Fandango, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 7, Winter 1944
Page 10
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WALT'S WRAMBLINGS. Excellent, as usual. Noting the writeup of Fwqnk and his horror yarn about the face, I can't help wondering just how much more awful it would be to start shaving and suddenly realise that the face in the mirror was FWQNK'S. Gah! Also, is this tale of his a habit? I seem to recollect something of the sort taking place one night out at Burbee's.... ----oo0oo---- SAPPHO. Maintains its high standards, but I can't help thinking what a beautiful parody could be made of some of this stuff. ----oo0oo---- LIGHT. Your comparisons of fans with movie stars is a scream! You compare Lee Baldwin with "Big Boy" Williams, but you should see Baldwin once! He'd fit in Guinn's watch pocket, easily. If I were going to compare his appearance with anyone, I'd say he resembled the typical Poe hero: rather good looking, short, slender, dark hair, pale complexion.... ----oo0oo---- NUCLEUS. I've already covered Trudy's dissection of me elsewhere. I do rather resent the implication that I'm so batty that my writings should be interpreted with that in view; however, I do appreciate the apparently friendly spirit in which Miss Kualan wealth with me. There is one point I should like to make, and that is that I do all this stuff directly on the stencil--usually at high speed--and am not writing for the ages, or necessarily expressing my views as accurately as I would if I had more time. I attempt to make this thing as close to my style of conversation as possible; further I am always quite candid. As a result, I often will really cut loose--just as though I were talking--and then catch hell from some of our more cultured (!) members. Good luck to you in your teaching. I hope that your liberal beliefs don't get you in dutch, and that you don't let the "system" get you down. ----oo0oo---- THE FAPA FAN. "The first and oldest fapa publication", it says. Huh! My crud sheets generally look better than this mess. There is a considerable amount of underlying truth in many of DAW's remarks; however, the evil taste left in my mouth by recent FAPA political actions by the Futurians makes me wonder just what ulterior purposes lurk behind this publication. ----oo0oo---- BANSHEE. Jack Speer suggests the admission of new members by a vote of the membership, rather than on a strict basis of numerical priority. There is much to be said for this idea, but on the other hand, I feel that this is likely to result in too much snobbish voting, and may even end us up with a rousing fight. It would be too easy for a group of us to band together and decide we were going to jam through the applications of friends, and slap down people whom we happened to dislike. And I've seen enough fan politics in action to have no illusions as to the type of voting we'd have. One group--the Ackermans, Warners, Thompsons, Stanelys, etc.--would vote yes for everyone on general principles; others (I'm tempted to name names!) would vote on a strict basis of prejudice. Iconoclastic individuals such as myself would probably be voted out, and, despite my occasional lapses, I sincerely feel that FAPA needs members like me--militant, iconoclastic, cynical, sarcastic, and without reverence for anything or anyone. At least, I try to puncture an occasional ego and show in its true light some of this "stefnal" foolishness. I will string along on any proposal which requires prospective members to prove themselves to the membership before being placed on the waiting list. -- 10 --
WALT'S WRAMBLINGS. Excellent, as usual. Noting the writeup of Fwqnk and his horror yarn about the face, I can't help wondering just how much more awful it would be to start shaving and suddenly realise that the face in the mirror was FWQNK'S. Gah! Also, is this tale of his a habit? I seem to recollect something of the sort taking place one night out at Burbee's.... ----oo0oo---- SAPPHO. Maintains its high standards, but I can't help thinking what a beautiful parody could be made of some of this stuff. ----oo0oo---- LIGHT. Your comparisons of fans with movie stars is a scream! You compare Lee Baldwin with "Big Boy" Williams, but you should see Baldwin once! He'd fit in Guinn's watch pocket, easily. If I were going to compare his appearance with anyone, I'd say he resembled the typical Poe hero: rather good looking, short, slender, dark hair, pale complexion.... ----oo0oo---- NUCLEUS. I've already covered Trudy's dissection of me elsewhere. I do rather resent the implication that I'm so batty that my writings should be interpreted with that in view; however, I do appreciate the apparently friendly spirit in which Miss Kualan wealth with me. There is one point I should like to make, and that is that I do all this stuff directly on the stencil--usually at high speed--and am not writing for the ages, or necessarily expressing my views as accurately as I would if I had more time. I attempt to make this thing as close to my style of conversation as possible; further I am always quite candid. As a result, I often will really cut loose--just as though I were talking--and then catch hell from some of our more cultured (!) members. Good luck to you in your teaching. I hope that your liberal beliefs don't get you in dutch, and that you don't let the "system" get you down. ----oo0oo---- THE FAPA FAN. "The first and oldest fapa publication", it says. Huh! My crud sheets generally look better than this mess. There is a considerable amount of underlying truth in many of DAW's remarks; however, the evil taste left in my mouth by recent FAPA political actions by the Futurians makes me wonder just what ulterior purposes lurk behind this publication. ----oo0oo---- BANSHEE. Jack Speer suggests the admission of new members by a vote of the membership, rather than on a strict basis of numerical priority. There is much to be said for this idea, but on the other hand, I feel that this is likely to result in too much snobbish voting, and may even end us up with a rousing fight. It would be too easy for a group of us to band together and decide we were going to jam through the applications of friends, and slap down people whom we happened to dislike. And I've seen enough fan politics in action to have no illusions as to the type of voting we'd have. One group--the Ackermans, Warners, Thompsons, Stanelys, etc.--would vote yes for everyone on general principles; others (I'm tempted to name names!) would vote on a strict basis of prejudice. Iconoclastic individuals such as myself would probably be voted out, and, despite my occasional lapses, I sincerely feel that FAPA needs members like me--militant, iconoclastic, cynical, sarcastic, and without reverence for anything or anyone. At least, I try to puncture an occasional ego and show in its true light some of this "stefnal" foolishness. I will string along on any proposal which requires prospective members to prove themselves to the membership before being placed on the waiting list. -- 10 --
Hevelin Fanzines