Dream Quest, v. 1, issue 1, July 1947
Page 16
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-16- "AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTEREST........." by the Editor Those of you who were unfortunate enough to read our advance publicity no doubt remember one statement made therein: "Included in the first issue will be an important announcement of interest to any real fan." Well, here is that announcement. We will leave the decision as to whether or not the thing is important enough to interest any real fan up to you. In one of the issues of the dear late VAMPIRE, Leslie Croutch asked why we could not issue some fan books, as well as fan mags, once in a while. Many fans have talked about fan fiction, fan poetry, fan art, in the past; many have also talked about reprints. There you have our idea. Yes, we plan to issue fan "book." Yes, we plan to reprint fan fiction in those books -- and we also plan to reprint all phases of the best fan writings of yesterday -- PROVIDED we can obtain your assistance. That is where the "any real fan" comes in. As we are not too experienced in publishing as yet, we plan to make our first effort the smallest one -- an anthology of fan poetry. The size of this anthology will depend entirely upon you. For we are not going to go around buying old fanzines hunting for poetry -- we must have some way to get our filthy paws on it otherwise. We, therefore, ask that all persons who have old fanzines -- pre-1946 -- in their possession, which contain any poems, to (1) copy the poetry together with full credit to author, magazine, editor, etc, and send to us (2) to tell us of the existence of fanzines in your possession containing poetry, description of poem, etc., after which we will tell you what to send (3) to send the fanzine itself. We guarantee to return all fanzines sent to us in the condition in which they were received. Any losses will be paid for in full amount which the fanzine would normally bring on the second-hand market. Anyone who is willing to give any type of assistance in this venture -- contributions of material, information, or anything that you feel might be of use in compiling this poetry anthology -- is requested to send it along to us. Newsies and other zines are requested to pass along this information, since this first issue's circulation is very low. Thanks. When the anthology is complete, it will be decorated with artwork by Howard Miller, carefully mimeoed on good paper and bound with either staple or hand-tied cord, depending on the size. The presence of litho covers is a very remote possibility. After the poetry anthology has been completed, we plan to go on to other fields of reprinting -- fiction, humor, serious articles,. And finally, or at least a long time from now when we are richer and more experienced, we plan to begin work on a history of fandom in the form of reprints -- news reported on-the-spot as it happened. Any projects of this kind will obviously depend on the amount of help and assistance that outsiders give us. So let us hear from you! GOLDEN GATE IN '48!!
-16- "AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTEREST........." by the Editor Those of you who were unfortunate enough to read our advance publicity no doubt remember one statement made therein: "Included in the first issue will be an important announcement of interest to any real fan." Well, here is that announcement. We will leave the decision as to whether or not the thing is important enough to interest any real fan up to you. In one of the issues of the dear late VAMPIRE, Leslie Croutch asked why we could not issue some fan books, as well as fan mags, once in a while. Many fans have talked about fan fiction, fan poetry, fan art, in the past; many have also talked about reprints. There you have our idea. Yes, we plan to issue fan "book." Yes, we plan to reprint fan fiction in those books -- and we also plan to reprint all phases of the best fan writings of yesterday -- PROVIDED we can obtain your assistance. That is where the "any real fan" comes in. As we are not too experienced in publishing as yet, we plan to make our first effort the smallest one -- an anthology of fan poetry. The size of this anthology will depend entirely upon you. For we are not going to go around buying old fanzines hunting for poetry -- we must have some way to get our filthy paws on it otherwise. We, therefore, ask that all persons who have old fanzines -- pre-1946 -- in their possession, which contain any poems, to (1) copy the poetry together with full credit to author, magazine, editor, etc, and send to us (2) to tell us of the existence of fanzines in your possession containing poetry, description of poem, etc., after which we will tell you what to send (3) to send the fanzine itself. We guarantee to return all fanzines sent to us in the condition in which they were received. Any losses will be paid for in full amount which the fanzine would normally bring on the second-hand market. Anyone who is willing to give any type of assistance in this venture -- contributions of material, information, or anything that you feel might be of use in compiling this poetry anthology -- is requested to send it along to us. Newsies and other zines are requested to pass along this information, since this first issue's circulation is very low. Thanks. When the anthology is complete, it will be decorated with artwork by Howard Miller, carefully mimeoed on good paper and bound with either staple or hand-tied cord, depending on the size. The presence of litho covers is a very remote possibility. After the poetry anthology has been completed, we plan to go on to other fields of reprinting -- fiction, humor, serious articles,. And finally, or at least a long time from now when we are richer and more experienced, we plan to begin work on a history of fandom in the form of reprints -- news reported on-the-spot as it happened. Any projects of this kind will obviously depend on the amount of help and assistance that outsiders give us. So let us hear from you! GOLDEN GATE IN '48!!
Hevelin Fanzines