En Garde, whole no. 16, January 1946
Page 2
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page 2. DEBRIS DEPARTMENT AGED MAN KILLS WIFE, SELF AND "OTHER WOMAN" The final chapter of a triangle love affair was written in Battle Creek, Mich., recently, when John H. Wills, 74, a wealthy retired business man murdered his wife, Ella, 68, and Mrs. Maggie M. Steward, 53, and then committed suicide. Under the pretense of taking Mrs. Steward for a ride, Wills drove her to a remote spot six miles from the city, shot her in the head and then cut her throat with a razor. Upon returning home, he immediately shot his wife and then killed himself. -----Weird Tales, October 1923 (filter item ((Seems odd, somehow, to read this bit of hometown news in 1945, and from a 1923 issue of Weird Tales. And just what was it doing in Weird Tales in the first place? Fantastic, isn't it?)) B-4 CASTING DEPARTMENT Now In Production "SHADOWS FROM THE FUTURE" This issue of En Garde winds up four long years of regular publication. Considering the reputation the Editor acquired with the publication of NOVA, this is assuredly a startling and momentous fact. In fact, the Editor was so struck by this amazing event that it seemed fitting to celebrate in some fashion. Wherefore, the next issue, the first issue of En Garde's FIFTH YEAR, will be a SUPER-DOOPER, ANNIVERSARY ISSUE!!! Don't miss it! However, one embarks upon this project with some little trepidation. Not long ago, another member of FAPA announced for the next mailing, a "gala issue". It not only never appeared but the member dropped out of FAPA---and Fandom too. Of course fans are too intelligent to be superstitious. Still as Campbell is so fond of saying, "But-------". Anyway, it is to be hoped that the rest of the FAPA membership will cooperate by keeping their fingers crossed, and bolster our hope that En Garde doesn't meet with the same dire fate. Watch for the Anniversary Issue of EN GARDE!!!
page 2. DEBRIS DEPARTMENT AGED MAN KILLS WIFE, SELF AND "OTHER WOMAN" The final chapter of a triangle love affair was written in Battle Creek, Mich., recently, when John H. Wills, 74, a wealthy retired business man murdered his wife, Ella, 68, and Mrs. Maggie M. Steward, 53, and then committed suicide. Under the pretense of taking Mrs. Steward for a ride, Wills drove her to a remote spot six miles from the city, shot her in the head and then cut her throat with a razor. Upon returning home, he immediately shot his wife and then killed himself. -----Weird Tales, October 1923 (filter item ((Seems odd, somehow, to read this bit of hometown news in 1945, and from a 1923 issue of Weird Tales. And just what was it doing in Weird Tales in the first place? Fantastic, isn't it?)) B-4 CASTING DEPARTMENT Now In Production "SHADOWS FROM THE FUTURE" This issue of En Garde winds up four long years of regular publication. Considering the reputation the Editor acquired with the publication of NOVA, this is assuredly a startling and momentous fact. In fact, the Editor was so struck by this amazing event that it seemed fitting to celebrate in some fashion. Wherefore, the next issue, the first issue of En Garde's FIFTH YEAR, will be a SUPER-DOOPER, ANNIVERSARY ISSUE!!! Don't miss it! However, one embarks upon this project with some little trepidation. Not long ago, another member of FAPA announced for the next mailing, a "gala issue". It not only never appeared but the member dropped out of FAPA---and Fandom too. Of course fans are too intelligent to be superstitious. Still as Campbell is so fond of saying, "But-------". Anyway, it is to be hoped that the rest of the FAPA membership will cooperate by keeping their fingers crossed, and bolster our hope that En Garde doesn't meet with the same dire fate. Watch for the Anniversary Issue of EN GARDE!!!
Hevelin Fanzines