Tale of the 'Evans, v. 4, issue 2, Spring 1946
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THE PH (all of 'em) . . Well's autobiography shoes he is really a humorist when he wants to be. . . "No Greater Glory" sounds as though I'd read it before . . Michel's "warning" find. . . Stapledon's review of Well's book interesting. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS . . "Punimal Crackers" should be a great feature. Wish I could think of some for you. Later, mebbe. GUTETO . . Guess I'll have to get interested in Esperanto so I can enjoy your stuff more. "The Birth of the Cseh Method" is a very, very illuminative treatise of what can be done to bring into closer communion people who speak differing languages. FALLING PETALS . . More find poetry and other items that make pleasant reading. ATOTE AND TTE . . I dood 'em. Incidentally, I am waiting very patiently for some of those who so delight in scoffing at me & my life philosophy and my religious beliefs, to offer me something comparable to take their place. I certainly cannot subscribe to the Cram-Nock theories, for to have some other person like me in shape and appearance be either far superior or equally inferior to me, would make life absolutely unbearable, for knowing that I could not attain the general level of either one of the groups that i did not happen to belong to. Nor could I find it worth continuing in life if I believed in Nothing, as so many seem to do. If any of you have a substitute for my belief in the general worthwhileness of mankind, and of a loving and an Infinite Father-God, I can assure you that I will give the most serious consideration to your ideas. But plain ordinary sarcastic sneering at my beliefs impresses me only as the juvenilistic maundering of pseudo-sophisticated would-be intellectuals. GLOM . . Knowing Forry I can well understand why he feels that way about the two editorials, but can also understand why that "White Christmas" one was so popular. . . "Sidereal Cruises" is a movie I'd like to see. . . Our congrats to Dick, too. FAN-DANGING PROGRAM. . Right back at you, Fran. Why is it that all you atheists have to go around making so much noise about the fact that you do NOT believe? . . A very excellent take-off on Sus-Pro. ELMURMURINGS #4 . . So interesting that we wish Elmer would get in an offering oftener. . . However, Elmer, I was never IN the cities you mention -- perhaps they are cleaner and prettier but I wouldn't know from personal observation. THE FANTASY CRITIC . . S.D.R. is another whom we wish would be in the mailing more regularly. He us really one of the finest scholars we have in FAPA, yet writes in a manner all can understand and enjoy -- and he always says something, too. 10
THE PH (all of 'em) . . Well's autobiography shoes he is really a humorist when he wants to be. . . "No Greater Glory" sounds as though I'd read it before . . Michel's "warning" find. . . Stapledon's review of Well's book interesting. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS . . "Punimal Crackers" should be a great feature. Wish I could think of some for you. Later, mebbe. GUTETO . . Guess I'll have to get interested in Esperanto so I can enjoy your stuff more. "The Birth of the Cseh Method" is a very, very illuminative treatise of what can be done to bring into closer communion people who speak differing languages. FALLING PETALS . . More find poetry and other items that make pleasant reading. ATOTE AND TTE . . I dood 'em. Incidentally, I am waiting very patiently for some of those who so delight in scoffing at me & my life philosophy and my religious beliefs, to offer me something comparable to take their place. I certainly cannot subscribe to the Cram-Nock theories, for to have some other person like me in shape and appearance be either far superior or equally inferior to me, would make life absolutely unbearable, for knowing that I could not attain the general level of either one of the groups that i did not happen to belong to. Nor could I find it worth continuing in life if I believed in Nothing, as so many seem to do. If any of you have a substitute for my belief in the general worthwhileness of mankind, and of a loving and an Infinite Father-God, I can assure you that I will give the most serious consideration to your ideas. But plain ordinary sarcastic sneering at my beliefs impresses me only as the juvenilistic maundering of pseudo-sophisticated would-be intellectuals. GLOM . . Knowing Forry I can well understand why he feels that way about the two editorials, but can also understand why that "White Christmas" one was so popular. . . "Sidereal Cruises" is a movie I'd like to see. . . Our congrats to Dick, too. FAN-DANGING PROGRAM. . Right back at you, Fran. Why is it that all you atheists have to go around making so much noise about the fact that you do NOT believe? . . A very excellent take-off on Sus-Pro. ELMURMURINGS #4 . . So interesting that we wish Elmer would get in an offering oftener. . . However, Elmer, I was never IN the cities you mention -- perhaps they are cleaner and prettier but I wouldn't know from personal observation. THE FANTASY CRITIC . . S.D.R. is another whom we wish would be in the mailing more regularly. He us really one of the finest scholars we have in FAPA, yet writes in a manner all can understand and enjoy -- and he always says something, too. 10
Hevelin Fanzines