Fantascience Digest, v. 1, issue 5, July-August 1938
Page 13
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THE READER COMMENTS GIUNTA Louis Kuslan writes:- Haivng received FANTASCIENCE DIGEST quite a while ago, and after giving it a thoro perusing, I'm going to give my opinion of the issue. The cover was pretty good, although it isn't as good yet as I'd like to see it. Let's hope that Agnew improves as hes been doing so far. The outstanding article was the one by Hank Kuttner. It certainly looks like he's right. Dale Hart also did some good writing in his two articles (I think he wrote the "Eulogy" also). (He did--RAM) Cadrell's article was ok, but the illustration, whew! Wilkinson's stuff wasn't s-f. The convention review, also ok. The readers' column was the best department. As for the story, all I'll say is that you're supposed to be an s-f fan mag. Let's not have weird stuff. (FANTASCIENCE covers both fantasy and science fiction--RAM) As for the editorial, I wish you would not boost FD unduly. You may think the issue good, the readers may disagree, and it's the readers who are the judges. (Kee-rect--RAM) Mark Reisnberg writes:- A word about your swell mag. Judging from the copy I received, FANTASCIENCE DIGEST is due to really go places. Save for perhaps a lit- tle more care in the art work, it can't be improved upon. Dale Hart writes:- I wish to deny that Percy T. Wilkinson is one of my alter-egos. Percy is an entity apart from Dale Hart. In the 4th issue, the editor said that Percy "may or may not exist." Well, Percy does exist. He is now a very rabid fan. I brought[[?]] him back to s-f [[after?]] he had been absent for about six years. I know it seems easy to think that Percy is me. Bothy of us live in Highlands, and our box numbers are 1360 and 1361 respectively. Both of us type fan material on his typewriter. Both of us use small sheets furnished by me. Most of our material to date has been sent in together, having come from my address. And it doesn't seem likely that two real fans live in a small Texas town near Houston. But-- both of us belong to the FAPA. Would I want two mailings? Baltadonis has complete descriptions of both of us. We are sharply defined individuals. Perhaps FANTASCIENCE DIGEST will be sent a photo showing Hart and Wilkinson together. In view of this, please consider the two separate. (Considered--RAM) When reading an article by PTW, don't privately think that Hart is the author. Instead, give credit to a new fan! Helen Cloukey writes:- When I received my copy of the 4th FD, I was quite agreeably surprised. First of all,t he method of sending is much better than your previous method. The magazines arrive so neat and satisfactory. I noticed "Micronism[[?]]," but thought Hahn's piece was better. I think that Frome's story was good until the third paragraph. Kuttner's was swell! It really hit[[?]]
THE READER COMMENTS GIUNTA Louis Kuslan writes:- Haivng received FANTASCIENCE DIGEST quite a while ago, and after giving it a thoro perusing, I'm going to give my opinion of the issue. The cover was pretty good, although it isn't as good yet as I'd like to see it. Let's hope that Agnew improves as hes been doing so far. The outstanding article was the one by Hank Kuttner. It certainly looks like he's right. Dale Hart also did some good writing in his two articles (I think he wrote the "Eulogy" also). (He did--RAM) Cadrell's article was ok, but the illustration, whew! Wilkinson's stuff wasn't s-f. The convention review, also ok. The readers' column was the best department. As for the story, all I'll say is that you're supposed to be an s-f fan mag. Let's not have weird stuff. (FANTASCIENCE covers both fantasy and science fiction--RAM) As for the editorial, I wish you would not boost FD unduly. You may think the issue good, the readers may disagree, and it's the readers who are the judges. (Kee-rect--RAM) Mark Reisnberg writes:- A word about your swell mag. Judging from the copy I received, FANTASCIENCE DIGEST is due to really go places. Save for perhaps a lit- tle more care in the art work, it can't be improved upon. Dale Hart writes:- I wish to deny that Percy T. Wilkinson is one of my alter-egos. Percy is an entity apart from Dale Hart. In the 4th issue, the editor said that Percy "may or may not exist." Well, Percy does exist. He is now a very rabid fan. I brought[[?]] him back to s-f [[after?]] he had been absent for about six years. I know it seems easy to think that Percy is me. Bothy of us live in Highlands, and our box numbers are 1360 and 1361 respectively. Both of us type fan material on his typewriter. Both of us use small sheets furnished by me. Most of our material to date has been sent in together, having come from my address. And it doesn't seem likely that two real fans live in a small Texas town near Houston. But-- both of us belong to the FAPA. Would I want two mailings? Baltadonis has complete descriptions of both of us. We are sharply defined individuals. Perhaps FANTASCIENCE DIGEST will be sent a photo showing Hart and Wilkinson together. In view of this, please consider the two separate. (Considered--RAM) When reading an article by PTW, don't privately think that Hart is the author. Instead, give credit to a new fan! Helen Cloukey writes:- When I received my copy of the 4th FD, I was quite agreeably surprised. First of all,t he method of sending is much better than your previous method. The magazines arrive so neat and satisfactory. I noticed "Micronism[[?]]," but thought Hahn's piece was better. I think that Frome's story was good until the third paragraph. Kuttner's was swell! It really hit[[?]]
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