En Garde, whole no. 2, June 1942
Page 4
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page 4. AGENBITE OF INWIT: Putrid mimeo work. Passing show easily passes. Poetry not bad. Wish Lowndes would turn out a little better mag for FAPA. He could do a honey. Of course,we can think of several plausible excuses he might offer for not doing so, but......... CHAUVENET'S GERMAN ENTRY: Poor mimeo job. Couldn't even read the title. Can't even read German very well for that matter. Have often thought it would be fun to give the censors something like this to really sink their theet into. If we had the time to print another FAPA mag, we would put out one in Japanese, if we could only write the Nipponese lingo. THE NUCLEUS: Liked the whole darn thing. Portrait of a Fan: right up our alley. There be some who don't care for this showing up of fans and fandom. But we consider jousting with illusions great sport. The Impossible Achievement: excellent. TWILIGHT: About the best FAPA cover we've seen. Only fault is with the main figure. Tom no doubt needs an "atomical assistant". The shoulders seem slightly deformed, and the gluteus maximus does not behave according to the better known laws of position, gravitation, and pressure. Nevertheless, it is a very beautiful job, and if we are to believe rumors concerning Tom's amazing progress in the field of art, he could far outdo it by now. JINX: Declaration of War gives promise of becoming a fascinating, friendly feud. On to the battle, boys. What's Wrong With Fan Fiction both by Gilbert, and Fortier, is very acceptable material. Would like to see more such. Jinx is a darn swell mag. UNFAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES: So reprints have even invaded FAPA? But don't we remember something about a new law to the effect that any mag using reprints must indicate the fact on the cover in letters fully as large as the title? Careful there Joe. Uncle Sam will get you if you don't watch out --- and not in the way you have been expecting. SUSTAINING PROGRAM: We always like it. Sounds so damn esoteric. The guy speaks with so much conviction and in such a knowing manner that it discourages criticism from the likes of us. Now and then, something gives us the urge to rise and remark. Then we think again and decide maybe he knows more about the subject than we do. The jolly ol' neck must be kept intact, doncha know. We are not Evans. BuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuy INHIBITION DESTRUCTION DEPARTMENT We have always considered Bok one of the most clever Fantasy artists. We still do. Now we realize that artists are human. Like all other humans, an artist has his suppressed desires. While we are no authority on the percentage of those who succeed in releasing these pent up desires, we know of one who did. On page 88 of the April issue of FUTURE there is an excellent example of Fantasy art. The artist has outdone himself. He has achieved the unheard of in pulp illustrating. This superb drawing warrants careful study and deserves your fullest appreciation.
page 4. AGENBITE OF INWIT: Putrid mimeo work. Passing show easily passes. Poetry not bad. Wish Lowndes would turn out a little better mag for FAPA. He could do a honey. Of course,we can think of several plausible excuses he might offer for not doing so, but......... CHAUVENET'S GERMAN ENTRY: Poor mimeo job. Couldn't even read the title. Can't even read German very well for that matter. Have often thought it would be fun to give the censors something like this to really sink their theet into. If we had the time to print another FAPA mag, we would put out one in Japanese, if we could only write the Nipponese lingo. THE NUCLEUS: Liked the whole darn thing. Portrait of a Fan: right up our alley. There be some who don't care for this showing up of fans and fandom. But we consider jousting with illusions great sport. The Impossible Achievement: excellent. TWILIGHT: About the best FAPA cover we've seen. Only fault is with the main figure. Tom no doubt needs an "atomical assistant". The shoulders seem slightly deformed, and the gluteus maximus does not behave according to the better known laws of position, gravitation, and pressure. Nevertheless, it is a very beautiful job, and if we are to believe rumors concerning Tom's amazing progress in the field of art, he could far outdo it by now. JINX: Declaration of War gives promise of becoming a fascinating, friendly feud. On to the battle, boys. What's Wrong With Fan Fiction both by Gilbert, and Fortier, is very acceptable material. Would like to see more such. Jinx is a darn swell mag. UNFAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES: So reprints have even invaded FAPA? But don't we remember something about a new law to the effect that any mag using reprints must indicate the fact on the cover in letters fully as large as the title? Careful there Joe. Uncle Sam will get you if you don't watch out --- and not in the way you have been expecting. SUSTAINING PROGRAM: We always like it. Sounds so damn esoteric. The guy speaks with so much conviction and in such a knowing manner that it discourages criticism from the likes of us. Now and then, something gives us the urge to rise and remark. Then we think again and decide maybe he knows more about the subject than we do. The jolly ol' neck must be kept intact, doncha know. We are not Evans. BuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuyaBondBuy INHIBITION DESTRUCTION DEPARTMENT We have always considered Bok one of the most clever Fantasy artists. We still do. Now we realize that artists are human. Like all other humans, an artist has his suppressed desires. While we are no authority on the percentage of those who succeed in releasing these pent up desires, we know of one who did. On page 88 of the April issue of FUTURE there is an excellent example of Fantasy art. The artist has outdone himself. He has achieved the unheard of in pulp illustrating. This superb drawing warrants careful study and deserves your fullest appreciation.
Hevelin Fanzines