Fan-Atic, v. 1, issue 3, May 1941
Page 10
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FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 3. May 1941. Page 10. THE SCIENTIFUN WAY TO ESPERANTO Continued. Class conducted by Fo^jak. Adjectives...end in a: interplanada...interplanetary me^hanika (viro)...robot! tera... terrestrial, earthly mirikla...miraculous superhoma...slannish Plurals are formed by the addition of j. (adjectives always agree with word they modify) bonaj fabeloj (rimes with my joy)...good stories strangaj intenta^joj...queer inventions multaj revuoj...many mags jaraj convenuoj...annual conventions Pauloj bildoj...Paul pix MAL the MIGHTY. This magic prefix alters a thing to its opposite! A "bona" story becomes a bad one thus malbona. Malscienca is unscientific. Malmultaj, few. (Sure "Malmultaj" is a longer word than "few"- but U have to memorize fewer words this way!) Malata, low. Mal-Hajnlajn: Rej Bradberi! Some Useful Little Words To Have In Your Vocbulary: Jes, yes; ne, no; eble, maybe; certe, sure; kaj, and; sed, but; se, if; kun, with; sen, without; nur, only; sur, on; super above; sub, below; en, in; ekster, outside. Next issue, students, we teach U how to count from 1 to Infinity; make things microscopic; make things macrocosmic; make things colorful; get things going; control sex! ((Keep it clean 4e! - ye eds.)) Also will translate any words, frazes or names U woud like to see. So Wright to me; Fo^jak, 236 1/2 N New HAmpshire, Hollywood, Cal; and I'll take care of U here next number. Gis is revido! (Auf Wiedersehen) ################# MAGIC by David G. Miller. Magic isa practice which has come down to us from our forefathers. It is not merely a belief or a piece of man's intellectual apparatus, but an art in which theory and dogma are at every step translated into action. It is distinctly a human art, in that it is practiced only by man and for his benefit. At the same time it involves a recognition of the supernatural; a belief in magic, wielded by man, to influence the forces of the outside world; of nature, that is. Magic on its traditional side is linked, by mythology, with the dim past of gods and heroes, with the very history of the race. Every act of magic is linked with, and characterized by, things said and done by the person officiating. The fundamental acts are the spell, the rite, and, although not an act, the condition of the performer himself. The spell, the uttering of certain words according to a formula is everywhere regarded as the outstanding part of the magical art. The virtue of the magic lies primarily in the formula, which, in some cases is believed to have been handed from immemorial antiquity. (np)
FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 3. May 1941. Page 10. THE SCIENTIFUN WAY TO ESPERANTO Continued. Class conducted by Fo^jak. Adjectives...end in a: interplanada...interplanetary me^hanika (viro)...robot! tera... terrestrial, earthly mirikla...miraculous superhoma...slannish Plurals are formed by the addition of j. (adjectives always agree with word they modify) bonaj fabeloj (rimes with my joy)...good stories strangaj intenta^joj...queer inventions multaj revuoj...many mags jaraj convenuoj...annual conventions Pauloj bildoj...Paul pix MAL the MIGHTY. This magic prefix alters a thing to its opposite! A "bona" story becomes a bad one thus malbona. Malscienca is unscientific. Malmultaj, few. (Sure "Malmultaj" is a longer word than "few"- but U have to memorize fewer words this way!) Malata, low. Mal-Hajnlajn: Rej Bradberi! Some Useful Little Words To Have In Your Vocbulary: Jes, yes; ne, no; eble, maybe; certe, sure; kaj, and; sed, but; se, if; kun, with; sen, without; nur, only; sur, on; super above; sub, below; en, in; ekster, outside. Next issue, students, we teach U how to count from 1 to Infinity; make things microscopic; make things macrocosmic; make things colorful; get things going; control sex! ((Keep it clean 4e! - ye eds.)) Also will translate any words, frazes or names U woud like to see. So Wright to me; Fo^jak, 236 1/2 N New HAmpshire, Hollywood, Cal; and I'll take care of U here next number. Gis is revido! (Auf Wiedersehen) ################# MAGIC by David G. Miller. Magic isa practice which has come down to us from our forefathers. It is not merely a belief or a piece of man's intellectual apparatus, but an art in which theory and dogma are at every step translated into action. It is distinctly a human art, in that it is practiced only by man and for his benefit. At the same time it involves a recognition of the supernatural; a belief in magic, wielded by man, to influence the forces of the outside world; of nature, that is. Magic on its traditional side is linked, by mythology, with the dim past of gods and heroes, with the very history of the race. Every act of magic is linked with, and characterized by, things said and done by the person officiating. The fundamental acts are the spell, the rite, and, although not an act, the condition of the performer himself. The spell, the uttering of certain words according to a formula is everywhere regarded as the outstanding part of the magical art. The virtue of the magic lies primarily in the formula, which, in some cases is believed to have been handed from immemorial antiquity. (np)
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