Fandango, v. 1, issue 2, whole no. 6, Fall 1944
Page 7
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DEGLER CORRUPTION. Inasmuch as Degler is for all practical purposes, a non-member of FAPA; and inasmuch as this stuff is no more than a rehash of the same old dung, I shall refrain from comment. Besides, FAN-DANGO no longer uses words of Anglo-Saxon derivation. The one containing the material written and stenciled by our member, Raymond Washington, is of somewhat different nature. Inasmuch as Washington is a member of this society, I shall attempt to discuss his contribution to the mailing, even though it does sail under the wrong flag. Washington's "Director's Report" strikes me as being the same old "Cosmic" nonsense better written and stenciled. Perhaps the Cosmic Circle may, under Washington's guidance, rise to new heights (!), but the credo has not changed, the aims of the organization have not changed, and the CC still offers absolutely nothing of even passing interest to the true fan of fantasy, weird, and scientifiction. Worse, it tags fandom with the label of crackpotism; the sentence: "We are moving forward into a new era; and in the vanguard, I feel, are those readers and writers of science-fiction who for years...etc. blah...blah."--can only serve to drag fandom into disrepute with any people of reasonable intelligence and maturity who might happen to pick up a copy of Washington's report. In this same line, I invite your attention to the last two paragraphs of this same report. Verbiage, my friends. As is fairly well known in FAPA, Raymond Washington is one of the few fans I actively dislike. The reasons for this dislike stem back to the first month or so I was in fandom, and need not be gone into here. However, I am well aware that anything I write about or at Mr. Washington are likely to be taken as mere prejudice, though I do hope that FAPA members will not be blinded by prejudice and fail to fight this Cosmic Circle until it is completely wiped out. This movement is a menace to fandom. ----oo0oo---- AT THIS POINT, I should like to interject an apology for the wavering lines on this and other pages. Long use as a medium of stenciling completely ruins a typewriter's guide rollers and platen; mine is fast becoming that way. ----oo0oo---- FAPA VARIETY. [[underline]] Miracle! [[/underline]] I actually remember to comment on a post-mailed item! However, this one was really pre-mailed, as I received it a full week ahead of the rest of the mailing. Friar Tuck's mention of binding of stuff 'n' things interest me hugely. Just for the fun of it, I've learned how to do creditable bookbinding--all processes from sewing the signatures together up thru applying the lettering in gold leaf. One of the items I have bound if Duane Rimel's set of [[underline]] Fantasy Fan . [[/underline]] I wonder how many other bound volumes of this exist. As a rule, however, fanzine binding is beyond me; separate sheets require to be overcast, and it is very difficult to do this solidly without certain heavy and expensive machinery. I like your binding arrangements very much, except that I question the advisability of binding FAPA mailings by years instead of by publishers. I realize, of course, that it would be very hard to bind them in series by publishers, what with so many different ones and such small quantities of each; however, imagine what a lovely volume a complete set of about five years of [[underline]] En Garde [[/underline]] would make. On the question of Laureate Awards, I differ with you strongly. If I personally were ever to win one of these, I would want either a book or an original, appropriately inscribed to me. Such an award would be something I'd cherish; whereas stencils would just be used up and forgotten. Besides, I seem to manage to buy my own anyway. And, as you will notice, [[underline]] Fan-Dango [[/underline]] is having more and more original creative material -- 7 --
DEGLER CORRUPTION. Inasmuch as Degler is for all practical purposes, a non-member of FAPA; and inasmuch as this stuff is no more than a rehash of the same old dung, I shall refrain from comment. Besides, FAN-DANGO no longer uses words of Anglo-Saxon derivation. The one containing the material written and stenciled by our member, Raymond Washington, is of somewhat different nature. Inasmuch as Washington is a member of this society, I shall attempt to discuss his contribution to the mailing, even though it does sail under the wrong flag. Washington's "Director's Report" strikes me as being the same old "Cosmic" nonsense better written and stenciled. Perhaps the Cosmic Circle may, under Washington's guidance, rise to new heights (!), but the credo has not changed, the aims of the organization have not changed, and the CC still offers absolutely nothing of even passing interest to the true fan of fantasy, weird, and scientifiction. Worse, it tags fandom with the label of crackpotism; the sentence: "We are moving forward into a new era; and in the vanguard, I feel, are those readers and writers of science-fiction who for years...etc. blah...blah."--can only serve to drag fandom into disrepute with any people of reasonable intelligence and maturity who might happen to pick up a copy of Washington's report. In this same line, I invite your attention to the last two paragraphs of this same report. Verbiage, my friends. As is fairly well known in FAPA, Raymond Washington is one of the few fans I actively dislike. The reasons for this dislike stem back to the first month or so I was in fandom, and need not be gone into here. However, I am well aware that anything I write about or at Mr. Washington are likely to be taken as mere prejudice, though I do hope that FAPA members will not be blinded by prejudice and fail to fight this Cosmic Circle until it is completely wiped out. This movement is a menace to fandom. ----oo0oo---- AT THIS POINT, I should like to interject an apology for the wavering lines on this and other pages. Long use as a medium of stenciling completely ruins a typewriter's guide rollers and platen; mine is fast becoming that way. ----oo0oo---- FAPA VARIETY. [[underline]] Miracle! [[/underline]] I actually remember to comment on a post-mailed item! However, this one was really pre-mailed, as I received it a full week ahead of the rest of the mailing. Friar Tuck's mention of binding of stuff 'n' things interest me hugely. Just for the fun of it, I've learned how to do creditable bookbinding--all processes from sewing the signatures together up thru applying the lettering in gold leaf. One of the items I have bound if Duane Rimel's set of [[underline]] Fantasy Fan . [[/underline]] I wonder how many other bound volumes of this exist. As a rule, however, fanzine binding is beyond me; separate sheets require to be overcast, and it is very difficult to do this solidly without certain heavy and expensive machinery. I like your binding arrangements very much, except that I question the advisability of binding FAPA mailings by years instead of by publishers. I realize, of course, that it would be very hard to bind them in series by publishers, what with so many different ones and such small quantities of each; however, imagine what a lovely volume a complete set of about five years of [[underline]] En Garde [[/underline]] would make. On the question of Laureate Awards, I differ with you strongly. If I personally were ever to win one of these, I would want either a book or an original, appropriately inscribed to me. Such an award would be something I'd cherish; whereas stencils would just be used up and forgotten. Besides, I seem to manage to buy my own anyway. And, as you will notice, [[underline]] Fan-Dango [[/underline]] is having more and more original creative material -- 7 --
Hevelin Fanzines