Fantasy Amateur, v. 7, issue 3, March 1944
Page 4
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4 Secretary-Treasurer's Message: DUES -- Please pay your 75¢ to the Sec'y-Treas. before April 1 ACTIVITY -- Unless you are represented in this or the next mailing, you will be ineligible to renew your membership. DUES-ACTIVITY -- Unless you are represented in this mailing, you are now ineligible to renew. If you wish to rejoin you must satisfy the usual admission requirements and cannot be admitted until all prior applications have been acted upon. EXPIRED -- December dues unpaid. If not paid by April 1, your name will be dropped from the membership roll. 1 Ackerman, F.J. (Cpl.), HQ-SCU 1959, Fort MacArthur, Calif. 2 Ashley, Al & Abby Lu, 25 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. 3 Bridges, Lunn (T/Sgt.) 833rd Chemical Co. AO, Herbert Smart Airport, Macon Ga. DUES 4 Bronson, Phil, 1710 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica Calif. DUES 5 Brown & Fern, Mel & C. J. R. Jr., c/o LASFS 637 1/2 S. Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Calif. 6 Buck, R. C., G31 Adams House, Cambridge 38, Mass. 7 Carnell, Edward J., 17 Burwash Rd., Plumstead, SE 18, London, Eng. 8 Chauvenet, L. R., P. O. Box 171, Bound Brook, N. J. 9 Connor, E. C. (Pvt.), 3653d S.U., Co. D, Sec. 20, Hitchcock Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago 37, Ill. 10 Croutch, Leslie A., Box 121, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada 11 Cunningham, John M. (Pfc.), 10th Base Hq & AB Sq, Chico Army Air Field, Chico, Calif 12 Daniel, Thomar R. Box 131, Hoquiam, Wash. 13 Daugherty, Walter J., 1305 W. Ingraham, Los Angeles 14, Calif. DUES 14 Davis, Chandler, Lowell 0-35, Cambridge 38, Mass. 15 Deutsch, Wm. J., '46, 7 Jacobus Hall, Castle Pt., Hoboken, New Jersey ACTIVITY 16 Edge, Barbara, Box 1390, Fairbanks, Alaska 17 Evans, E. Everett, 25 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. DUES 18 Evans, W. H., 233 Sheldon, Ames, Iowa. 19 Farsaci, L. B. (Pfc.), 48 Lewis Street, Rochester, N. Y. 20 Fortier, Joe J., 2222 E. 30th, Oakland, Calif. DUES 21 Freehafer, Paul, 2325 Ocean View Avenue., Los Angeles, Calif. EXPIRED 22 Hodgkins, Russell J., 1903 W. 84th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. DUES-ACTIVITY 23 Honig, Harry, 256 26th Ave, San Francisco 21, Calif 24 Hurter, Fred, 83 Hudson St., Town of Mount Royal, PQ, Can. EXPIRED 25 Jenkins, Harry, 2409 Santee Ave., Columbia, S. C. EXPIRED 26 Jike, 628 S. Bixel St., Los Angeles 14, Calif 27 Jones, Bob, 2710 Wexford, Columbus,Ohio 28 Koenig, H. C., 540 East 80th St., New York, N.Y. 29 Kuslan, Gertrude, 170 Washington Ave., West Haven 16, Conn. DUES 30 Laney, Francis T., c/o LASFS 637 1/2 S. Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Calif 31 Liebscher, Walter, 25 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. 32 Lowndes, Robert W., 306 W. 11th St., New York 11, N.Y. 33 Ludowitz, Tom, 2310 Virginia, Evenrett, Wash. 34 Martin, Edgar Allen, 160 Collins St., Hartford 5, Conn. 35 Michel, John B., 311 W. 4th St., New York, N. Y. 36 Morratt, Leonard J., C/o Mrs Rae Moffatt, Duarte, Calif. EXPIRED 37 Morojo, Box 6475 Metro Sta., Los Angeles, Calif. DUES 38 Perdue, Elmer, 1218 S. Cedar St., Casper, Wyoming EXPIRED 39 Rogers, Don, 214 N. 20th, New Castle, Indiana 40 Rosenblum, J. Michael. 4 Grange Terrace, Leeds 7, England 41 Rothman, Milton A. (Cpl.) Co. A, ASTU 3900, Oregon State Collegem Corvallis, Oregon DUES 42 Rouse, Gordon K., Imperial, Nebraska
