Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 10, whole no. 45, January 1942
Page 8
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8A At this point of the journey we stopped again. Now Wilma Wiggins, Cleo Class and Flossie 4e began throwing rocks at each other. (( Colton: "no other agent exterminates a species more quickly than they exterminate themselves." -editor )). They would stand against a tree and let the other throw a rock. If the missive missed you, you won a dime, but if it hit, the thrower won a dime. While this was going on Molly Millard and myself were dashing about madly, snapping all peaks in sight, for we were now quite a ways up in the mountains. (Results of the rock throwing contest by the way, were quite lucrative - Ackerman won 40[[cent symbol]].) Again we packed into the car and as everyone was getting hot we decided to stop at Chipmunk Lodge and get some nuts-- to feed the chipmunks. The Lodge was as far as we got but we had a grand time feeding the rascals. (( you mean the chipmunks, we presume? -editor )) By now 'twas pretty late so we decided to start for Denver. There then came a story-telling session, and a batch of these things: What's the matter with your banana -- split? What do you think of Denver -- as a whole? What's the matter with the baby -- buggy? What do you do when your wife drinks -- liquor? Shopping bag? No, just looking. Discussion led to books, and then of all things, science fiction. I sed that I had had such a damn good time on the trip I thought I'de write an article about it. Whereupon I received encouragement from all present. What you've just read is the result of that encouragement (( plus some tongue-in-cheek editing by Tucker. -editor )). But don't shoot the others. If this is as bad as I think it is, you can shoot me. P.S: I neglected to say we arrived at Denver safe and sound. And by all means I can't omit the classic remark made by Wiggins en route to the hotel. Class said, kiddingly, that in Panama you could walk down the street naked and not get arrested. Wiggins then replied in his slow drawl that you could do that in Denver too, if you got away with it. P.P.S: But we didn't get away with that scraping incident. It set us back five bucks. And poor Ackerman had to shell in with the rest of us. All his brainwork and rock throwing for nought. But, let me say, we all felt so bad about this that we then chipped in and bought him a consolation gift -- a bladeness knife without a handle. Larry Farsaci -loves- Any writer of Super Script Hyman Tiger -loves- B. Tucker Scott Feldman -loves- Thorne Smith Ray Pauley -loves- Tucker we presume Hymin Tiger -loves- A. J. Burks Scott Feldman -loves- SJ Perelman none of these next year, so help us!
8A At this point of the journey we stopped again. Now Wilma Wiggins, Cleo Class and Flossie 4e began throwing rocks at each other. (( Colton: "no other agent exterminates a species more quickly than they exterminate themselves." -editor )). They would stand against a tree and let the other throw a rock. If the missive missed you, you won a dime, but if it hit, the thrower won a dime. While this was going on Molly Millard and myself were dashing about madly, snapping all peaks in sight, for we were now quite a ways up in the mountains. (Results of the rock throwing contest by the way, were quite lucrative - Ackerman won 40[[cent symbol]].) Again we packed into the car and as everyone was getting hot we decided to stop at Chipmunk Lodge and get some nuts-- to feed the chipmunks. The Lodge was as far as we got but we had a grand time feeding the rascals. (( you mean the chipmunks, we presume? -editor )) By now 'twas pretty late so we decided to start for Denver. There then came a story-telling session, and a batch of these things: What's the matter with your banana -- split? What do you think of Denver -- as a whole? What's the matter with the baby -- buggy? What do you do when your wife drinks -- liquor? Shopping bag? No, just looking. Discussion led to books, and then of all things, science fiction. I sed that I had had such a damn good time on the trip I thought I'de write an article about it. Whereupon I received encouragement from all present. What you've just read is the result of that encouragement (( plus some tongue-in-cheek editing by Tucker. -editor )). But don't shoot the others. If this is as bad as I think it is, you can shoot me. P.S: I neglected to say we arrived at Denver safe and sound. And by all means I can't omit the classic remark made by Wiggins en route to the hotel. Class said, kiddingly, that in Panama you could walk down the street naked and not get arrested. Wiggins then replied in his slow drawl that you could do that in Denver too, if you got away with it. P.P.S: But we didn't get away with that scraping incident. It set us back five bucks. And poor Ackerman had to shell in with the rest of us. All his brainwork and rock throwing for nought. But, let me say, we all felt so bad about this that we then chipped in and bought him a consolation gift -- a bladeness knife without a handle. Larry Farsaci -loves- Any writer of Super Script Hyman Tiger -loves- B. Tucker Scott Feldman -loves- Thorne Smith Ray Pauley -loves- Tucker we presume Hymin Tiger -loves- A. J. Burks Scott Feldman -loves- SJ Perelman none of these next year, so help us!
Hevelin Fanzines