Fanfare, November 1950
Page 7
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to another earth-plane. "Weil Dghuse was chasing Wag-mop, which caused all the disturbance in the first place. And I have been informed that a number of individuals from Earth VI and the other earth-planes have been making visits to Earth IV, particularly the Ghost Riders, even to the point where the jester, Speik Junz, led them, as well as Vojjin Munroh and Binc Ruzbih. Before we have further invasions of our privacy I would put forth the plea that Earth IV, as the balance of the several earth-planes, be left to its own little problems. "It is not to be said that all visitors from the earth-planes have been unwelcome, but it might be better for the sanity of those of Earth IV to remain unaware that other earth-planes exist, at least for the time. The bit of Star Dust that separates us should remain, if it is within your power." Inca Dinka Dhu nodded in agreement. "Those who have invaded your privacy have done so without my consent," he assured Littlechip. "When Fren Kihlain led his Mewl Trane through the planes I did not approve. I was in pursuit of him, so that he was driving his Mewl Train at full gallop. I could hear the cracking of his whip---" "--- and who hasn't?" Littlechip said, sourly. "I have the power to block off Earth IV to all those in the other planes of Earth," Inca Dinka Dhu went on. "It will require a reciprocal contribution upon the part of Earth IV, but I think perhaps it might be done." "Just name the terms---" Inca Dinka Dhu named the terms. Pritchard S. Littlechip went to work. Technicians of the six planes of Earth other than Earth IV went to work when Littlechip gave them the plans and within a matter of weeks a machine was created for the Inca Dinka Dhu. "There it is, the most high one," Littlechip observed. "Such rays as you seek transcend the various millionths of inches between the various world planes for they travel in the directions crossing the planes and you should have little difficulty. I have tested the machine, and it works. The miracle of Earth is thus at your disposal and I have left the plans for designing and constructing further such machines for your subjects so that all may have them, upon the condition that they do not bother us on Earth IV." "It shall be as you say," Inca Dinka Dhu agreed. . . . . . . Pritchard Littlechip sat in his library again. He picked up the paper where he had lefto ff and began more commentary on the Hipper Hooper Hyper-space Hypothesis. . . . . . . On Earth IV, with Littlechip back at his desk, Inca Dinka Dhu, surrounded by Weil Dghuse, Vojjin Munroh, Fren Kilain, and Wag-mop, turned on a switch and moved certain dials. The one dial was set for Channel Nine. A dot of light appeared upon the circular screen---then the light-point expanded and there was a flickering and flashing of incongruous motion. Inca Dinka Dhu turned other dials --- the wild flickering subsided--- a picture appeared upon the screen--- the figures in the screen moved--- from all who witnessed a great sign of joy: "HOPALONG CASSIDY--------!!!!!!!" The End page 7
to another earth-plane. "Weil Dghuse was chasing Wag-mop, which caused all the disturbance in the first place. And I have been informed that a number of individuals from Earth VI and the other earth-planes have been making visits to Earth IV, particularly the Ghost Riders, even to the point where the jester, Speik Junz, led them, as well as Vojjin Munroh and Binc Ruzbih. Before we have further invasions of our privacy I would put forth the plea that Earth IV, as the balance of the several earth-planes, be left to its own little problems. "It is not to be said that all visitors from the earth-planes have been unwelcome, but it might be better for the sanity of those of Earth IV to remain unaware that other earth-planes exist, at least for the time. The bit of Star Dust that separates us should remain, if it is within your power." Inca Dinka Dhu nodded in agreement. "Those who have invaded your privacy have done so without my consent," he assured Littlechip. "When Fren Kihlain led his Mewl Trane through the planes I did not approve. I was in pursuit of him, so that he was driving his Mewl Train at full gallop. I could hear the cracking of his whip---" "--- and who hasn't?" Littlechip said, sourly. "I have the power to block off Earth IV to all those in the other planes of Earth," Inca Dinka Dhu went on. "It will require a reciprocal contribution upon the part of Earth IV, but I think perhaps it might be done." "Just name the terms---" Inca Dinka Dhu named the terms. Pritchard S. Littlechip went to work. Technicians of the six planes of Earth other than Earth IV went to work when Littlechip gave them the plans and within a matter of weeks a machine was created for the Inca Dinka Dhu. "There it is, the most high one," Littlechip observed. "Such rays as you seek transcend the various millionths of inches between the various world planes for they travel in the directions crossing the planes and you should have little difficulty. I have tested the machine, and it works. The miracle of Earth is thus at your disposal and I have left the plans for designing and constructing further such machines for your subjects so that all may have them, upon the condition that they do not bother us on Earth IV." "It shall be as you say," Inca Dinka Dhu agreed. . . . . . . Pritchard Littlechip sat in his library again. He picked up the paper where he had lefto ff and began more commentary on the Hipper Hooper Hyper-space Hypothesis. . . . . . . On Earth IV, with Littlechip back at his desk, Inca Dinka Dhu, surrounded by Weil Dghuse, Vojjin Munroh, Fren Kilain, and Wag-mop, turned on a switch and moved certain dials. The one dial was set for Channel Nine. A dot of light appeared upon the circular screen---then the light-point expanded and there was a flickering and flashing of incongruous motion. Inca Dinka Dhu turned other dials --- the wild flickering subsided--- a picture appeared upon the screen--- the figures in the screen moved--- from all who witnessed a great sign of joy: "HOPALONG CASSIDY--------!!!!!!!" The End page 7
Hevelin Fanzines