Spacewarp, v. 5, issue 2, whole no. 26, May 1949
Page 4
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Until then, no thanks, Mr. Thayer. I'll do my own sneering at dogmatism. Or am I being too unorthodox? MIMEO-HECTO COVERS pose a honey of a technical problem -- the mimeo, if working right, prints in the same position on sheet after sheet, but the uniformity of placement of the hecto depends on your steadiness of hand as you drop the paper on the gelatin pad. As the February and March issues showed, the covers are a bit lousy unless the registration is within about a thirty-second of an inch. It took us two months to invent the solution to the problem, which turned out to be deceptively simple. Full details upon request, but in the meantime, how's YOUR ingenuity? Can you figure a way of running hecto'd pages thru a mimeo so the lines hit where they should in relation to the color? AN ITEM in today's paper caught our eyes: one of those now-it-can-be-told things; the War Food Administration bought a million pounds of pickled beef in Cuba during 1943, which proved unfit for consumption and was dumped into the Atlantic under strict secrecy because of the effect it would have had upon the morale of meat-rationed civilians in the U.S. We wonder how many other interesting things happened -- or are still happening -- which we aren't being told about because the guys responsible for the snafu feel we might not like it? IT SEEMS to us that the character of fandom is changing. These days there seems to be less and less activity on a national scale, and more and more on the local level. The group of unorganized fen (mostly from rural areas where there weren't enuf to start a local club) is almost extinct -- or at least, inactive. No one starts a general fanzine any more; they form a local club and put out an OO. Where is the 1949 crop of new fen who plot to overthrow all existant fanorganization and establish their own enlightened rule? Where are the reactionaries to scream against Korzybski as the holdouts of yore did against HPL? Fooey, to borrow Singer's immortal phrase, fandom 1949 is naught but a gullible herd. From the polite and considerate way in which differences of opinion are discussed, anyone would thing fen were a bunch of gentlemen! First hopeful sign we've seen in months is Sam McCoy's letter in "Quien Sabe?" this month. And even that is certainly not much to show for the insults which Redd has hurled at you-all for the past several months. WE THINK we'll take a poll. Answer, pliz: (1) Rank these prozines; the one you like to read the most 1st, the one you like least, 10th, etc.: aSF, AMZ, SS, TWS, FFM, FN, FA, SSS, AFR, WT (2) Name a couple of your favorite authors; a couple whose work you can't stand. What's your favorite story of all time? (3) Which promag has the best cover art? The best interior art? Who is the best artist? The worst? (4) Do you collect prozines? ALL of 'em? How big is your collection? Do you save fanzines? Do you collect fantasy in book form? How many? (5) Do you belong to NFFF? A regional fanclub? A local fanclub? Have you ever met other fen? What did you think of 'em (No names necessary). --curiously, r-tRapp 4
Until then, no thanks, Mr. Thayer. I'll do my own sneering at dogmatism. Or am I being too unorthodox? MIMEO-HECTO COVERS pose a honey of a technical problem -- the mimeo, if working right, prints in the same position on sheet after sheet, but the uniformity of placement of the hecto depends on your steadiness of hand as you drop the paper on the gelatin pad. As the February and March issues showed, the covers are a bit lousy unless the registration is within about a thirty-second of an inch. It took us two months to invent the solution to the problem, which turned out to be deceptively simple. Full details upon request, but in the meantime, how's YOUR ingenuity? Can you figure a way of running hecto'd pages thru a mimeo so the lines hit where they should in relation to the color? AN ITEM in today's paper caught our eyes: one of those now-it-can-be-told things; the War Food Administration bought a million pounds of pickled beef in Cuba during 1943, which proved unfit for consumption and was dumped into the Atlantic under strict secrecy because of the effect it would have had upon the morale of meat-rationed civilians in the U.S. We wonder how many other interesting things happened -- or are still happening -- which we aren't being told about because the guys responsible for the snafu feel we might not like it? IT SEEMS to us that the character of fandom is changing. These days there seems to be less and less activity on a national scale, and more and more on the local level. The group of unorganized fen (mostly from rural areas where there weren't enuf to start a local club) is almost extinct -- or at least, inactive. No one starts a general fanzine any more; they form a local club and put out an OO. Where is the 1949 crop of new fen who plot to overthrow all existant fanorganization and establish their own enlightened rule? Where are the reactionaries to scream against Korzybski as the holdouts of yore did against HPL? Fooey, to borrow Singer's immortal phrase, fandom 1949 is naught but a gullible herd. From the polite and considerate way in which differences of opinion are discussed, anyone would thing fen were a bunch of gentlemen! First hopeful sign we've seen in months is Sam McCoy's letter in "Quien Sabe?" this month. And even that is certainly not much to show for the insults which Redd has hurled at you-all for the past several months. WE THINK we'll take a poll. Answer, pliz: (1) Rank these prozines; the one you like to read the most 1st, the one you like least, 10th, etc.: aSF, AMZ, SS, TWS, FFM, FN, FA, SSS, AFR, WT (2) Name a couple of your favorite authors; a couple whose work you can't stand. What's your favorite story of all time? (3) Which promag has the best cover art? The best interior art? Who is the best artist? The worst? (4) Do you collect prozines? ALL of 'em? How big is your collection? Do you save fanzines? Do you collect fantasy in book form? How many? (5) Do you belong to NFFF? A regional fanclub? A local fanclub? Have you ever met other fen? What did you think of 'em (No names necessary). --curiously, r-tRapp 4
Hevelin Fanzines