Polaris, v. 2, issue 2, June 1941
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ASTRA PUBLICATIONS FMZ DIGEST the only fm that digests and reproduices the best literary and art work in the fan field. Monthly 5¢, 6 for 25¢ Large size 8 pages up SPECULA "The Best in Stfan Fiction" Stories, articles and poems by fandom's outstanding writers. Bi-monthly 10¢, 3 for 25¢ Small size 68 pages Scorpic For the weird story fan. Fiction articles and poems re the darker side of the universe. Tri-yearly 10¢. 3 for 25¢ Small size 26 pages SPECTRA The only fm to feature novel-length fan stories. Some short items complete the magazine. Quarterly 10¢, 3 for 25¢ Small size 50 pages hectod SUN TRAILS Analyses, humor, vituperation, artwork. ASTRA'S human interest magazine for all stfans. Semi-annual 5¢, no subs large size 12 pages up THE FANNUAL A complete index of all fmz ever issued since 1931. In two volumes, 1931-35 & 1936-40, and annually thereafter. In preparation. Price undecided. The following ASTRA BOOKS are available, with others in preparation: "THE BOOK OF DZYAN" Complete text, with notes, of this obscure volume. 10 ¢ "AFTER ARMAGEDDON AND OTHERS" Prose-poetry by Fywert Kinge. Six poems and preface. 10¢ All of the above are edited and published by ARTHUR LOUIS JOQUEL, II 1426 West 38th Street Los Angeles, California
ASTRA PUBLICATIONS FMZ DIGEST the only fm that digests and reproduices the best literary and art work in the fan field. Monthly 5¢, 6 for 25¢ Large size 8 pages up SPECULA "The Best in Stfan Fiction" Stories, articles and poems by fandom's outstanding writers. Bi-monthly 10¢, 3 for 25¢ Small size 68 pages Scorpic For the weird story fan. Fiction articles and poems re the darker side of the universe. Tri-yearly 10¢. 3 for 25¢ Small size 26 pages SPECTRA The only fm to feature novel-length fan stories. Some short items complete the magazine. Quarterly 10¢, 3 for 25¢ Small size 50 pages hectod SUN TRAILS Analyses, humor, vituperation, artwork. ASTRA'S human interest magazine for all stfans. Semi-annual 5¢, no subs large size 12 pages up THE FANNUAL A complete index of all fmz ever issued since 1931. In two volumes, 1931-35 & 1936-40, and annually thereafter. In preparation. Price undecided. The following ASTRA BOOKS are available, with others in preparation: "THE BOOK OF DZYAN" Complete text, with notes, of this obscure volume. 10 ¢ "AFTER ARMAGEDDON AND OTHERS" Prose-poetry by Fywert Kinge. Six poems and preface. 10¢ All of the above are edited and published by ARTHUR LOUIS JOQUEL, II 1426 West 38th Street Los Angeles, California
Hevelin Fanzines