Fanfare, November 1950
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"FAN - FARE" is published bi-monthly by Snazzy Skyrocket Fan Publications, located at 119 Ward Rd., N.Tonawanda, New York State, U.S.A. Any material submitted to this publication must be accompanied by return postage, should it prove unacceptable. Material need not be type-written, though it is preferable, but must be written only on once side, and, if possible, double-spaced. Subscriptions to "FAN-FARE" are: six issues (or one year) for 65[[cent symbol]] in continental United States. Elsewhere, 75[[cent symbol]] per annum. Single issues, 15[[cent symbol]]. Advertisement rates are 60[[cent symbol]] per page. For fractions of a page, corresponding fractions will be charged. No ads. will be published for less than 10[[cent symbol]]. Full page repeats: 40[[cent symbol]]. ** Editor: W. Paul Ganley Associate Editor: R.E. Briney ** January issue mailed before Xmas Cover by Edd Roberts & Curtis Stewart, symbolizing Ed Noble's ALL GOD'S CHILLUN GOT WORLDS. Interior illustrations by Bradley, Maneval, & Share. E N T R' A C T E You'll notice that the editorial is longer this issue. There are two reasons for that; the first is that I'm tired of cutting it to nothing; the other one is that I shall have to review a few of my competitors. Also, you'll notice that the RESEMBLANCE fantasy, by Larry Saunders, has been omitted. (Sorry, Larry; but the interior illustration for it did not arrive in time, and I had to make a substitution.) It will appear in the March, 1951, issue. Another contradiction---apparently Andy Duane can't write the proposed sequel to THE MASTERS OF LOUAEN. Maybe you can change his mind! PLEASE SEND US THE RATING SLIPS EVERY ISSUE!!! After all, when I go to all the trouble of hand-setting rubber type just to print them, (Concluded on p. 17) CONTENTS FICTION:- ALL GOD'S CHILLUN GOT WORLDS......5 by Ed Noble Earth----in the person of Pritchard S. Littlechip---decides it has enough woes of its own, without being plagued with those of six other Earth-planes! CONCOCTION.....8 by Tom Covington Chief Eagle Eye could see no hope of regaining his lost hair----until he encountered Bird-Fowl. IN THE FLESH.........10 by Phillip Duke The Kamina was thriving, and it found life good. And it waited---waited until it could grow strong enough to conquer this new planet called Earth! ALMOST HUMAN.......14 by Sid Gluck It did not breathe, it did not live; it just thumped on through the forest. THE RACK.....18 by Warren Baldwin Lost in the Schwarzwald, he stumbled onto a scene of horror in an ancient crumbling castle. VERSE:- ERROR, Al Leverentz......12 TOMORROW'S CHILDREN, Keran O'Brien..16 CHILD DEMONOLOGY, Ruth Weinstein....17 THE SPELL OF NIGHT, Andrew Duane....21 FEATURES:- ENTR-ACTE (editorial)........2 WHAT THE CAT DRAGGED IN.........3 BOOK REVIEWS..........13 THE GAP IN THE CURTAIN...........21
"FAN - FARE" is published bi-monthly by Snazzy Skyrocket Fan Publications, located at 119 Ward Rd., N.Tonawanda, New York State, U.S.A. Any material submitted to this publication must be accompanied by return postage, should it prove unacceptable. Material need not be type-written, though it is preferable, but must be written only on once side, and, if possible, double-spaced. Subscriptions to "FAN-FARE" are: six issues (or one year) for 65[[cent symbol]] in continental United States. Elsewhere, 75[[cent symbol]] per annum. Single issues, 15[[cent symbol]]. Advertisement rates are 60[[cent symbol]] per page. For fractions of a page, corresponding fractions will be charged. No ads. will be published for less than 10[[cent symbol]]. Full page repeats: 40[[cent symbol]]. ** Editor: W. Paul Ganley Associate Editor: R.E. Briney ** January issue mailed before Xmas Cover by Edd Roberts & Curtis Stewart, symbolizing Ed Noble's ALL GOD'S CHILLUN GOT WORLDS. Interior illustrations by Bradley, Maneval, & Share. E N T R' A C T E You'll notice that the editorial is longer this issue. There are two reasons for that; the first is that I'm tired of cutting it to nothing; the other one is that I shall have to review a few of my competitors. Also, you'll notice that the RESEMBLANCE fantasy, by Larry Saunders, has been omitted. (Sorry, Larry; but the interior illustration for it did not arrive in time, and I had to make a substitution.) It will appear in the March, 1951, issue. Another contradiction---apparently Andy Duane can't write the proposed sequel to THE MASTERS OF LOUAEN. Maybe you can change his mind! PLEASE SEND US THE RATING SLIPS EVERY ISSUE!!! After all, when I go to all the trouble of hand-setting rubber type just to print them, (Concluded on p. 17) CONTENTS FICTION:- ALL GOD'S CHILLUN GOT WORLDS......5 by Ed Noble Earth----in the person of Pritchard S. Littlechip---decides it has enough woes of its own, without being plagued with those of six other Earth-planes! CONCOCTION.....8 by Tom Covington Chief Eagle Eye could see no hope of regaining his lost hair----until he encountered Bird-Fowl. IN THE FLESH.........10 by Phillip Duke The Kamina was thriving, and it found life good. And it waited---waited until it could grow strong enough to conquer this new planet called Earth! ALMOST HUMAN.......14 by Sid Gluck It did not breathe, it did not live; it just thumped on through the forest. THE RACK.....18 by Warren Baldwin Lost in the Schwarzwald, he stumbled onto a scene of horror in an ancient crumbling castle. VERSE:- ERROR, Al Leverentz......12 TOMORROW'S CHILDREN, Keran O'Brien..16 CHILD DEMONOLOGY, Ruth Weinstein....17 THE SPELL OF NIGHT, Andrew Duane....21 FEATURES:- ENTR-ACTE (editorial)........2 WHAT THE CAT DRAGGED IN.........3 BOOK REVIEWS..........13 THE GAP IN THE CURTAIN...........21
Hevelin Fanzines