Fantasy Fictioneer, issue 4, August 1940
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Jack Speer and Milton A. Rothman, co-masters of ceremony. Free refreshments and entertainment. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. For full information on this special event, we refer you to the circular mailed by Speer and Rothman from Washington, DC on August 13th. While the Party is still going on, Erle Korshak as Auctioneer will conduct a science fiction Auction, at which rare items for collectors and fans, such as cover originals, old fan magazines, precious first issues of professional s-f magazines,, etc., will be auctioned. The adjournment will be to Monday, Sept. 2nd. --------------- SECOND DAY Monday Sept. 2nd. In the Morning Session (from 10 am till noon), a special business meeting of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers will be held. It is imperative to every IFF member to be there. Only members presenting their IFF cards will be admitted. Be sure to carry yours! The Afternoon Session is from 1.00 pm till 6 pm. Following a call to order, the minutes of the previous day will be read by Recording Secretary George Tullis, who will take short-hand verbatim notes on the entire convention. Then the IFF Director, Bob Tucker, will report on decisions reached by the IFF membership on a number of important points of the morning’s business meeting. The Resolutions Committee will give a comprehensive report. Then, all proposed resolutions will be presented by their sponsors, individually, for individual debate and discussion. Following this, a vote will be taken for the adoption or rejection, by the Convention Assembly, of the proposed resolution in the Chicon Platform for Fandom. New or unfinished business will be the next topic, after all proposed resolutions have been acted upon. The session will be closed with the reading of the complete Chicon Platform for Fandom, fostered and approved by this representitive body of fans, as fandom’s course of action during the coming year. EVENING SESSION - 8 PM Evening session begins at 8 pm. The E. E. Smith Honor Banquet, celebrating the Chicon’s Guest of Honor, E. E. Smith, Ph. D., will be held in the convention hall. The price will be one dollar per plate; the meal alone being well worth that price. After Dinner speeches and general discussion will complete the evening. Then, the final adjournment, unless, by some unseen contingency that might arise to force the Convention into a session on Tuesday Sept. 3, will be at hand, and the official part of the Convention will be over. ------------ SPECIAL EVENTS Numerous special events will supplement the offival program. Every fan in Chicago has announced “open house” on Tuesday Sept. 3rd. The Science Fiction Softball game will be played. A select, all-fan team of Chicago will oppose any aggregate of fandom. *** Any number of sight-seeing tours will be made by fan groups to such points of interest as the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd Aquarium, the Field Museum, the Lama Temple, the Museum of Science and Industry, and the Art Institute --------------
Jack Speer and Milton A. Rothman, co-masters of ceremony. Free refreshments and entertainment. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. For full information on this special event, we refer you to the circular mailed by Speer and Rothman from Washington, DC on August 13th. While the Party is still going on, Erle Korshak as Auctioneer will conduct a science fiction Auction, at which rare items for collectors and fans, such as cover originals, old fan magazines, precious first issues of professional s-f magazines,, etc., will be auctioned. The adjournment will be to Monday, Sept. 2nd. --------------- SECOND DAY Monday Sept. 2nd. In the Morning Session (from 10 am till noon), a special business meeting of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers will be held. It is imperative to every IFF member to be there. Only members presenting their IFF cards will be admitted. Be sure to carry yours! The Afternoon Session is from 1.00 pm till 6 pm. Following a call to order, the minutes of the previous day will be read by Recording Secretary George Tullis, who will take short-hand verbatim notes on the entire convention. Then the IFF Director, Bob Tucker, will report on decisions reached by the IFF membership on a number of important points of the morning’s business meeting. The Resolutions Committee will give a comprehensive report. Then, all proposed resolutions will be presented by their sponsors, individually, for individual debate and discussion. Following this, a vote will be taken for the adoption or rejection, by the Convention Assembly, of the proposed resolution in the Chicon Platform for Fandom. New or unfinished business will be the next topic, after all proposed resolutions have been acted upon. The session will be closed with the reading of the complete Chicon Platform for Fandom, fostered and approved by this representitive body of fans, as fandom’s course of action during the coming year. EVENING SESSION - 8 PM Evening session begins at 8 pm. The E. E. Smith Honor Banquet, celebrating the Chicon’s Guest of Honor, E. E. Smith, Ph. D., will be held in the convention hall. The price will be one dollar per plate; the meal alone being well worth that price. After Dinner speeches and general discussion will complete the evening. Then, the final adjournment, unless, by some unseen contingency that might arise to force the Convention into a session on Tuesday Sept. 3, will be at hand, and the official part of the Convention will be over. ------------ SPECIAL EVENTS Numerous special events will supplement the offival program. Every fan in Chicago has announced “open house” on Tuesday Sept. 3rd. The Science Fiction Softball game will be played. A select, all-fan team of Chicago will oppose any aggregate of fandom. *** Any number of sight-seeing tours will be made by fan groups to such points of interest as the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd Aquarium, the Field Museum, the Lama Temple, the Museum of Science and Industry, and the Art Institute --------------
Hevelin Fanzines