Fandango, v. 1, issue 2, whole no. 6, Fall 1944
Page 5
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discussion by the application of well known principles of common-sense logic. The Regulator shall be elected by a simple majority and serve until such time as a simple majority deems it desirable to replace him, or until such time as he himself desires to resign; and a Secretary-Treasurer, whose duties will be (a) to be the official correspondent for the group with other groups and parties and (b) to receive and account for whatsoever funds the group raises or receives [[underline]] MEMBERSHIP [[/underline]]: [[underline]] The Outsiders [[/underline]] is a closed organization, membership being obtainable through invitation and acclaim. As this group is endeavoring to function on democratic principles, the great emphasis is laid on personal and individual integrity on the part of the members and their attitude towards the club, their own group behavior, and towards the consideration of new members as proposed by any member in good standing. All persons who are members shall pay one dollar per month to the Secretary-Treasurer, due at the beginning of each month. This money shall be established as a holding fund, disbursements to be controlled by a three-fourths majority vote. From this group such persons as are willing and able to contribute to Project M shall be recruited. Project M, though a project of [[underline]] The Outsiders [[/underline]], is not to be construed as the primary purpose of this group nor is participation in this project to be construed as requisite for membership in the group. [[underline]] MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES [[/underline]]: It should be emphasized again that [[underline]] The Outsiders [[/underline]] is not constructed along parliamentary or constitutional lines. The group is informal at all times. Meetings shall be called on any regular or irregular date. However, to assure fair-play, any meeting at which large amounts of money are to be disbursed or whereat major policy changes are to be considered, must be announced within ten days of the time of said meeting. Unusual situations shall be acted on by those present, and it is presumed intelligent consideration will be given to all aspects of any such situation. To facilitiate the presentation of proposals to the group, those persons interested should meet in committee sessions at some date prior to the meeting and work out their proposal so as to clarify it among themselves before occupying the members' time with it. In consideration of the fact that the membership is to be selected with the utmost consideration, it is felt that further regulations will be more of a technical morass than an assistance; and it is further assumed that the intelligence of the individuals concerned will be sufficient and ample to overcome unusual situations, which no amount of written jurisprudence can completely foresee. It is hoped that this system of acclaim and consideration will prove successful; inasmuch as parliamentary procedure has in the past proven impractical with a group of this nature. *********************************************** [[underline]] FILLER [[/underline]]: Several of the members seem to have missed the point of my various remarks in previous [[underline]] Fan-Dangos [[/underline]] anent adultery, free-love, and the like. I definitely do NOT hold that adultery, per se, is a necessary accomplishment of the well-rounded individual. What I have been trying to get at is this: fans, generally, are very poorly (or should I say [[underline]] purely [[/underline]]?) adjusted to sex. A little good clean adultery is far more acceptable to me personally that the spectical of young adult males whose sex life is largely characterized by its absence. [[underline]] Either [[/underline]] ad adulterer or a celibate is probably sexually maladjusted. -- 5 --
discussion by the application of well known principles of common-sense logic. The Regulator shall be elected by a simple majority and serve until such time as a simple majority deems it desirable to replace him, or until such time as he himself desires to resign; and a Secretary-Treasurer, whose duties will be (a) to be the official correspondent for the group with other groups and parties and (b) to receive and account for whatsoever funds the group raises or receives [[underline]] MEMBERSHIP [[/underline]]: [[underline]] The Outsiders [[/underline]] is a closed organization, membership being obtainable through invitation and acclaim. As this group is endeavoring to function on democratic principles, the great emphasis is laid on personal and individual integrity on the part of the members and their attitude towards the club, their own group behavior, and towards the consideration of new members as proposed by any member in good standing. All persons who are members shall pay one dollar per month to the Secretary-Treasurer, due at the beginning of each month. This money shall be established as a holding fund, disbursements to be controlled by a three-fourths majority vote. From this group such persons as are willing and able to contribute to Project M shall be recruited. Project M, though a project of [[underline]] The Outsiders [[/underline]], is not to be construed as the primary purpose of this group nor is participation in this project to be construed as requisite for membership in the group. [[underline]] MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES [[/underline]]: It should be emphasized again that [[underline]] The Outsiders [[/underline]] is not constructed along parliamentary or constitutional lines. The group is informal at all times. Meetings shall be called on any regular or irregular date. However, to assure fair-play, any meeting at which large amounts of money are to be disbursed or whereat major policy changes are to be considered, must be announced within ten days of the time of said meeting. Unusual situations shall be acted on by those present, and it is presumed intelligent consideration will be given to all aspects of any such situation. To facilitiate the presentation of proposals to the group, those persons interested should meet in committee sessions at some date prior to the meeting and work out their proposal so as to clarify it among themselves before occupying the members' time with it. In consideration of the fact that the membership is to be selected with the utmost consideration, it is felt that further regulations will be more of a technical morass than an assistance; and it is further assumed that the intelligence of the individuals concerned will be sufficient and ample to overcome unusual situations, which no amount of written jurisprudence can completely foresee. It is hoped that this system of acclaim and consideration will prove successful; inasmuch as parliamentary procedure has in the past proven impractical with a group of this nature. *********************************************** [[underline]] FILLER [[/underline]]: Several of the members seem to have missed the point of my various remarks in previous [[underline]] Fan-Dangos [[/underline]] anent adultery, free-love, and the like. I definitely do NOT hold that adultery, per se, is a necessary accomplishment of the well-rounded individual. What I have been trying to get at is this: fans, generally, are very poorly (or should I say [[underline]] purely [[/underline]]?) adjusted to sex. A little good clean adultery is far more acceptable to me personally that the spectical of young adult males whose sex life is largely characterized by its absence. [[underline]] Either [[/underline]] ad adulterer or a celibate is probably sexually maladjusted. -- 5 --
Hevelin Fanzines