Fantasy Amateur, v. 9, issue 4, Summer 1946
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an operation. Knowing of my own knowledge that this situation obtains, and having her promise that this activity will be made up the minute she can be up and at it, I have felt justified in retaining her. Has anyone any objections??? FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Balance on hand April 1946 $ 42.05 Received dues 9.00 ______ $ 51.05 April mailing expenses: 15.75 ______ Balanced 27 Jun 46 $ 35.30 CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION: [these are incorporated in the ballot] Having run the gamut of FAPA offices, the Constitution [dangling participle] declares that I must not take a rest---give somebody else a chance, and all that sorta thing. I must confess, now that I’m staring my vacation in the face, that the prospect is quite pleasing. Perhaps now I can catch up on publishing schedules, correspondence, and any number of other things. But I wish to extend my thanks to the loyal supporters who have continued to vote for me, and to announce that, come the 1947 Elections, I’ll be right in there running for Official Editor again. With me, FAPA will always be the top-ranking phase of fan activity. Al Ashley, 27June46. ____________________________________ Crane should probably be (x) ____________________________________ REPORT OF SURPLUS PROPERTY CUSTODIAN The huge demand on fanpower here lately, what with the Pacificon and everything, has prevented finishing the listing of surplus as planned. In fact, looking back over the last year, my handling of this job has certainly not been remarkable. But at least you know where the surplus is! Providing the new President sees fit to reappoint me to the job, I believe I can safely promise a more satisfactory job of surplus management during the next year. Anyway, I’d like to try. Al Ashley, 27 June46. ____________________________________ Thanks to Sandy Kadet, who will assemble the FA and the mailing. ___________________________________ POSTPOSTINGS Of the two postpostings forecast in the last FA, only one, En Grade, materialized. In Stefnews, Canadian Fandom was reviewed as a postposted FAPA item, but we deduce from the fact that Beak sent supplies for inclusion in this bundle that he didn’t mail it out generally himself. _____________________________________ If Bonnell shows up again, i’ll put him to work mailing the bundles. ____________________________________ Something i should have mentioned in that discussion of the surplustock and the Foundation. The only objection to the proposal which occurs to me is that it might deprive us of the common-law right to control writings which have not been generally published. A few of you may remember a booklet i published back in 1938 or 1939 which expressed the opinion that publication in FAPA was not such as to deprive each of us of this right; very likely it would be lost by making copies available to anyone who subscribes to the Foundation and pays a dime for a back FAPAzine. But recently i re-examined more closely the cases on this subject, and unwillingly came to the conclusion that i had been mistaken, and that after publication to FAPA, we never had common-law copyrights on what we wrote. _____________________________________ Maybe i can even unload something on Lockman. _____________________________________
an operation. Knowing of my own knowledge that this situation obtains, and having her promise that this activity will be made up the minute she can be up and at it, I have felt justified in retaining her. Has anyone any objections??? FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Balance on hand April 1946 $ 42.05 Received dues 9.00 ______ $ 51.05 April mailing expenses: 15.75 ______ Balanced 27 Jun 46 $ 35.30 CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION: [these are incorporated in the ballot] Having run the gamut of FAPA offices, the Constitution [dangling participle] declares that I must not take a rest---give somebody else a chance, and all that sorta thing. I must confess, now that I’m staring my vacation in the face, that the prospect is quite pleasing. Perhaps now I can catch up on publishing schedules, correspondence, and any number of other things. But I wish to extend my thanks to the loyal supporters who have continued to vote for me, and to announce that, come the 1947 Elections, I’ll be right in there running for Official Editor again. With me, FAPA will always be the top-ranking phase of fan activity. Al Ashley, 27June46. ____________________________________ Crane should probably be (x) ____________________________________ REPORT OF SURPLUS PROPERTY CUSTODIAN The huge demand on fanpower here lately, what with the Pacificon and everything, has prevented finishing the listing of surplus as planned. In fact, looking back over the last year, my handling of this job has certainly not been remarkable. But at least you know where the surplus is! Providing the new President sees fit to reappoint me to the job, I believe I can safely promise a more satisfactory job of surplus management during the next year. Anyway, I’d like to try. Al Ashley, 27 June46. ____________________________________ Thanks to Sandy Kadet, who will assemble the FA and the mailing. ___________________________________ POSTPOSTINGS Of the two postpostings forecast in the last FA, only one, En Grade, materialized. In Stefnews, Canadian Fandom was reviewed as a postposted FAPA item, but we deduce from the fact that Beak sent supplies for inclusion in this bundle that he didn’t mail it out generally himself. _____________________________________ If Bonnell shows up again, i’ll put him to work mailing the bundles. ____________________________________ Something i should have mentioned in that discussion of the surplustock and the Foundation. The only objection to the proposal which occurs to me is that it might deprive us of the common-law right to control writings which have not been generally published. A few of you may remember a booklet i published back in 1938 or 1939 which expressed the opinion that publication in FAPA was not such as to deprive each of us of this right; very likely it would be lost by making copies available to anyone who subscribes to the Foundation and pays a dime for a back FAPAzine. But recently i re-examined more closely the cases on this subject, and unwillingly came to the conclusion that i had been mistaken, and that after publication to FAPA, we never had common-law copyrights on what we wrote. _____________________________________ Maybe i can even unload something on Lockman. _____________________________________
Hevelin Fanzines