Weeg Computing Center Newsletter Vol. 1, January 1970
January 1970 Computer Center Newsletter Page 9
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-9- 5. ADMINISTRATIVE TERMINAL SYSTEM (ATS)- This course is an introduction to the use of ATS. ATS is a text editing system designed for document creation and handling from a remote terminal. The use of ATS control statements will be discussed, as well as examples of the possible uses of such a system. This course should be of interest to those contemplating installation of a remote typewriter terminal and those who prepare various reports, papers, and forms. Those involved in thesis preparation may also find this course enlightening in terms of the preparation of this document. Also to be discussed will be the Remote Job Entry facility available under ATS (RJE). 6. SIMSCRIPT II - This course is an introduction to simulation programming using SIMSCRIPT II. Basic concepts of simulation and the basic structure of SIMSCRIPT will be presented. Short courses offered by the Computer Center are non-credit courses. The courses are intended to provide instruction for faculty and students. To register for a particular course, contact the University Computer Center Main Office in person or by telephone. The number to call is 353-3170. For courses being offered more than one time please register for a particular session. Registration for a course must be complete two weeks in advance of the course to allow for room scheduling and registrant notification. Questions regarding the short courses offered may be directed to J. Inghram at UCC (353-3604)
-9- 5. ADMINISTRATIVE TERMINAL SYSTEM (ATS)- This course is an introduction to the use of ATS. ATS is a text editing system designed for document creation and handling from a remote terminal. The use of ATS control statements will be discussed, as well as examples of the possible uses of such a system. This course should be of interest to those contemplating installation of a remote typewriter terminal and those who prepare various reports, papers, and forms. Those involved in thesis preparation may also find this course enlightening in terms of the preparation of this document. Also to be discussed will be the Remote Job Entry facility available under ATS (RJE). 6. SIMSCRIPT II - This course is an introduction to simulation programming using SIMSCRIPT II. Basic concepts of simulation and the basic structure of SIMSCRIPT will be presented. Short courses offered by the Computer Center are non-credit courses. The courses are intended to provide instruction for faculty and students. To register for a particular course, contact the University Computer Center Main Office in person or by telephone. The number to call is 353-3170. For courses being offered more than one time please register for a particular session. Registration for a course must be complete two weeks in advance of the course to allow for room scheduling and registrant notification. Questions regarding the short courses offered may be directed to J. Inghram at UCC (353-3604)
Campus Culture