Fantasite, v. 1, issue 1, November 1940
Page 13
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THE FANTASITE......... 13 Along the magazine line, #5 FANFARE will have stuff by Ackerman, Warner, Oliver Davis, Chauvenet, Joe Gilbert, and a little yarn by your columnist called "Scarred Wrist" ..... Widner writes that the symbolical cover by Knight is a "corker" ........ The Annissue of SPACEWAYS promises to be a big affair, among which will be Campbell, Gnaedinger, and Quinn ....... Earl Singleton's new mag of poetry, NEPENTHE, Is nearly ready for sale ........ Have you seen the swell hekto job on #4 FANFARE, done probably by Earl Singleton on a direct process duplicator? ........ CENTAUR, a proposed new mag to be put out by Philip A. Schumann of Milwaukee, will have stuff by Ackerman (an article on Bernal), Farley, Bronson, and yours truly ........ At the Chicon I saw the original art work for Miske's new mag, BIZARRE, and let me tell you, they were swell! When I saw Bok's drawings I plunked down fifty cents for a subscription without a word ... PLUTO #5 will have a thing by a certain Prof. Genipuss called "The Expanding Universe". #6 PLUTO will have a 1700 word yarn by Henry Andrew Ackermann........By the way, those screwy verses in PLUTO appearing after each letter were written by Vincent Manning, Marvis' cousin. Did you know that Marvis Manning, one of the editors of PLUTO has a very pretty wife? And so has Richard Frank, editor of the Bizarre series, who brought her to the Chicon on their honeymoon.. Already the Denvention is under way with the formation of the Colorado Fantasy Society. There's not a person who attended the Chicon who doesn't feel that these conventions are the best things ever. I can hardly wait for the Denver pow-wow ((Ditto - PB)) - and I'll have to hitch hike too. There's a queer little story in the November COSMOPOLITAN called "The Bronzes of Martel Greer" by Thyra Samter Winslow. It is written very restrainedly, and it's all about a sculptor who transforms living girls and men (girls mostly) into tiny bronze statues. Robert Bloch is working on the yarn "The Corpse That Would Not Stay Buried"........ Ralph Milne Farley was last seen working on a sequel to a FANTASTIC ADVENTURE yarn which Palmer had accepted but had not yet printed; and now that the magazine has folded up, RMF does not know whether to finish the sequel or not. It was called "Paradise Regained" - a title that Palmer will never use, you can bet ........ Art Tofte will soon start to work on a yarn for AMAZING about an invasion of the U.S. in 1943 or so, in which the enemy uses 1940 weapons and the U.S. uses the weapons dreampt up by science fiction authors. If Farley's stories appear - the French Foreign Legion put on Mars with red dust instead of white, the author responsible for the fight scene in the cafe will be Al Nelson........ Clifford Simak has two yarns coming up in ASTOUNDING: "Mercurian Masqyerade" and "Sunspot Purge". ((SP in Nov AST -PB) He says: " 'Masquerade' is backgrounded in Mercury and I pride myself that it is one of the first, if not the first, story ever written in which Mercury is presented as it should be in the light of present day knowledge. It is a typical Campbell story, introduces a race of beings which can masquerade as any life form and make the masquerade stick. The Earthman wins in the climax but only temporarily." ........ Cliff also says he has a take-off on a robot story which is now at TWS and will probably bounce. And another yarn by he and Carl Jacobi is at UNKNOWN. The latter author has almost quit the s-f field, is writing adventure and working on a detective-mystery book........ I suppose this column would not be complete without some mention of the Chicon and the doings there. I won't say much, because the others have pretty
THE FANTASITE......... 13 Along the magazine line, #5 FANFARE will have stuff by Ackerman, Warner, Oliver Davis, Chauvenet, Joe Gilbert, and a little yarn by your columnist called "Scarred Wrist" ..... Widner writes that the symbolical cover by Knight is a "corker" ........ The Annissue of SPACEWAYS promises to be a big affair, among which will be Campbell, Gnaedinger, and Quinn ....... Earl Singleton's new mag of poetry, NEPENTHE, Is nearly ready for sale ........ Have you seen the swell hekto job on #4 FANFARE, done probably by Earl Singleton on a direct process duplicator? ........ CENTAUR, a proposed new mag to be put out by Philip A. Schumann of Milwaukee, will have stuff by Ackerman (an article on Bernal), Farley, Bronson, and yours truly ........ At the Chicon I saw the original art work for Miske's new mag, BIZARRE, and let me tell you, they were swell! When I saw Bok's drawings I plunked down fifty cents for a subscription without a word ... PLUTO #5 will have a thing by a certain Prof. Genipuss called "The Expanding Universe". #6 PLUTO will have a 1700 word yarn by Henry Andrew Ackermann........By the way, those screwy verses in PLUTO appearing after each letter were written by Vincent Manning, Marvis' cousin. Did you know that Marvis Manning, one of the editors of PLUTO has a very pretty wife? And so has Richard Frank, editor of the Bizarre series, who brought her to the Chicon on their honeymoon.. Already the Denvention is under way with the formation of the Colorado Fantasy Society. There's not a person who attended the Chicon who doesn't feel that these conventions are the best things ever. I can hardly wait for the Denver pow-wow ((Ditto - PB)) - and I'll have to hitch hike too. There's a queer little story in the November COSMOPOLITAN called "The Bronzes of Martel Greer" by Thyra Samter Winslow. It is written very restrainedly, and it's all about a sculptor who transforms living girls and men (girls mostly) into tiny bronze statues. Robert Bloch is working on the yarn "The Corpse That Would Not Stay Buried"........ Ralph Milne Farley was last seen working on a sequel to a FANTASTIC ADVENTURE yarn which Palmer had accepted but had not yet printed; and now that the magazine has folded up, RMF does not know whether to finish the sequel or not. It was called "Paradise Regained" - a title that Palmer will never use, you can bet ........ Art Tofte will soon start to work on a yarn for AMAZING about an invasion of the U.S. in 1943 or so, in which the enemy uses 1940 weapons and the U.S. uses the weapons dreampt up by science fiction authors. If Farley's stories appear - the French Foreign Legion put on Mars with red dust instead of white, the author responsible for the fight scene in the cafe will be Al Nelson........ Clifford Simak has two yarns coming up in ASTOUNDING: "Mercurian Masqyerade" and "Sunspot Purge". ((SP in Nov AST -PB) He says: " 'Masquerade' is backgrounded in Mercury and I pride myself that it is one of the first, if not the first, story ever written in which Mercury is presented as it should be in the light of present day knowledge. It is a typical Campbell story, introduces a race of beings which can masquerade as any life form and make the masquerade stick. The Earthman wins in the climax but only temporarily." ........ Cliff also says he has a take-off on a robot story which is now at TWS and will probably bounce. And another yarn by he and Carl Jacobi is at UNKNOWN. The latter author has almost quit the s-f field, is writing adventure and working on a detective-mystery book........ I suppose this column would not be complete without some mention of the Chicon and the doings there. I won't say much, because the others have pretty
Hevelin Fanzines