Fan-Atic, v. 1, issue 3, May 1941
Page 23
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FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 3. May 1941. Page 23. COMPLIMENTS AND OTHERWISE by You This where you suckers who traded or bought this lousy fanzine tell us editors (Beling and Yehudi) how good it is and how bad it is. All comments are extremely welcome, compliments even more so. Joe Gilbert. 3600 Grand St., Columbia, South Carolina. Dear Charlie, FAN-ATIC received and read with much interest. It's a nice nickel's worth. Most interesting in the issue to me, was, naturally enuf, the fanzine reviews. ((Here we delete a plug for the SOUTHERN STAR. -eds)) Don't precisely agree with Art. The trouble is [underlined] not too many fanzines; the problem is not enuf really good ones. They all seem to be cast in the same mold lately, and the situation is getting monotonous, what will all the unique and truly different mags, like DETOURS, PLUTO, and NEPENTHE folding. What fandom needs is variety, and that is precisely what fandom is not getting right now. FANFARE is doing its part and some of the others like the DAMN THING help out a lot, but there are too few of these others. Ackerman interesting; the editorial should have come first in the mag, and you oughta have a contents page too. Letter section would have been better at the end of the magazine. Would you say that "The Island of Doctor Moreau" should have been left out of "7 Famous Novels" in favor of "Star-Begotten"? There's a helluva lot of room for argument there, but it's all a matter of taste, anyway, so ..... Davis' pome [poem] looks like some of the - uh - stuff I used to write and call verse before I grew up, started drinking Coca Cola, and even having my doubts about FooFoo. Shocking, isn't it? ((Huh! We're worse)) Pong good; Thompson ditto, and will certainly improve as time goes by. Good mimeoing and okay, if uninspired, make-up. It's a quite all-right magazine, Charlie, and shows signs of some work and thought. I suggest a regular cover, instead of plain lettering. Bob Tucker. Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois. Cheerio Chum, The March FAN-ATIC came in yesterday and I enjoyed it, really did. The greatest improvement of this issue over the previous one is not the format or the legibility, or anything like that that are looked for in second issues (altho these are improved). No, the improvement I sepak of is in the downright [underlined] interest in the material....... and [underlined] interesting articles such as you have presented here are such stuff as real fanzines are made of! It has been quite a while since I have enjoyed an issue of a new fanzine. ((To quote Tucker, "we glee" - eds)) Widner's "Too Many Fanmags" is my choice for best. He spake great logic, that man. The fanzine business, as she is being ruined in this country, is headed for a resounding a plop as the oft-prophesied Great Plop of the professional magazines! (Next page.) WASHINGTON IN 1942 JOIN THE NFFF
FAN-ATIC, Vol 1, No 3. May 1941. Page 23. COMPLIMENTS AND OTHERWISE by You This where you suckers who traded or bought this lousy fanzine tell us editors (Beling and Yehudi) how good it is and how bad it is. All comments are extremely welcome, compliments even more so. Joe Gilbert. 3600 Grand St., Columbia, South Carolina. Dear Charlie, FAN-ATIC received and read with much interest. It's a nice nickel's worth. Most interesting in the issue to me, was, naturally enuf, the fanzine reviews. ((Here we delete a plug for the SOUTHERN STAR. -eds)) Don't precisely agree with Art. The trouble is [underlined] not too many fanzines; the problem is not enuf really good ones. They all seem to be cast in the same mold lately, and the situation is getting monotonous, what will all the unique and truly different mags, like DETOURS, PLUTO, and NEPENTHE folding. What fandom needs is variety, and that is precisely what fandom is not getting right now. FANFARE is doing its part and some of the others like the DAMN THING help out a lot, but there are too few of these others. Ackerman interesting; the editorial should have come first in the mag, and you oughta have a contents page too. Letter section would have been better at the end of the magazine. Would you say that "The Island of Doctor Moreau" should have been left out of "7 Famous Novels" in favor of "Star-Begotten"? There's a helluva lot of room for argument there, but it's all a matter of taste, anyway, so ..... Davis' pome [poem] looks like some of the - uh - stuff I used to write and call verse before I grew up, started drinking Coca Cola, and even having my doubts about FooFoo. Shocking, isn't it? ((Huh! We're worse)) Pong good; Thompson ditto, and will certainly improve as time goes by. Good mimeoing and okay, if uninspired, make-up. It's a quite all-right magazine, Charlie, and shows signs of some work and thought. I suggest a regular cover, instead of plain lettering. Bob Tucker. Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois. Cheerio Chum, The March FAN-ATIC came in yesterday and I enjoyed it, really did. The greatest improvement of this issue over the previous one is not the format or the legibility, or anything like that that are looked for in second issues (altho these are improved). No, the improvement I sepak of is in the downright [underlined] interest in the material....... and [underlined] interesting articles such as you have presented here are such stuff as real fanzines are made of! It has been quite a while since I have enjoyed an issue of a new fanzine. ((To quote Tucker, "we glee" - eds)) Widner's "Too Many Fanmags" is my choice for best. He spake great logic, that man. The fanzine business, as she is being ruined in this country, is headed for a resounding a plop as the oft-prophesied Great Plop of the professional magazines! (Next page.) WASHINGTON IN 1942 JOIN THE NFFF
Hevelin Fanzines