone: 338-8034 LEASED HOUSING PROGRAM (Low rent housing) Civic Center, Iowa City 337-9605 A government run program for eligible low-income families. The Housing Authority leases rental units from participating rentors to low income families who pay no more than 25% of their income for rent (utilities included). WESLEY YOUTH HOSTEL 120 N. Dubuque 338-1179 June 1 to August 31 Crashing for travelers, $1 a night. If unable to pay fee, the guest will be allowed to work it off. Bed, shower, and cooking facilities. OVERNIGHT CRASHING FOR WOMEN Women's Center 3 E. Market 353-265; 353-6266 Try to make arrangements during the day, or come over anytime. EMERGENCY HOUSING--WOMEN Christus House 124 E. Church St. 338-7868 Emergency housing for women only. Call and ask before going there. EMERGENCY HOUSING--MEN City Jail, Civic Center, Washington and Gilbert 337-9605 The Iowa City Police will put up a single male in an unlocked cell for a night. REVOLUTIONARY LETTER #14 Diane Di Prima are you prepared to hide someone in your home indefinitely say, two to six weeks, you going out for food, etc., so he never hits the street, to keep your friends away cooly, so they ask no questions, to nurse him, or her, as necessary, to know 'first aid' and healing (not to freak out at the sight of torn or half-cooked flesh) to pass him on at the right time to the next station, to cross the canadian border, with a child so that the three of you look like one family, no questions asked, or fewer, to stash letters, guns, or bombs forget about them till they are called for, to KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT not to 'trust' even your truelove, that is, lay no more knowledge on him than he needs to do his part of it, a kindness we all must extend to each other in this game MAPS JOHNSON COUNTY ROAD MAPS Maps showing all the rural houses, farms and buildings in the county, and the conditions of all the roads, are available at the Johnson County Courthouse for a quarter, and are on file at the Public Library. Convenient for bike hikes or Sunday drives. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 16 W. Jefferson St. Iowa City 338-1173 Topographical maps of Iowa and any other state through the Geological Survey office. Price per quadrant (2 quadrants includes Iowa City and some countryside) is $.50 BUS ROUTE MAP A great map of Iowa City with the bus routes marked out in pretty colors. Available at the Civic Center. PAGE 35
Campus Culture