Polaris, v. 2, issue 2, June 1941
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POLARIS Vol. 2, No. 2 June, 1941 10¢ a copy Three for 25¢ a Starlight Publication Editor: Paul Freehafer Box 6475, Metro Station Los Angeles, California CONTENTS STORIES: The Midnight Visitor by Duane W, Rimel 4 The Hat by Donald A. Wollheim 6 Sara Gabrielson Goes to Paradise by Henry Andrew Ackermann 8 It Wouldn't Work by Bob Tucker 14 ARTICLES: A Few Future Fantasy Fillyums by Bob Tucker 7 Shangri-L'affaires #9 by Forrest J Ackerman 16 POEM: Wahlpurgisnacht by Grady L. McMurtry 17 DEPARTMENT: Editorial Illumination 3 Cover by Harry Jenkins, Jr. EDITORIAL ILLUMINATION First thought in the mind of every fantasy fan now is the 1941 World Science Fiction Convention to be held in Denver, Colorado, next month. Most of you know all of the details, but I hope you bear with me while I explain for the benefit of the others. The time of the Convention is the Fourth of July weekend, July 4, 5. 6. Place is Denver's fashionable Shirley-Savoy Hotel. Entertainment includes informal speeches by fantasy notables, open discussion, a costume party, an auction, a banquet, a science fiction play, a fantastic movie, and so on. Celebrities will include Robert A. Heinlein, Raymond A. Palmer, F. Orlin Tremaine, Mortimer [continued on Page 15)
POLARIS Vol. 2, No. 2 June, 1941 10¢ a copy Three for 25¢ a Starlight Publication Editor: Paul Freehafer Box 6475, Metro Station Los Angeles, California CONTENTS STORIES: The Midnight Visitor by Duane W, Rimel 4 The Hat by Donald A. Wollheim 6 Sara Gabrielson Goes to Paradise by Henry Andrew Ackermann 8 It Wouldn't Work by Bob Tucker 14 ARTICLES: A Few Future Fantasy Fillyums by Bob Tucker 7 Shangri-L'affaires #9 by Forrest J Ackerman 16 POEM: Wahlpurgisnacht by Grady L. McMurtry 17 DEPARTMENT: Editorial Illumination 3 Cover by Harry Jenkins, Jr. EDITORIAL ILLUMINATION First thought in the mind of every fantasy fan now is the 1941 World Science Fiction Convention to be held in Denver, Colorado, next month. Most of you know all of the details, but I hope you bear with me while I explain for the benefit of the others. The time of the Convention is the Fourth of July weekend, July 4, 5. 6. Place is Denver's fashionable Shirley-Savoy Hotel. Entertainment includes informal speeches by fantasy notables, open discussion, a costume party, an auction, a banquet, a science fiction play, a fantastic movie, and so on. Celebrities will include Robert A. Heinlein, Raymond A. Palmer, F. Orlin Tremaine, Mortimer [continued on Page 15)
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