Fan-Atic, v. 1, issue 3, May 1941
Page 6
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FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 3. May 1941. Page 6. Continued. SCIENCE-FICTION QUIZ Concocted by Lyman Tiger and Scott Feldman IV. Personal characteristics of authors (Continued). 7. The authors of the old Arabian Nights had a peculiar style of writing. Name a modern author following that tradition. 8. What s-f artist also illustrates for a major New York paper? 9. What author died mysteriously of strange causes just after having completed the collaboration on what is now considered the greatest of fantasy classics? 10. What British science-fiction author has never again written for American magazines after a New York publisher refrained from payment on one of his stories? V. What authors are responsible for these characters: 1. Hawk Carse? 2. Pete Manx? 3. Martin Padway? 4. Dr. Bird? 5. Richard B. Seaton? 6. Tommy Strike? 7. Taine of San Francisco? 8. George and Marian Kirby? 9. Tubby? 10. Ralph 124c41+ ? VI. Occupational questions. What author is also a -----? 1. Mathematics Professor? 2. Archaeologist? 3. Electrical Engineer? 4. Explorer? 5. Political propagandist? 6. Journalist & military expert? 7. Food Chemist? 8. Army Officer? 9. Editor of a poetry magazine? 10. Undertaker? VII. True and false. 1. The villain of the Skylark series was named Whitey Duquesne. 2. H. L. Gold is now an assistant editor at PLANET. 3. ASTOUNDING once had a sister magazine named STRANGE TALES. 4. Eric Frank Russell is another of Thornton Ayre's pen names. 5. The story, "A Voyage to the Moon," was written by an author named Cyrano de Bergerac. 6. One publishing company put out four different fantastic mags 7. Justinian Joggs was a character created by Nelson S Bond. 8. Virgil Finlay recently illustrated an edition of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." 9. Harry Ferman illustrates only in WEIRD TALES. 10. ASTOUNDING STORIES is a magazine now being published by Street and Smith. Historical Questions. 1. What science-fiction artist wrote two or more lead novels for a science-fiction magazine? 2. What magazine changed its size 2 or 3 times within one year? 3. What fantastic magazine was created because of one story? 4. The cover of what mag was once illustrated by photographs? 5. Which magazine rejected "Martian Odyssey" by Stanley G. Weinbaum, and which one accepted it? 6. Name 6 famous fans who became editors of professional mags. 7. What is the most recent s-f mag to appear? 8. Which was the first American magazine to print exclusively fantastic fiction? Continued on next page. JOIN THE NFFF
FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 3. May 1941. Page 6. Continued. SCIENCE-FICTION QUIZ Concocted by Lyman Tiger and Scott Feldman IV. Personal characteristics of authors (Continued). 7. The authors of the old Arabian Nights had a peculiar style of writing. Name a modern author following that tradition. 8. What s-f artist also illustrates for a major New York paper? 9. What author died mysteriously of strange causes just after having completed the collaboration on what is now considered the greatest of fantasy classics? 10. What British science-fiction author has never again written for American magazines after a New York publisher refrained from payment on one of his stories? V. What authors are responsible for these characters: 1. Hawk Carse? 2. Pete Manx? 3. Martin Padway? 4. Dr. Bird? 5. Richard B. Seaton? 6. Tommy Strike? 7. Taine of San Francisco? 8. George and Marian Kirby? 9. Tubby? 10. Ralph 124c41+ ? VI. Occupational questions. What author is also a -----? 1. Mathematics Professor? 2. Archaeologist? 3. Electrical Engineer? 4. Explorer? 5. Political propagandist? 6. Journalist & military expert? 7. Food Chemist? 8. Army Officer? 9. Editor of a poetry magazine? 10. Undertaker? VII. True and false. 1. The villain of the Skylark series was named Whitey Duquesne. 2. H. L. Gold is now an assistant editor at PLANET. 3. ASTOUNDING once had a sister magazine named STRANGE TALES. 4. Eric Frank Russell is another of Thornton Ayre's pen names. 5. The story, "A Voyage to the Moon," was written by an author named Cyrano de Bergerac. 6. One publishing company put out four different fantastic mags 7. Justinian Joggs was a character created by Nelson S Bond. 8. Virgil Finlay recently illustrated an edition of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." 9. Harry Ferman illustrates only in WEIRD TALES. 10. ASTOUNDING STORIES is a magazine now being published by Street and Smith. Historical Questions. 1. What science-fiction artist wrote two or more lead novels for a science-fiction magazine? 2. What magazine changed its size 2 or 3 times within one year? 3. What fantastic magazine was created because of one story? 4. The cover of what mag was once illustrated by photographs? 5. Which magazine rejected "Martian Odyssey" by Stanley G. Weinbaum, and which one accepted it? 6. Name 6 famous fans who became editors of professional mags. 7. What is the most recent s-f mag to appear? 8. Which was the first American magazine to print exclusively fantastic fiction? Continued on next page. JOIN THE NFFF
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