Diablerie, v. 1, issue 3, March 1944
Page 21
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21 ABOUT OUR CONTRIBUTORS We'll make these introductions short, sweet, and otherwise inconspicuous. What's more, if they were longer we'd be running out of paper, so - - Frank Holby is, quite naturally, a Bay Arca fan. He writes, tells jokes, and can drink any of us under the table, so he's an all-around likable fellow. As proof of his existence - - some ask - - he's had letters in Astounding and Startling. You contact him at that same address, in case you need an article... Our own private little gold mine is Eddie Clinton, though we lent him once, merely momentarily, however, to Mike Fern for a review in his zine. Eddie attends college, and consequently does not have much time for fanning. What time he does have, though, he puts to good use such as writing The Works. Everybody knows T B Yerke. The adjective usually connected with his name is caustic, tho that goddam sonuva---- has occasionally been substituted. Ne Fumer Pas is definitely off trail stuff for Bruce, cause in it he doesn't hand anyone a bawling out. We still like it. Geo Ebey is poet, satirist, Merchant Mariner, and, of course, fan. He first won recognition with his verse in DAWN, published last spring. He then helped in ediitng SAPPHO, which flopped after its third issue. He is now sailing over the bounding main, to Australia. Ray Karden bats out a zine called CLUSTER, one of our favorites. He's new to the fan field, and is generally rather clever and witty. We hope to have an article from Karden for our fourth ish. Lea is a pen name for any and all of the Bay Area fans who wish to use that particular handle for something that doesn't blend with their usual style. 'Twas created by Bill Watson, and first used in the all-poetry magazine, SAPPHO. About Sara Borschow we know practically nothing, other than she lives in San Antonio, Texas, and is in some sort of contact with the LASFS gang. As a matter of fact, Naughty, Naughty! came to us by way of Mel Brown, a member of that society. For that, we thank him. Maliano was, or rather, is, a friend of Bill Watson. The latter one day tacked his name onto an illustration for Fran Laney and Acolyte, and has been doing so ever since. The pseudonym has also been used for a couple of articles etc. Walt Liebscher is one of those likable fellows from Slan Shack, back in Battle Creek. He actually sent us McFinch without being solicited, and for that we again say thanks. 'Twas truly an amazing occurence. Walt is now engaged in publishing CHANTICLEER. Good luck! Bill Watson, illustrator this ish, is also your honorable editor. Well, at least your editor. He likes to scribble on the back of butcher paper, as is readily apparent in this issue. Can whistle "Never took a lession in my life!" with astounding dexterity, and everyone believes him. His nature is like Yerke's, with, to quote his friend Kepner, "a touch of sadism to boot". He laughs like hell at auto-accidents.
21 ABOUT OUR CONTRIBUTORS We'll make these introductions short, sweet, and otherwise inconspicuous. What's more, if they were longer we'd be running out of paper, so - - Frank Holby is, quite naturally, a Bay Arca fan. He writes, tells jokes, and can drink any of us under the table, so he's an all-around likable fellow. As proof of his existence - - some ask - - he's had letters in Astounding and Startling. You contact him at that same address, in case you need an article... Our own private little gold mine is Eddie Clinton, though we lent him once, merely momentarily, however, to Mike Fern for a review in his zine. Eddie attends college, and consequently does not have much time for fanning. What time he does have, though, he puts to good use such as writing The Works. Everybody knows T B Yerke. The adjective usually connected with his name is caustic, tho that goddam sonuva---- has occasionally been substituted. Ne Fumer Pas is definitely off trail stuff for Bruce, cause in it he doesn't hand anyone a bawling out. We still like it. Geo Ebey is poet, satirist, Merchant Mariner, and, of course, fan. He first won recognition with his verse in DAWN, published last spring. He then helped in ediitng SAPPHO, which flopped after its third issue. He is now sailing over the bounding main, to Australia. Ray Karden bats out a zine called CLUSTER, one of our favorites. He's new to the fan field, and is generally rather clever and witty. We hope to have an article from Karden for our fourth ish. Lea is a pen name for any and all of the Bay Area fans who wish to use that particular handle for something that doesn't blend with their usual style. 'Twas created by Bill Watson, and first used in the all-poetry magazine, SAPPHO. About Sara Borschow we know practically nothing, other than she lives in San Antonio, Texas, and is in some sort of contact with the LASFS gang. As a matter of fact, Naughty, Naughty! came to us by way of Mel Brown, a member of that society. For that, we thank him. Maliano was, or rather, is, a friend of Bill Watson. The latter one day tacked his name onto an illustration for Fran Laney and Acolyte, and has been doing so ever since. The pseudonym has also been used for a couple of articles etc. Walt Liebscher is one of those likable fellows from Slan Shack, back in Battle Creek. He actually sent us McFinch without being solicited, and for that we again say thanks. 'Twas truly an amazing occurence. Walt is now engaged in publishing CHANTICLEER. Good luck! Bill Watson, illustrator this ish, is also your honorable editor. Well, at least your editor. He likes to scribble on the back of butcher paper, as is readily apparent in this issue. Can whistle "Never took a lession in my life!" with astounding dexterity, and everyone believes him. His nature is like Yerke's, with, to quote his friend Kepner, "a touch of sadism to boot". He laughs like hell at auto-accidents.
Hevelin Fanzines