Fantasy Times, v. 2, issue 11, whole no. 42, March 16, 1947
Page 26
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Page 26 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES "The Leading Fantasy Newspaper" Published weekly by James V Taurasi, 101-02 Northern Blvd. Corona New York. 5[cents] a copy, 6 for 25[cents], in England 6 issues for 1/-. Editor: James V Taurasi, European Ed: Ray Van Houten, Ad. Manager: Sam Moskowitz, Associate Ed: Alvin R. Brown, Assistant Ed: Joe Kennedy, Science Ed: Thomas S. Garnder. "A Cosmic Publication" EDITORIAL CONVENTIONS AND PROFITS by James V. Taurasi editor of Fantasy-Times In every World Convention except the first, where there was no profits, the money made by that convention has always caused trouble and recentment among the fans. We hear of it at Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles. At the current World Convention, the profits question has already been raised and some talk (bad and good) is already circulating thru fandom. Who will get the money, if any? And Why?, are the questions, and no solution so far seems to satisfy anyone. If you give the money here, the other guy will yell, and so on. So your editor would like to suggest to the Pilcon Society's members a good plan of what to do with the profits, if any, and we would like to suggest that this plan be followed by all future conventions. It is a simple plan and one that we feel is fair and objectionable to no one. The profits of a convention should be split in this fashion: 1) Half of it should go to the organization who puts on the convention, in this case the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. 2) The other half should be given to the organization who will put on the next year's convention, so as to give them a nest-egg to start the ball rolling for their convention. Of course the money is given to the next year's convention sponsers with the agreement that they also split their profits, if any, the same way. With this system in operation, there would never be any hard feelings as to what is done with convention profits. Tho this is a little pre-mature, let's start thinking that in 1949, it is the Tenth Anniversary of the First Science Fiction World Convention, and that the convention should be held in New York for 1949. Yes let's start the ball rolling for "It's New York in 49."
Page 26 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES "The Leading Fantasy Newspaper" Published weekly by James V Taurasi, 101-02 Northern Blvd. Corona New York. 5[cents] a copy, 6 for 25[cents], in England 6 issues for 1/-. Editor: James V Taurasi, European Ed: Ray Van Houten, Ad. Manager: Sam Moskowitz, Associate Ed: Alvin R. Brown, Assistant Ed: Joe Kennedy, Science Ed: Thomas S. Garnder. "A Cosmic Publication" EDITORIAL CONVENTIONS AND PROFITS by James V. Taurasi editor of Fantasy-Times In every World Convention except the first, where there was no profits, the money made by that convention has always caused trouble and recentment among the fans. We hear of it at Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles. At the current World Convention, the profits question has already been raised and some talk (bad and good) is already circulating thru fandom. Who will get the money, if any? And Why?, are the questions, and no solution so far seems to satisfy anyone. If you give the money here, the other guy will yell, and so on. So your editor would like to suggest to the Pilcon Society's members a good plan of what to do with the profits, if any, and we would like to suggest that this plan be followed by all future conventions. It is a simple plan and one that we feel is fair and objectionable to no one. The profits of a convention should be split in this fashion: 1) Half of it should go to the organization who puts on the convention, in this case the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. 2) The other half should be given to the organization who will put on the next year's convention, so as to give them a nest-egg to start the ball rolling for their convention. Of course the money is given to the next year's convention sponsers with the agreement that they also split their profits, if any, the same way. With this system in operation, there would never be any hard feelings as to what is done with convention profits. Tho this is a little pre-mature, let's start thinking that in 1949, it is the Tenth Anniversary of the First Science Fiction World Convention, and that the convention should be held in New York for 1949. Yes let's start the ball rolling for "It's New York in 49."
Hevelin Fanzines