Fantasy Amateur, v. 9, issue 4, Summer 1946
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official organ FANTASY AMATEUR PRESS ASSOCIATION President: Norman F Stanley Vice-President: Bob Tucker Secretary-Treasurer: Al Ashley Official Editor: Jack Speer _____________________________ _____________________________ FAPA PRESIDENT'S LAST WORDS Summer 1946 There won't be many of them. This last quarter has been gratifyingly tranquil, and so all we have at hand right now is election business. First, the April ballot on constitutional changes, the outcome of which was: Secretary-treasurer bonding: 24 yes; 8 no Raising due: 15 yes; 17 no Although the voting turn-out was normal and the first amendment received a substantial plurality in favor of it, we must nevertheless declare that both measures have failed of passage, due to the provision of Article 12 of the constitution, which requires approval by a majority of the active membership for the passage of constitutional amendments. This gives us our first taste of what we’re up against any time we wish to amend or revise the constitution in whole or in part, including Article 12. The ballot for the annual election of officers is included in this mailing. Again the Official Editor is instructed to dispatch ballots by air mail to our overseas members. For the ballot counting committee I have appointed R. D. Swisher, Art Widner, and Chandler Davis. Ballots should be sent to Chairman Swisher and must be in his hands not later than the deadline printed on the ballot if they are to be counted. At this point an extra special thankee goes too Jack Speer for questioning that “ex officio” in my spring message. It was malaprop, I see. Blush! I guess that should ought to learn me not to bandy around them Latin words, but probably it won’t. Finally, although the chaos which we inherited at the start has kept us from making this past year FAPA’s best, I think that nevertheless we can look back on it with a degree of satisfaction. We have succeeded in getting the mailings back on their proper schedule. The bundles had begun to show a marked improvement in both quality and quantity, as a number of our service fen have returned to resume active publishing, and as a year of the new activity requirements has cleaned out most of our dead timber and broken up the Waiting List log jam. Most of us will, I believe, agree our type of apa can serve us best when it is so organized that comparative newcomers won’t be repelled and discouraged by the difficulty or slowness of admission to our group, while on the other hand the requirements for maintenance of membership are high enough to insure that no one who is not actively interested will remain a member year after year. Except for the proposed constitutional revision I think we now have the FAPA in not far from an ideal condition for smooth functioning in that role. It’s for the coming years to show what we can do with it. And now, is that the rustle of Gabriel’s wings o’erhead? Yep, I reckon it is. Farewell! Farewell! I must away! your about to be deposed Leader No---___ Norman F. Stanley, Figurehead 2 July 1946 WWWW (40 ( 6 ( 3 ____ ______________________________ Thatexofficioissueisvaguelyreminiscentoftheproblemoftheprojectingprongsinthemarchtnff ______________________________ [Hand written] PHILADELPHIA N PHORTY – SEVEN! Gawd, what a waste of space this cover is. Except for mathematical maniacs who may induce the formula used in varying FAPA, FAPPA, FAAPAA, etc., all over the background.
official organ FANTASY AMATEUR PRESS ASSOCIATION President: Norman F Stanley Vice-President: Bob Tucker Secretary-Treasurer: Al Ashley Official Editor: Jack Speer _____________________________ _____________________________ FAPA PRESIDENT'S LAST WORDS Summer 1946 There won't be many of them. This last quarter has been gratifyingly tranquil, and so all we have at hand right now is election business. First, the April ballot on constitutional changes, the outcome of which was: Secretary-treasurer bonding: 24 yes; 8 no Raising due: 15 yes; 17 no Although the voting turn-out was normal and the first amendment received a substantial plurality in favor of it, we must nevertheless declare that both measures have failed of passage, due to the provision of Article 12 of the constitution, which requires approval by a majority of the active membership for the passage of constitutional amendments. This gives us our first taste of what we’re up against any time we wish to amend or revise the constitution in whole or in part, including Article 12. The ballot for the annual election of officers is included in this mailing. Again the Official Editor is instructed to dispatch ballots by air mail to our overseas members. For the ballot counting committee I have appointed R. D. Swisher, Art Widner, and Chandler Davis. Ballots should be sent to Chairman Swisher and must be in his hands not later than the deadline printed on the ballot if they are to be counted. At this point an extra special thankee goes too Jack Speer for questioning that “ex officio” in my spring message. It was malaprop, I see. Blush! I guess that should ought to learn me not to bandy around them Latin words, but probably it won’t. Finally, although the chaos which we inherited at the start has kept us from making this past year FAPA’s best, I think that nevertheless we can look back on it with a degree of satisfaction. We have succeeded in getting the mailings back on their proper schedule. The bundles had begun to show a marked improvement in both quality and quantity, as a number of our service fen have returned to resume active publishing, and as a year of the new activity requirements has cleaned out most of our dead timber and broken up the Waiting List log jam. Most of us will, I believe, agree our type of apa can serve us best when it is so organized that comparative newcomers won’t be repelled and discouraged by the difficulty or slowness of admission to our group, while on the other hand the requirements for maintenance of membership are high enough to insure that no one who is not actively interested will remain a member year after year. Except for the proposed constitutional revision I think we now have the FAPA in not far from an ideal condition for smooth functioning in that role. It’s for the coming years to show what we can do with it. And now, is that the rustle of Gabriel’s wings o’erhead? Yep, I reckon it is. Farewell! Farewell! I must away! your about to be deposed Leader No---___ Norman F. Stanley, Figurehead 2 July 1946 WWWW (40 ( 6 ( 3 ____ ______________________________ Thatexofficioissueisvaguelyreminiscentoftheproblemoftheprojectingprongsinthemarchtnff ______________________________ [Hand written] PHILADELPHIA N PHORTY – SEVEN! Gawd, what a waste of space this cover is. Except for mathematical maniacs who may induce the formula used in varying FAPA, FAPPA, FAAPAA, etc., all over the background.
Hevelin Fanzines