Science Fiction Fan, v. 2, issue 8, March 1938
Page 20
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20 FAN American science fiction enthusiasts are cordially invited to join the SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION. This organization caters to everyone interested in science and fantasy fiction. This organization Includes in its membership all the world's most celebrated names in science fiction. JOHN RUSSELL FEARN, FORREST J. ACKERMAN, FESTUS PRAGNELL, WILLIAM F. TEMPLE, OLIVER SAARI, GERALD EVANS, DR. OLAF STAPLEDON JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR., RUSSELL J. HODGKINS, EDWARD J. CARNELL, WALTER H. GILLINGS, PROF. A.M. LOW, and hosts of other Internationally famed celebrities. Write for full particulars and specimen publications to THE SCIENCE-FICTION ASSOCIATION, Executive Headquarters, 23, Farnley Road, South Norwood, London, S.E. 20, England. Hare vou read a copy of that swell weekly news sheet, LE VOMBITEUR, published at 71 Carroll St. Springdale, Connecticut? If you haven't then you are missing one of science fiction's most important papers. Send 5¢ to Robert W. Lowndes at the above address for a sample number. The SCIENCE FICTION NEWS-LETTER, the only other weekly worth your bother, can be purchased from Richard Wilson, Jr., 86-10 117th Street, Richmond Hill, New York. 5¢ the copy or 6 for 25¢. If you are desirous of obtaining a complimentary copy of SPACEWAYS, you may do so by writing to Harry Warner, Jr., 311 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland. The current date contains material by R.W. Lowndes, J. Chapman Miske, J. Michael Rosenblum, Elton V. Andrews, Sam Moskowitz, Mervyn Evans, Larry B. Farsaci, and others. Subscription rates are 10 per single copy, 25¢ per 3 Issues. FAN supports the Michelist revolution in science fiction fandom.
20 FAN American science fiction enthusiasts are cordially invited to join the SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION. This organization caters to everyone interested in science and fantasy fiction. This organization Includes in its membership all the world's most celebrated names in science fiction. JOHN RUSSELL FEARN, FORREST J. ACKERMAN, FESTUS PRAGNELL, WILLIAM F. TEMPLE, OLIVER SAARI, GERALD EVANS, DR. OLAF STAPLEDON JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR., RUSSELL J. HODGKINS, EDWARD J. CARNELL, WALTER H. GILLINGS, PROF. A.M. LOW, and hosts of other Internationally famed celebrities. Write for full particulars and specimen publications to THE SCIENCE-FICTION ASSOCIATION, Executive Headquarters, 23, Farnley Road, South Norwood, London, S.E. 20, England. Hare vou read a copy of that swell weekly news sheet, LE VOMBITEUR, published at 71 Carroll St. Springdale, Connecticut? If you haven't then you are missing one of science fiction's most important papers. Send 5¢ to Robert W. Lowndes at the above address for a sample number. The SCIENCE FICTION NEWS-LETTER, the only other weekly worth your bother, can be purchased from Richard Wilson, Jr., 86-10 117th Street, Richmond Hill, New York. 5¢ the copy or 6 for 25¢. If you are desirous of obtaining a complimentary copy of SPACEWAYS, you may do so by writing to Harry Warner, Jr., 311 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland. The current date contains material by R.W. Lowndes, J. Chapman Miske, J. Michael Rosenblum, Elton V. Andrews, Sam Moskowitz, Mervyn Evans, Larry B. Farsaci, and others. Subscription rates are 10 per single copy, 25¢ per 3 Issues. FAN supports the Michelist revolution in science fiction fandom.
Hevelin Fanzines