Polaris, v. 2, issue 2, June 1941
Page 15
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POLARIS 15 opened the front cover to reveal the library bookplate. "And the method, the recipe for becoming a werewolf, failed? I heard you saying something...when I came out?" "Heck, yes!" he exclaimed disgustedly. "Look. On page 79. It says...(quote) 'For to become a werewolf the incanter places in a small clearing in a forest a small bowl containing that water which has been freshly scooped from the footprint of a wolf or large dog, and circling the bowl four times in a counter-clockwise movement repeats aloud the following incantation --'" -- the amateur broke off reading and looked up apologetically. "I couldn't find a footprint of wolf or dog containing the fresh water, so I had to substitute a method given on page 83. It says (quote '...let him then repeat the foregoing incantation in the clearing of a forest in the presence of an oak tree known to possess a hamadryad, and at the same time cast off from his person all objects of gold and silver he may possess.' (unquote) I was, ah, doing that when you appeared. And for about the umpteenth time! Aw heck!" He slammed the book to the ground and complained to her, "You see, it's a...hey! Where are you? Where'd you go...? I didn't say, heck!" Disgusted and forlorn, deserted, he moped in the clearing in the forest idly kicking at the fallen book. The sun was sinking low. Absently, he scratched his itching ear with a hairy clawed paw. "Aw heck! Aw heck!" THE END -------------------- EDITORIAL ILLUMINATION (continued from Page 3) Weisinger, Frederik Pohl, Donald A. Wolheim, Robert W. Lowndes, E. E. Smith, Ph.D., Willard E. Hawkins, A. E. Vand Vogt, Ross Rocklynne, Ralph Milns Farley, R. R. Winterbotham, Charles R. Tanner, S. D. Gottesman, D. E. Thompson, and many other professionals, as well as almost every fan of importance. Don't fail to attend if you can possibly be there, for it will be an occasion you will never forget. For further information write to Lew Martin, 1258 Race St., Denver, Colorado. Let me again especially plead for an adequate representation of weirdists, and let me also add that we would all be very happy if some of the west coast weird fiction authors could attend. They would be very welcome indeed and would have an unparalleled opportunity to meet their readers. At this time Polaris enters Now that the editor is leaving the classroom for the industrial world, time and inclination to publish such a magazine as this may be lacking. We give this notice, rather than quietly fold up overnight with no warning, in order to see if there is enough fan interest to make it worthwhile to continue the magazine. If we receive enough letters asking for further issues of Polaris, more will be forthcoming. Otherwise the magazine will be dropped, and our FAPA membership maintained with a smaller, more personalized magazine for FAPA members only.
POLARIS 15 opened the front cover to reveal the library bookplate. "And the method, the recipe for becoming a werewolf, failed? I heard you saying something...when I came out?" "Heck, yes!" he exclaimed disgustedly. "Look. On page 79. It says...(quote) 'For to become a werewolf the incanter places in a small clearing in a forest a small bowl containing that water which has been freshly scooped from the footprint of a wolf or large dog, and circling the bowl four times in a counter-clockwise movement repeats aloud the following incantation --'" -- the amateur broke off reading and looked up apologetically. "I couldn't find a footprint of wolf or dog containing the fresh water, so I had to substitute a method given on page 83. It says (quote '...let him then repeat the foregoing incantation in the clearing of a forest in the presence of an oak tree known to possess a hamadryad, and at the same time cast off from his person all objects of gold and silver he may possess.' (unquote) I was, ah, doing that when you appeared. And for about the umpteenth time! Aw heck!" He slammed the book to the ground and complained to her, "You see, it's a...hey! Where are you? Where'd you go...? I didn't say, heck!" Disgusted and forlorn, deserted, he moped in the clearing in the forest idly kicking at the fallen book. The sun was sinking low. Absently, he scratched his itching ear with a hairy clawed paw. "Aw heck! Aw heck!" THE END -------------------- EDITORIAL ILLUMINATION (continued from Page 3) Weisinger, Frederik Pohl, Donald A. Wolheim, Robert W. Lowndes, E. E. Smith, Ph.D., Willard E. Hawkins, A. E. Vand Vogt, Ross Rocklynne, Ralph Milns Farley, R. R. Winterbotham, Charles R. Tanner, S. D. Gottesman, D. E. Thompson, and many other professionals, as well as almost every fan of importance. Don't fail to attend if you can possibly be there, for it will be an occasion you will never forget. For further information write to Lew Martin, 1258 Race St., Denver, Colorado. Let me again especially plead for an adequate representation of weirdists, and let me also add that we would all be very happy if some of the west coast weird fiction authors could attend. They would be very welcome indeed and would have an unparalleled opportunity to meet their readers. At this time Polaris enters Now that the editor is leaving the classroom for the industrial world, time and inclination to publish such a magazine as this may be lacking. We give this notice, rather than quietly fold up overnight with no warning, in order to see if there is enough fan interest to make it worthwhile to continue the magazine. If we receive enough letters asking for further issues of Polaris, more will be forthcoming. Otherwise the magazine will be dropped, and our FAPA membership maintained with a smaller, more personalized magazine for FAPA members only.
Hevelin Fanzines