Fandango, v. 1, issue 2, whole no. 6, Fall 1944
Page 10
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...Karden's story is very good; despite a few rather obvious weaknesses I liked it far better than the average prozine yard of the present day. ....The book review is most excellent; I believe that reviewing is perhaps Jimmy's strongest point as a fan writer, and should like to see many more from his hand. In connection with this particular page of [[underline]] TT, I cannot resist relating a bit of its history. Mel Brown was doing his usual myopic job of crank turning for The Outsiders, and was proudly operating the Bronson mimeograph. This machine is a diabolic thing; it requires to be inked with a brush. So...Mel put on the stencil and commenced fouting around with it. He'd run a page, life up the stencil, smear ink, replace the stendil, the while swearing continually. This went on for some time. At length he gave vent to a bellow of triumph; he had a perfectly inked page. About that time, someone noticed that the stencil was on hind-side-to-fore ! Oh joy! Jimmy's comments on [[underline]] Milty's Mag [[/underline]] are, I believe, a type of thing from which FAPAns should refrain. We all have our doubts of this and that--obviously--but I believe that this paragraph comes perilously near to being seditious, and for that reason is as out of the place in the mailings as obscenity. After all, there [[underline]] are [[/underline]] postal inspectors. All in all, however, I enjoyed the issue; and should like to see one in every mailing. ----oo0oo---- FAN SLANTS. Any FAPAn interested in the previous, non-FAPA issue of this magazine may obtain a copy by sending 15 [[cents]] to Mel Brown, 628 So. Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Calif. It is a massive, 64 page affair. (This plug should, I hope, relieve Mel of the 30 or 40 copies he has left.) DAW's stressing of fandom's independence of the prozines is just another facet of one offandoms most interesting and annoying attitudes. I refer, of course, to the amazing indifference to book fantasy, and to the unwarranted preoccupation with the pulps. To me, the real fan is interested primarily in fantastic literature, rather than in the hooey and bilge of "professional" fandom. (And notice the way Mel's strangely individual typing style has affected my own? tsk.) Since I composed my column, Tryout Smith has distributed a new issue of his magazine...his 370th! Kepner's article on the late local feud is a fairly good presentation. The only criticiam I can make is that it fails to stress sufficiently the extreme childishness displayed by all those participating in it. His last paragraph is rather frustrating; inasmuch as the reunion had taken place before FAPA mailings had been distributed; however, that's fandom for you ! I do object most emphatically to his statement that any of the Lazar letter was apologised for by any of the Outsiders. This unfortunate letter was written by an individual member as an individual; however much we regretted its publication, we did not apologise for it, since that would be a tacit admission of its official standing. What we did do was to disavow it completely, and point out that it represented no more than the views of one individual of us. Mike's portion of this mag is excellent, particularly the attitude towards Degler, but at the moment I think of no comments. ----oo0oo---- VARIOUS PERDUE MATERIAL. Good enough, though I thought the tear-jerking story more than a little corny. ----oo0oo---- ARCADIA. This is truly delightful. Ah Willie, what a woim you is to do such a thing to the innocent fervor of HHonig. Up until now, I thought [[underline]] I [[/underline]] was catty....Incidentally, don't you just [[underline]] love [[/underline]] the way Harry digs into our feud, just as though he knew what he was talking about? And the letter to DAW ! Wheep! Come again, Honig; you're a better humorist than Tucker, even though you are unconscious about it. -- 10 --
...Karden's story is very good; despite a few rather obvious weaknesses I liked it far better than the average prozine yard of the present day. ....The book review is most excellent; I believe that reviewing is perhaps Jimmy's strongest point as a fan writer, and should like to see many more from his hand. In connection with this particular page of [[underline]] TT, I cannot resist relating a bit of its history. Mel Brown was doing his usual myopic job of crank turning for The Outsiders, and was proudly operating the Bronson mimeograph. This machine is a diabolic thing; it requires to be inked with a brush. So...Mel put on the stencil and commenced fouting around with it. He'd run a page, life up the stencil, smear ink, replace the stendil, the while swearing continually. This went on for some time. At length he gave vent to a bellow of triumph; he had a perfectly inked page. About that time, someone noticed that the stencil was on hind-side-to-fore ! Oh joy! Jimmy's comments on [[underline]] Milty's Mag [[/underline]] are, I believe, a type of thing from which FAPAns should refrain. We all have our doubts of this and that--obviously--but I believe that this paragraph comes perilously near to being seditious, and for that reason is as out of the place in the mailings as obscenity. After all, there [[underline]] are [[/underline]] postal inspectors. All in all, however, I enjoyed the issue; and should like to see one in every mailing. ----oo0oo---- FAN SLANTS. Any FAPAn interested in the previous, non-FAPA issue of this magazine may obtain a copy by sending 15 [[cents]] to Mel Brown, 628 So. Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Calif. It is a massive, 64 page affair. (This plug should, I hope, relieve Mel of the 30 or 40 copies he has left.) DAW's stressing of fandom's independence of the prozines is just another facet of one offandoms most interesting and annoying attitudes. I refer, of course, to the amazing indifference to book fantasy, and to the unwarranted preoccupation with the pulps. To me, the real fan is interested primarily in fantastic literature, rather than in the hooey and bilge of "professional" fandom. (And notice the way Mel's strangely individual typing style has affected my own? tsk.) Since I composed my column, Tryout Smith has distributed a new issue of his magazine...his 370th! Kepner's article on the late local feud is a fairly good presentation. The only criticiam I can make is that it fails to stress sufficiently the extreme childishness displayed by all those participating in it. His last paragraph is rather frustrating; inasmuch as the reunion had taken place before FAPA mailings had been distributed; however, that's fandom for you ! I do object most emphatically to his statement that any of the Lazar letter was apologised for by any of the Outsiders. This unfortunate letter was written by an individual member as an individual; however much we regretted its publication, we did not apologise for it, since that would be a tacit admission of its official standing. What we did do was to disavow it completely, and point out that it represented no more than the views of one individual of us. Mike's portion of this mag is excellent, particularly the attitude towards Degler, but at the moment I think of no comments. ----oo0oo---- VARIOUS PERDUE MATERIAL. Good enough, though I thought the tear-jerking story more than a little corny. ----oo0oo---- ARCADIA. This is truly delightful. Ah Willie, what a woim you is to do such a thing to the innocent fervor of HHonig. Up until now, I thought [[underline]] I [[/underline]] was catty....Incidentally, don't you just [[underline]] love [[/underline]] the way Harry digs into our feud, just as though he knew what he was talking about? And the letter to DAW ! Wheep! Come again, Honig; you're a better humorist than Tucker, even though you are unconscious about it. -- 10 --
Hevelin Fanzines