4 Secretary-Treasurer's Message: DUES -- Please pay your 75¢ to the Sec'y-Treas. before April 1 ACTIVITY -- Unless you are represented in this or the next mailing, you will be ineligible to renew your membership. DUES-ACTIVITY -- Unless you are represented in this mailing, you are now ineligible to renew. If you wish to rejoin you must satisfy the usual admission requirements and cannot be admitted until all prior applications have been acted upon. EXPIRED -- December dues unpaid. If not paid by April 1, your name will be dropped from the membership roll. 1 Ackerman, F.J. (Cpl.), HQ-SCU 1959, Fort MacArthur, Calif. 2 Ashley, Al & Abby Lu, 25 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. 3 Bridges, Lunn (T/Sgt.) 833rd Chemical Co. AO, Herbert Smart Airport, Macon Ga. DUES 4 Bronson, Phil, 1710 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica Calif. DUES 5 Brown & Fern, Mel & C. J. R. Jr., c/o LASFS 637 1/2 S. Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Calif. 6 Buck, R. C., G31 Adams House, Cambridge 38, Mass. 7 Carnell, Edward J., 17 Burwash Rd., Plumstead, SE 18, London, Eng. 8 Chauvenet, L. R., P. O. Box 171, Bound Brook, N. J. 9 Connor, E. C. (Pvt.), 3653d S.U., Co. D, Sec. 20, Hitchcock Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago 37, Ill. 10 Croutch, Leslie A., Box 121, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada 11 Cunningham, John M. (Pfc.), 10th Base Hq & AB Sq, Chico Army Air Field, Chico, Calif 12 Daniel, Thomar R. Box 131, Hoquiam, Wash. 13 Daugherty, Walter J., 1305 W. Ingraham, Los Angeles 14, Calif. DUES 14 Davis, Chandler, Lowell 0-35, Cambridge 38, Mass. 15 Deutsch, Wm. J., '46, 7 Jacobus Hall, Castle Pt., Hoboken, New Jersey ACTIVITY 16 Edge, Barbara, Box 1390, Fairbanks, Alaska 17 Evans, E. Everett, 25 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. DUES 18 Evans, W. H., 233 Sheldon, Ames, Iowa. 19 Farsaci, L. B. (Pfc.), 48 Lewis Street, Rochester, N. Y. 20 Fortier, Joe J., 2222 E. 30th, Oakland, Calif. DUES 21 Freehafer, Paul, 2325 Ocean View Avenue., Los Angeles, Calif. EXPIRED 22 Hodgkins, Russell J., 1903 W. 84th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. DUES-ACTIVITY 23 Honig, Harry, 256 26th Ave, San Francisco 21, Calif 24 Hurter, Fred, 83 Hudson St., Town of Mount Royal, PQ, Can. EXPIRED 25 Jenkins, Harry, 2409 Santee Ave., Columbia, S. C. EXPIRED 26 Jike, 628 S. Bixel St., Los Angeles 14, Calif 27 Jones, Bob, 2710 Wexford, Columbus,Ohio 28 Koenig, H. C., 540 East 80th St., New York, N.Y. 29 Kuslan, Gertrude, 170 Washington Ave., West Haven 16, Conn. DUES 30 Laney, Francis T., c/o LASFS 637 1/2 S. Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Calif 31 Liebscher, Walter, 25 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. 32 Lowndes, Robert W., 306 W. 11th St., New York 11, N.Y. 33 Ludowitz, Tom, 2310 Virginia, Evenrett, Wash. 34 Martin, Edgar Allen, 160 Collins St., Hartford 5, Conn. 35 Michel, John B., 311 W. 4th St., New York, N. Y. 36 Morratt, Leonard J., C/o Mrs Rae Moffatt, Duarte, Calif. EXPIRED 37 Morojo, Box 6475 Metro Sta., Los Angeles, Calif. DUES 38 Perdue, Elmer, 1218 S. Cedar St., Casper, Wyoming EXPIRED 39 Rogers, Don, 214 N. 20th, New Castle, Indiana 40 Rosenblum, J. Michael. 4 Grange Terrace, Leeds 7, England 41 Rothman, Milton A. (Cpl.) Co. A, ASTU 3900, Oregon State Collegem Corvallis, Oregon DUES 42 Rouse, Gordon K., Imperial, Nebraska
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