Fantasy Amateur, v. 9, issue 4, Summer 1946
Page 6
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port on acquisitions of the last few years was not finished in time for this Fantasy Amateur, i have little idea of what the total cost of the surplus stock would be, valued at the single-copy price such as Ashley set on the items when he was official editor. It would certainly be a large figure, however, and it is equally certain that we cannot within the foreseeable future realize a major fraction of it by occasional sales to individual members. Because we hope to sell the whole lot to the Foundation, and because of the great savings in postage and paperwork, and also because we would like to help the Fantasy Foundation in its work, i think we should transfer the goods at a fraction of the single-copy price. Not knowing what the size of the surplus stock is now, i can’t name a particular fraction on which to base the FAPA’s offer. That will be up to the new president and his cabinet to decide. On the general proposal, however, i think there should be nearly unanimous agreement. Respectfully submitted, Jack F Speer ____________________________________ Thanks to Kenneth Bonnell for assembling Mopsy, the larger SusPro, and Fantast’s FOLLY ____________________________________ SECRETARY-TREASURER’S REPORT JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, or OCTOBER: This will be your fourth official mailing, and the date you come up for renewal. Keep this is mind. (6) or (x): The number in parentheses denotes the number of pages needed to complete your activity requirements for your current membership year. “x” indicates overseas exemption from activity. DUES: This indicates your dues must be paid by the 25th of the second month following this mailing, or you will be dropped. ACTIVITY: This is the fourth mailing of your current annual membership. Unless you have completed the balance of your activity requirements in this mailing, you are ineligible to renew. If you wish to rejoin, you must fulfill the usual activity requirements, and cannot be readmitted until all prior applications have been acted upon. _________________ 1. Ackerman, Forrest J. . . . .. JULY –(0) –DUES 236 ½ N New Hampshire, Los Angeles 4 Calif 2. Anderson, Andy - - - - - - - - - JANUARY – (0) 1011 W 34th St, Los Angeles 7 Calif 3. Ashley, Al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OCTOBER – (0) 643 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 4. Baker 14,206,072, Pvt Fred S - - - OCTOBER (8) 88th Qm Tng Co 16th Qm Tng Bn, Cp Lee Va 5. Bridges, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APRIL – (8) 7815 Navy, Detroit 9 Mich 6. Bulmer, Ken - - - - - - -JULY – (8) – DUES—ACTIVE Address unbekannt 7. Burbee, Charles . . . . . . . . . . APRIL -- (5 ½) 1057 S Normandie, Los Angeles 6 Calif 8. Connor, E C - - - - - -- - - - - - JANUARY -- (0) 929 Butler St, Peoria 6 Ill 9. Crane, Burton . . . . . . . . . . . JANUARY – (0) C/o Wesson 10. Croutch, Leslie A - - - - - - - OCTOBER – (0) Box 121, Parry Sound Ontario 11. Cunningham, Johnny . . . .. OCTOBER – (8) 2050 Gilbert St, Beaumont Texas 12. Davis, Chan - - - - - - - -- - - OCTOBER – (0) Shawme Hill, Sandwich Mass
port on acquisitions of the last few years was not finished in time for this Fantasy Amateur, i have little idea of what the total cost of the surplus stock would be, valued at the single-copy price such as Ashley set on the items when he was official editor. It would certainly be a large figure, however, and it is equally certain that we cannot within the foreseeable future realize a major fraction of it by occasional sales to individual members. Because we hope to sell the whole lot to the Foundation, and because of the great savings in postage and paperwork, and also because we would like to help the Fantasy Foundation in its work, i think we should transfer the goods at a fraction of the single-copy price. Not knowing what the size of the surplus stock is now, i can’t name a particular fraction on which to base the FAPA’s offer. That will be up to the new president and his cabinet to decide. On the general proposal, however, i think there should be nearly unanimous agreement. Respectfully submitted, Jack F Speer ____________________________________ Thanks to Kenneth Bonnell for assembling Mopsy, the larger SusPro, and Fantast’s FOLLY ____________________________________ SECRETARY-TREASURER’S REPORT JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, or OCTOBER: This will be your fourth official mailing, and the date you come up for renewal. Keep this is mind. (6) or (x): The number in parentheses denotes the number of pages needed to complete your activity requirements for your current membership year. “x” indicates overseas exemption from activity. DUES: This indicates your dues must be paid by the 25th of the second month following this mailing, or you will be dropped. ACTIVITY: This is the fourth mailing of your current annual membership. Unless you have completed the balance of your activity requirements in this mailing, you are ineligible to renew. If you wish to rejoin, you must fulfill the usual activity requirements, and cannot be readmitted until all prior applications have been acted upon. _________________ 1. Ackerman, Forrest J. . . . .. JULY –(0) –DUES 236 ½ N New Hampshire, Los Angeles 4 Calif 2. Anderson, Andy - - - - - - - - - JANUARY – (0) 1011 W 34th St, Los Angeles 7 Calif 3. Ashley, Al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OCTOBER – (0) 643 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 4. Baker 14,206,072, Pvt Fred S - - - OCTOBER (8) 88th Qm Tng Co 16th Qm Tng Bn, Cp Lee Va 5. Bridges, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APRIL – (8) 7815 Navy, Detroit 9 Mich 6. Bulmer, Ken - - - - - - -JULY – (8) – DUES—ACTIVE Address unbekannt 7. Burbee, Charles . . . . . . . . . . APRIL -- (5 ½) 1057 S Normandie, Los Angeles 6 Calif 8. Connor, E C - - - - - -- - - - - - JANUARY -- (0) 929 Butler St, Peoria 6 Ill 9. Crane, Burton . . . . . . . . . . . JANUARY – (0) C/o Wesson 10. Croutch, Leslie A - - - - - - - OCTOBER – (0) Box 121, Parry Sound Ontario 11. Cunningham, Johnny . . . .. OCTOBER – (8) 2050 Gilbert St, Beaumont Texas 12. Davis, Chan - - - - - - - -- - - OCTOBER – (0) Shawme Hill, Sandwich Mass
Hevelin Fanzines