Dream Quest, v. 1, issue 1, July 1947
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the gas jet: * EDITORIAL * Well, here you are -- DREAM QUEST #1. And everybody, especially the critics, immediately sigh: "Who gives a damn?" and return to their copies of THE SHAVER MYSTERY and Part III of Mandark. But it's our sincere hope that some day this humble zine may rate among the top ten. Compared with FANTASY ADVERTISER, SHANGRI-L' AFFAIRES, FANTASY COMMENTATOR, GROTESQUE, and the memories of such defunct publications as VAMPIRE and SCIENTIFCTIONIST, our rating won't be much to brag about on next year's polls. And, of course, beside VORTEX all mimeoed junk pales into insignificance. But maybe, someday....... The first, and we feel most important, business at hand is the asking -- begging, if you want -- for material with which to fill the second issue. Nobody likes an individzine -- neither critics nor readers nor editor. We don't want the second issue of our magazine to be an individizine; for that reason, you guys should send us material. We are going to stress variety -- you see something of what we want in this issue. We want the same cross section from now on, ranging in treatment from the type of Speer's article to the treatment given by Kennedy. And everything in between. We have leaned rather heavily toward reviews in this first issue, entirely without intention on our part; maybe we should continue that way. Anyway, we will accept just about anything dealing with fantasy in any form, unless it might land us in a dispute with the postal authorities or a libel suit. Keep the material rolling in! We'd like to print everything that might have gone to STFIST had it not died, from there on down (or up) to the type which is currently run in SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES. We also need letters of comment. As Burbee says, they make us feel that somebody reads the stuff we sweat over. Also they give us valuable ideas. And they enable us to eliminate the stuff that you guys don't like. And to add the stuff you would like to see. Don't hesitate to pan the hell out of anything in the issue if you want. We desire your honest opinion, and your suggestions. Let's make CAVE OF THE WINDS a mammoth department. We desire to arrange trades with any and all fanzines, American, foreign, subterranean, extra-terrestrial, and inter-dimensional. If you turn out anything which might be called a fanzine, contact us and we'll arrange a trade with you. This goes for semipros like Gillings' and Cowie-Kull's too. For those of you who don't print anything, you can get subscriptions for money or free copies for material. For every acceptable article, story, poem, review, satire, drawing, or what-have-you we add one issue to your subscription. Anybody doing a regular column can have a free lifetime subscription. We will also give free advertising space for material -- say a quarter page for every thousand words. Fair enough? Okay, get your crud in to us. - 2 [[?]] -
the gas jet: * EDITORIAL * Well, here you are -- DREAM QUEST #1. And everybody, especially the critics, immediately sigh: "Who gives a damn?" and return to their copies of THE SHAVER MYSTERY and Part III of Mandark. But it's our sincere hope that some day this humble zine may rate among the top ten. Compared with FANTASY ADVERTISER, SHANGRI-L' AFFAIRES, FANTASY COMMENTATOR, GROTESQUE, and the memories of such defunct publications as VAMPIRE and SCIENTIFCTIONIST, our rating won't be much to brag about on next year's polls. And, of course, beside VORTEX all mimeoed junk pales into insignificance. But maybe, someday....... The first, and we feel most important, business at hand is the asking -- begging, if you want -- for material with which to fill the second issue. Nobody likes an individzine -- neither critics nor readers nor editor. We don't want the second issue of our magazine to be an individizine; for that reason, you guys should send us material. We are going to stress variety -- you see something of what we want in this issue. We want the same cross section from now on, ranging in treatment from the type of Speer's article to the treatment given by Kennedy. And everything in between. We have leaned rather heavily toward reviews in this first issue, entirely without intention on our part; maybe we should continue that way. Anyway, we will accept just about anything dealing with fantasy in any form, unless it might land us in a dispute with the postal authorities or a libel suit. Keep the material rolling in! We'd like to print everything that might have gone to STFIST had it not died, from there on down (or up) to the type which is currently run in SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES. We also need letters of comment. As Burbee says, they make us feel that somebody reads the stuff we sweat over. Also they give us valuable ideas. And they enable us to eliminate the stuff that you guys don't like. And to add the stuff you would like to see. Don't hesitate to pan the hell out of anything in the issue if you want. We desire your honest opinion, and your suggestions. Let's make CAVE OF THE WINDS a mammoth department. We desire to arrange trades with any and all fanzines, American, foreign, subterranean, extra-terrestrial, and inter-dimensional. If you turn out anything which might be called a fanzine, contact us and we'll arrange a trade with you. This goes for semipros like Gillings' and Cowie-Kull's too. For those of you who don't print anything, you can get subscriptions for money or free copies for material. For every acceptable article, story, poem, review, satire, drawing, or what-have-you we add one issue to your subscription. Anybody doing a regular column can have a free lifetime subscription. We will also give free advertising space for material -- say a quarter page for every thousand words. Fair enough? Okay, get your crud in to us. - 2 [[?]] -
Hevelin Fanzines