Fantasy Amateur, v. 8, issue 3, April 28, 1945
Page 3
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The Slan Shack publications were very late; but the mailing [gone?] our on time, --none would have been included. However, Shaw received a special delivery letter from Ashley, advising him that the SS publications, a sizeable bundle, were en route. Lowndes therefore asked Shaw to hold the mailing until they arrived. [illegible] was felt that fapa members would rather wait a few days more for their mailing than receive a mailing without the SS magazine, which would necessitate either another supplementary mailing, or a three-months' wait before these mags were distributed. By the time the delayed publications had arrived, the mailing was a good two weeks late. [The?] final delay was something, however ,for which neither Shaw nor Lowndes accepts responsibility. It is the duty of the Secretary-Treasury to transmit necessary [] to the O E so that the mailings can be sent out. This Schwartz failed to do; Shaw made every effort to contact Schwartz, but [Suppey?] couldn't be found, and no one knew where he was or when he might be expected to return to the scene. At this time, none of the Futurians were in a position, financially,to put forth the necessary cash. Shaw was between jobs, Michel was sick. Lowndes had been under a doctor's care for some time, and while [] former funds, could [] for several days. Lowndes finally did procure funds which he offered to [Shaw?] for the purpose of putting out the mailing, but by that time Shaw had received a loan from EE Evans. (No one requested this loan; Evans generously volunteered the money from NFFF treasury to fapa for the express purpose of putting the mailing out right away.) Shaw sent the mailing out thereafter at the earliest possible moment, though because of his working hours and the closing time of the post office, he could only do so with about a dozen or so bundles per evening. A L Schwartz, fapa's Secretary-Treasurer, is not, nor has he ever been, a Futurian. Now was he the Futurian's candidate for the office to which he was elected. None of them voted for him. Until the time he momentarily vanished, however, he had cooperated fully with the other N Y officers. The Vanguard Amateur Press Association was in birth at the time of this delay in fapa's mailing. Since the members desired no antagonism with fapa, those [Vanguardifs?] who are also fapa members were practically anxious that fapa business be expediated without delay. However, circumstances beyond control frustrated their desire. Lowndes resigned from the fapa presidency mainly because he felt it unbecoming that he function as a chief of [both?] organizations, and he frankly found the new club more worth his while. Members of Vanguard have repeatedly stated that they favor the co-existence of the two apas, and want to see both organizations succesful. There is certainle no factual basis for the contention that fapa was the subject of a plot on the part of any member or members of the Vanguard Amateur Press Association. Robert W Lowndes & Larry Shaw Robert W Lowndes & Larry Shaw * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Addendum: There's not much more the add to the above. Through the efforts of L R Chauvenet a meeting we held in which Don & Elsie Wollheim, Mike Fern, Langley [Searles?], the Chauvenets and myself took part. Practically everything to which Fern objected
The Slan Shack publications were very late; but the mailing [gone?] our on time, --none would have been included. However, Shaw received a special delivery letter from Ashley, advising him that the SS publications, a sizeable bundle, were en route. Lowndes therefore asked Shaw to hold the mailing until they arrived. [illegible] was felt that fapa members would rather wait a few days more for their mailing than receive a mailing without the SS magazine, which would necessitate either another supplementary mailing, or a three-months' wait before these mags were distributed. By the time the delayed publications had arrived, the mailing was a good two weeks late. [The?] final delay was something, however ,for which neither Shaw nor Lowndes accepts responsibility. It is the duty of the Secretary-Treasury to transmit necessary [] to the O E so that the mailings can be sent out. This Schwartz failed to do; Shaw made every effort to contact Schwartz, but [Suppey?] couldn't be found, and no one knew where he was or when he might be expected to return to the scene. At this time, none of the Futurians were in a position, financially,to put forth the necessary cash. Shaw was between jobs, Michel was sick. Lowndes had been under a doctor's care for some time, and while [] former funds, could [] for several days. Lowndes finally did procure funds which he offered to [Shaw?] for the purpose of putting out the mailing, but by that time Shaw had received a loan from EE Evans. (No one requested this loan; Evans generously volunteered the money from NFFF treasury to fapa for the express purpose of putting the mailing out right away.) Shaw sent the mailing out thereafter at the earliest possible moment, though because of his working hours and the closing time of the post office, he could only do so with about a dozen or so bundles per evening. A L Schwartz, fapa's Secretary-Treasurer, is not, nor has he ever been, a Futurian. Now was he the Futurian's candidate for the office to which he was elected. None of them voted for him. Until the time he momentarily vanished, however, he had cooperated fully with the other N Y officers. The Vanguard Amateur Press Association was in birth at the time of this delay in fapa's mailing. Since the members desired no antagonism with fapa, those [Vanguardifs?] who are also fapa members were practically anxious that fapa business be expediated without delay. However, circumstances beyond control frustrated their desire. Lowndes resigned from the fapa presidency mainly because he felt it unbecoming that he function as a chief of [both?] organizations, and he frankly found the new club more worth his while. Members of Vanguard have repeatedly stated that they favor the co-existence of the two apas, and want to see both organizations succesful. There is certainle no factual basis for the contention that fapa was the subject of a plot on the part of any member or members of the Vanguard Amateur Press Association. Robert W Lowndes & Larry Shaw Robert W Lowndes & Larry Shaw * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Addendum: There's not much more the add to the above. Through the efforts of L R Chauvenet a meeting we held in which Don & Elsie Wollheim, Mike Fern, Langley [Searles?], the Chauvenets and myself took part. Practically everything to which Fern objected
Hevelin Fanzines