CFS Review, v. 1, issue 4, July 1941
Page 5
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FLASH! FLASH! This is perhaps what one reads In stories. We had just run off the last stencil and were ready to assemble the Review and staple it when we received a special delivery air mail from Erle Korshak. Imagine our surprise and chagrin when he announced that he was not only coming to the Denventlon but also had accepted our offer of auctioneer, after we had stated elsewhere in the issue that Julius Unger was appointed. Since Erle has right of priority and consequently is given the office of auctioneer. Since he didn't answer our previous letter we did not know he had accepted our other position as exclusive Chicago Representative and consequently was omitted on the page of officers, however he should be considered as on there. ---- Well, unless something else happens within the next hour this'll be the last word. We'll see you guys and gals here within three weeks. — so long —
FLASH! FLASH! This is perhaps what one reads In stories. We had just run off the last stencil and were ready to assemble the Review and staple it when we received a special delivery air mail from Erle Korshak. Imagine our surprise and chagrin when he announced that he was not only coming to the Denventlon but also had accepted our offer of auctioneer, after we had stated elsewhere in the issue that Julius Unger was appointed. Since Erle has right of priority and consequently is given the office of auctioneer. Since he didn't answer our previous letter we did not know he had accepted our other position as exclusive Chicago Representative and consequently was omitted on the page of officers, however he should be considered as on there. ---- Well, unless something else happens within the next hour this'll be the last word. We'll see you guys and gals here within three weeks. — so long —
Hevelin Fanzines