Metropolis, v. 1, issue 1, 1939
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"SCIENTIFICINEMASTERPIECE" ___________________________ ___________________________ “Hi into the air! Deep into the earth! Indescribable, mighty melodrama of New York 100 Yrs Hence!” Thus blazond the theater ads in Americanewspaper & magazines 13 yrs ago when Paramount-Publix imported the [prophetic] picture destind to enthrall audiences of its time & remain living memory, as in a shrine, in the mind of evry sffan being born then who was old enuf & fortunate enuf to see & appreciate it. Others—most of U, I imagine, reading these words when intended they shoud b, i.e., within hrs of the showing of the picture—have longd for long & long to see this classic. A number of imagi-natives of Losangeles & in environs had the—privilege—preceeding the CONVENTION by some 8 weeks. This publication presents a portion of the opinions exprest by these people after seeing the picture. Also included r words from its director & cameraman, a bit about the authoresse, cast of principal characters, & other items of—it is hoped—interest…… U will notice this mag is markt “Vol 1 Num 1”. There will b another number is sufficient response forthcomes. After viewing the picture record your reactions & send same together with 10¢ to Fantascience Field: 236 ½ N New Hampshire, Hollywood. Mid-Aug shoud see either the publication of METROPOLIS #2 or the refund of your 10¢. As an added inducement to participate, to the contributor of the—in the editorial opinion—most interesting article, will b awarded a copy of Science Fiction Digest 33 Mar. This number contains a resume a of METROPOLIS, “Types of saint Science Fiction” by Dr Keller, “The Science Fiction Eye” by JuliuSchwartz, “Spilling the Atoms” by Rap, “The Ether Vibrates” by Weisinger, “The Time Tatler”, “Titans of Science Fiction: Farnsworth Wright”, & concluding instalment of A. MERRITT’S “WOMAN OF THE WOOD”. An issue well worth owning! Sciencerely, (Hand written signature) ASJ Ackerman _____________________________ The Bk: Original edit. pub’l in Deutsch, 274 pgs, cover jacket by Wreimann or W. Reimann showing colorful supercity with 2 men in attitudes quite similar to those pictured by Paul for “A Visitor from the 20th Century” in AmS 28 May. Actual cover, a beautiful green fancily stampt in gold with title & name of authoresse. Dedication reads “Ich lege dieses Buch in Deine Hande, fried” – “I lay this bk in your hands, Fred”. The foreword states: “This bk is not a present-day picture. This bk is not a picture of the future. This bk takes place nowhere. This bk serves no tendency, no class, no party. This bk is an imagining that trys to make U recognize this truth: Halfway between the Brain & the Hands must the Heart b!” On the backflap is an ad of “Die verlorene Welt” by Conan Doyle, or our old friend, “The Lost World”. The Authorresse: Thea von Harbou (pronounst Tay ‘uh fahn Hahr’ boo) also wrote the scientifictionovels “Frau im Mond” (“Woman in the Moon”) & “Spione” (“Spys”). Said to b a woman of striking apearance & personality. Marryd METROPOLIS’ director, [Cursive signature – unreadable]
"SCIENTIFICINEMASTERPIECE" ___________________________ ___________________________ “Hi into the air! Deep into the earth! Indescribable, mighty melodrama of New York 100 Yrs Hence!” Thus blazond the theater ads in Americanewspaper & magazines 13 yrs ago when Paramount-Publix imported the [prophetic] picture destind to enthrall audiences of its time & remain living memory, as in a shrine, in the mind of evry sffan being born then who was old enuf & fortunate enuf to see & appreciate it. Others—most of U, I imagine, reading these words when intended they shoud b, i.e., within hrs of the showing of the picture—have longd for long & long to see this classic. A number of imagi-natives of Losangeles & in environs had the—privilege—preceeding the CONVENTION by some 8 weeks. This publication presents a portion of the opinions exprest by these people after seeing the picture. Also included r words from its director & cameraman, a bit about the authoresse, cast of principal characters, & other items of—it is hoped—interest…… U will notice this mag is markt “Vol 1 Num 1”. There will b another number is sufficient response forthcomes. After viewing the picture record your reactions & send same together with 10¢ to Fantascience Field: 236 ½ N New Hampshire, Hollywood. Mid-Aug shoud see either the publication of METROPOLIS #2 or the refund of your 10¢. As an added inducement to participate, to the contributor of the—in the editorial opinion—most interesting article, will b awarded a copy of Science Fiction Digest 33 Mar. This number contains a resume a of METROPOLIS, “Types of saint Science Fiction” by Dr Keller, “The Science Fiction Eye” by JuliuSchwartz, “Spilling the Atoms” by Rap, “The Ether Vibrates” by Weisinger, “The Time Tatler”, “Titans of Science Fiction: Farnsworth Wright”, & concluding instalment of A. MERRITT’S “WOMAN OF THE WOOD”. An issue well worth owning! Sciencerely, (Hand written signature) ASJ Ackerman _____________________________ The Bk: Original edit. pub’l in Deutsch, 274 pgs, cover jacket by Wreimann or W. Reimann showing colorful supercity with 2 men in attitudes quite similar to those pictured by Paul for “A Visitor from the 20th Century” in AmS 28 May. Actual cover, a beautiful green fancily stampt in gold with title & name of authoresse. Dedication reads “Ich lege dieses Buch in Deine Hande, fried” – “I lay this bk in your hands, Fred”. The foreword states: “This bk is not a present-day picture. This bk is not a picture of the future. This bk takes place nowhere. This bk serves no tendency, no class, no party. This bk is an imagining that trys to make U recognize this truth: Halfway between the Brain & the Hands must the Heart b!” On the backflap is an ad of “Die verlorene Welt” by Conan Doyle, or our old friend, “The Lost World”. The Authorresse: Thea von Harbou (pronounst Tay ‘uh fahn Hahr’ boo) also wrote the scientifictionovels “Frau im Mond” (“Woman in the Moon”) & “Spione” (“Spys”). Said to b a woman of striking apearance & personality. Marryd METROPOLIS’ director, [Cursive signature – unreadable]
Hevelin Fanzines