Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 1, March 1942
Page 4
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4 [text in two columns.] [first column] page twelve. That page is still blank as we type this, and we're beginning to worry. We'll fill it with something but we don't know what at present. The honor of being the first to subscribe goes to Leonard Marlow. Thanks, Leonard, for your faith in us. About future issues. We see no reason why we shouldn't be able to keep going for a long time to come. British fandom has been doing a fine job under the circumstances; we ought to be able to do even bet-ter over here. If it becomes nec-cessary to drop LEP, we wll, but we aren't worrying about that--yet. We may increase in size some-what in the future; probably not much, though. So to make LEP really worth a nickle, we'll have to im-prove in other ways. An obvious way is to present photos. In order to give you worth-while photos, we're going to ask your co-operation. We'd like to have the readers sub-mit them, just as with other mater-ial. If you have a pic which you think would be of interest to other fans, and would be willing to loan us the negative, send it along, with an article telling who or what it is. The story brhind [sic] the picture wouldn't have to be very long, and we'd return the negative as soon as we were through with it. We hope you'll fall in with this idea so that we'll be able to give our readers some interesting photos. We think that something like "Fan Questions and Answers" is needed in fandom. The first in-stallment is on page thirteen. If there's anything you want to know just write in, and we'll try to find the answer. This service should be especially helpful to new fans, but it's open to everyone, so use it all you want to. We'd like to get somebody to do a regular column for LEP, too. Is there anyone who would be will-ing? Any kind of a column will be okay, as long as it's interesting. [second column] Then we also want all the usual kinds of material. That is; articles, fiction, poetry, art-work, etc., We'd like every reader to be a contributer. Don't hesitate; send something as soon as possible. You do your part, and we'll try to make LEPRECHAUN the leading nickle fanzine. Getting away from LEP for a second; what do all you guys and gals think about Pacificon? Of the different plans proposed by the committee we favor the one of simply postponing the affair for the duration. The best fea-ture of this plan is that it would assure a good convention after the war, when it might be hard to arrange one otherwise. We think that a con in any coastal city is out of the question right now, and transferring the affair to another city would present far too many difficulties to be prac-ticable. Before, some fans from the East might have gotten out to Hollywood; but now, transportat-ion difficulties will make that impossible. And I don't think that anyone would want to see all fan activities curtailed for the rest of the war. So the wisest thing to do would be to carry on with all fan activities as before just as far and as long as poss-ible --- with small local confer-ences taking the place of the world convention. The vote will be taken March 15, so there won't be any time for any discussion in the mag, but you have our opinion; let us hear just what you think about it. In the future, we'll keep the editorial down to one page. We had a lot to say this time, so we used space that will be taken up after this by the letter sec-tion. Yes, at the risk of losing the wood will of Harry Schmarje, we will have a letter section. So please send in your letters of comment; we'd like to hear from each and every one of you.
4 [text in two columns.] [first column] page twelve. That page is still blank as we type this, and we're beginning to worry. We'll fill it with something but we don't know what at present. The honor of being the first to subscribe goes to Leonard Marlow. Thanks, Leonard, for your faith in us. About future issues. We see no reason why we shouldn't be able to keep going for a long time to come. British fandom has been doing a fine job under the circumstances; we ought to be able to do even bet-ter over here. If it becomes nec-cessary to drop LEP, we wll, but we aren't worrying about that--yet. We may increase in size some-what in the future; probably not much, though. So to make LEP really worth a nickle, we'll have to im-prove in other ways. An obvious way is to present photos. In order to give you worth-while photos, we're going to ask your co-operation. We'd like to have the readers sub-mit them, just as with other mater-ial. If you have a pic which you think would be of interest to other fans, and would be willing to loan us the negative, send it along, with an article telling who or what it is. The story brhind [sic] the picture wouldn't have to be very long, and we'd return the negative as soon as we were through with it. We hope you'll fall in with this idea so that we'll be able to give our readers some interesting photos. We think that something like "Fan Questions and Answers" is needed in fandom. The first in-stallment is on page thirteen. If there's anything you want to know just write in, and we'll try to find the answer. This service should be especially helpful to new fans, but it's open to everyone, so use it all you want to. We'd like to get somebody to do a regular column for LEP, too. Is there anyone who would be will-ing? Any kind of a column will be okay, as long as it's interesting. [second column] Then we also want all the usual kinds of material. That is; articles, fiction, poetry, art-work, etc., We'd like every reader to be a contributer. Don't hesitate; send something as soon as possible. You do your part, and we'll try to make LEPRECHAUN the leading nickle fanzine. Getting away from LEP for a second; what do all you guys and gals think about Pacificon? Of the different plans proposed by the committee we favor the one of simply postponing the affair for the duration. The best fea-ture of this plan is that it would assure a good convention after the war, when it might be hard to arrange one otherwise. We think that a con in any coastal city is out of the question right now, and transferring the affair to another city would present far too many difficulties to be prac-ticable. Before, some fans from the East might have gotten out to Hollywood; but now, transportat-ion difficulties will make that impossible. And I don't think that anyone would want to see all fan activities curtailed for the rest of the war. So the wisest thing to do would be to carry on with all fan activities as before just as far and as long as poss-ible --- with small local confer-ences taking the place of the world convention. The vote will be taken March 15, so there won't be any time for any discussion in the mag, but you have our opinion; let us hear just what you think about it. In the future, we'll keep the editorial down to one page. We had a lot to say this time, so we used space that will be taken up after this by the letter sec-tion. Yes, at the risk of losing the wood will of Harry Schmarje, we will have a letter section. So please send in your letters of comment; we'd like to hear from each and every one of you.
Hevelin Fanzines