Fandango, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 9, Fall 1945
Page 3
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are going to wake up some bright morning and discover that Vanguard has siphoned all the cream off our bucket, leaving us with the skim milk. And we've got too many skim milk members right now! At first thought, it is too easy to jump to the conclusion that the recent LASFS-like upheaval in New York Futuria will spike Vanguard for fair, but this is wishful thinking. A hasty glance over the list of Vanguard officers will show that the same individuals who expelled Wollheim from the FSNY are in easy control of Vanguard. VAPA is on its way, whether we like it or not. I was recently given the privilege of examining the fourth Vanguard mailing. It is not in the groove, but all it needs to get in there but solid is for the boys to quit tossing corny cracks at the futility of all amateur publishing and fan activity, and to put a damper on some of the more extreme verse which at the moment unbalances the mailing. They have the quantity, and their average quality is at least 80% as high as ours. This quality is not at all weakened by the fact that two of our own top mags (Fan-Tods and Horizons) also circulate in VAPA. I most certainly do not advocate any quarrelling between VAPA and us, despite the somewhat dubious circumstances under which our sister group was founded. But it seems to me that there can be no question but that FAPA's days of sleepy complacency are over for a while. The fandom of today is probably big enough to support two organizations but don't we want to keep ours the best? I think most of us do. I do not have any definite program to propose at this time. I do, however, believe that as a stopgap we would do well to raise our membership limit to 75. Ten more crank flips per page is not going to kill any of us, and an overall increase of ten in conjunction with a judicious weeding out of deadheads through rigid enforcement of present activity requirements will probably cope with the situation for now. Discussion is certainly in order on a long-range program designed to expedite the assimilation of new members and the spewing forth of indigestible deadwood. I suggest a creful rereading of Speer's remarks on page 1 of Matters of Opinion #18. As it stands, it is not quite perfect, but it is at the very least a good start. What do some of the rest of you think about all this? I hope that the next mailing shows definite signs of some sort of positive action. ---oo0oo--- THESE AMAZING AMENDMENTS. I just got to wondering if we will be able to pass any sort of legislation to cope with this membership/waiting list problem. I seem to recall one of the Futurian-written amendments which requires a majority vote of the membership to pass any further constitutional changes. I wonder how far along they were with the formation of Vanguard when they wrote up this one! Or is this just a coincidence? In any event, it is certain that there will be vast amusement in VAPA circles if that Futurian amendment leaves FAPA hogtied. Little things like constitutions don't bother them much; I notice that they don't like their present one, so they have another one up for vote--but the manager (Lowndes) announces that he is acting under the new (proposed) one and letting the present (legal) one go by the board before it is even voted on. What choice humor for a group which does not make a fetish out of legalities to saddle a stultifying legality on a group which does bow down and worshp before the letter of the law! ************* FAN-DANGO is the FAPAzine of Francis T. Laney, published in such manner as to enable Jack Speer to collect his bets on the matter. Venal?
are going to wake up some bright morning and discover that Vanguard has siphoned all the cream off our bucket, leaving us with the skim milk. And we've got too many skim milk members right now! At first thought, it is too easy to jump to the conclusion that the recent LASFS-like upheaval in New York Futuria will spike Vanguard for fair, but this is wishful thinking. A hasty glance over the list of Vanguard officers will show that the same individuals who expelled Wollheim from the FSNY are in easy control of Vanguard. VAPA is on its way, whether we like it or not. I was recently given the privilege of examining the fourth Vanguard mailing. It is not in the groove, but all it needs to get in there but solid is for the boys to quit tossing corny cracks at the futility of all amateur publishing and fan activity, and to put a damper on some of the more extreme verse which at the moment unbalances the mailing. They have the quantity, and their average quality is at least 80% as high as ours. This quality is not at all weakened by the fact that two of our own top mags (Fan-Tods and Horizons) also circulate in VAPA. I most certainly do not advocate any quarrelling between VAPA and us, despite the somewhat dubious circumstances under which our sister group was founded. But it seems to me that there can be no question but that FAPA's days of sleepy complacency are over for a while. The fandom of today is probably big enough to support two organizations but don't we want to keep ours the best? I think most of us do. I do not have any definite program to propose at this time. I do, however, believe that as a stopgap we would do well to raise our membership limit to 75. Ten more crank flips per page is not going to kill any of us, and an overall increase of ten in conjunction with a judicious weeding out of deadheads through rigid enforcement of present activity requirements will probably cope with the situation for now. Discussion is certainly in order on a long-range program designed to expedite the assimilation of new members and the spewing forth of indigestible deadwood. I suggest a creful rereading of Speer's remarks on page 1 of Matters of Opinion #18. As it stands, it is not quite perfect, but it is at the very least a good start. What do some of the rest of you think about all this? I hope that the next mailing shows definite signs of some sort of positive action. ---oo0oo--- THESE AMAZING AMENDMENTS. I just got to wondering if we will be able to pass any sort of legislation to cope with this membership/waiting list problem. I seem to recall one of the Futurian-written amendments which requires a majority vote of the membership to pass any further constitutional changes. I wonder how far along they were with the formation of Vanguard when they wrote up this one! Or is this just a coincidence? In any event, it is certain that there will be vast amusement in VAPA circles if that Futurian amendment leaves FAPA hogtied. Little things like constitutions don't bother them much; I notice that they don't like their present one, so they have another one up for vote--but the manager (Lowndes) announces that he is acting under the new (proposed) one and letting the present (legal) one go by the board before it is even voted on. What choice humor for a group which does not make a fetish out of legalities to saddle a stultifying legality on a group which does bow down and worshp before the letter of the law! ************* FAN-DANGO is the FAPAzine of Francis T. Laney, published in such manner as to enable Jack Speer to collect his bets on the matter. Venal?
Hevelin Fanzines