Tale of the 'Evans, v. 4, issue 2, Spring 1946
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This here, now, thing, is A TALE OF THE 'EVANS, published by Th' Ol' Foo of Fandom, E. Everett Evans, for the Spring, 1946, mailing; from Tendril Towers, 628 South Bixel Street, Los Angeles 14 California, in the hopes that it may bring a slight modicum of enjoyment to all of youse nice peoples. It seems to be about VOLUME IV FAPA, SPRING, 1946 Number 2 [line] DEPARTMENT OF THE GREETINGS: A kaen ko, miti fratero. [line] BUSINESS MEETING: It seems recently that there has been considerable informal discussion regarding the raising of the number of members in our FAPA, as well as increasing the amount of the dues. To this observer, it seems that with the way the membership list has been weeding itself out lately, with the retirement (if voluntary or not matters not) of a lot of deadwood, that we have nearly cleaned up our waiting list. Unless it again gets to unmanageable proportions with the present 65 tops all active, then it would be both unnecessary and unwise to raise the quantity at this time. And yet there is a lot in the various ideas presented by those in favor of a larger membership. Perhaps adding another five members would not be too much, but I would rather ben inclined to vote against raising it ten. As far as raising the dues, Two Dollars seems totally without reason, although perhaps another 25c or 50c per year might be felt reasonable, and make it easier for the Treasury to handle all bills that come to it. On the other hand, if the membership list were raised another 5 persons, that extra $5.00 might be all that was necessary to make the difference between solvency and insolvency. Since the last Treasury balance shows $42.75, and the previous mailing cost only $15.00, it seems that the present amount of dues will henceforth take care of things to good advantage so I would not be in favor of making any change at this time. Would suggest that persons of the Waiting List be sent half a dozen each of the extra magazines sent in each mailing. And if this was to be carried out, probably most of the members would send several extra copies along with their regular amounts, over and above the 5 extra usually sent, so that these Waiters would be able to receive copies of the magazines. Certainly this publisher would be glad to do so. Meeting adjourned. 1
This here, now, thing, is A TALE OF THE 'EVANS, published by Th' Ol' Foo of Fandom, E. Everett Evans, for the Spring, 1946, mailing; from Tendril Towers, 628 South Bixel Street, Los Angeles 14 California, in the hopes that it may bring a slight modicum of enjoyment to all of youse nice peoples. It seems to be about VOLUME IV FAPA, SPRING, 1946 Number 2 [line] DEPARTMENT OF THE GREETINGS: A kaen ko, miti fratero. [line] BUSINESS MEETING: It seems recently that there has been considerable informal discussion regarding the raising of the number of members in our FAPA, as well as increasing the amount of the dues. To this observer, it seems that with the way the membership list has been weeding itself out lately, with the retirement (if voluntary or not matters not) of a lot of deadwood, that we have nearly cleaned up our waiting list. Unless it again gets to unmanageable proportions with the present 65 tops all active, then it would be both unnecessary and unwise to raise the quantity at this time. And yet there is a lot in the various ideas presented by those in favor of a larger membership. Perhaps adding another five members would not be too much, but I would rather ben inclined to vote against raising it ten. As far as raising the dues, Two Dollars seems totally without reason, although perhaps another 25c or 50c per year might be felt reasonable, and make it easier for the Treasury to handle all bills that come to it. On the other hand, if the membership list were raised another 5 persons, that extra $5.00 might be all that was necessary to make the difference between solvency and insolvency. Since the last Treasury balance shows $42.75, and the previous mailing cost only $15.00, it seems that the present amount of dues will henceforth take care of things to good advantage so I would not be in favor of making any change at this time. Would suggest that persons of the Waiting List be sent half a dozen each of the extra magazines sent in each mailing. And if this was to be carried out, probably most of the members would send several extra copies along with their regular amounts, over and above the 5 extra usually sent, so that these Waiters would be able to receive copies of the magazines. Certainly this publisher would be glad to do so. Meeting adjourned. 1
Hevelin Fanzines