Fanfare, November 1950
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OK with grammar OK and stuff like dat dere; it provided a longish plot and got to the end all right.... ---Girard, Pennsylvania. Now to clean out the rest of the mailbox items. Quite a few of 'em, too. FAN-FARE is a charming name---it is anyhow pronounceable, which is more than can be said for certain other Fan Things. ##### Also, I would like to compliment you on the nice work you are doing on same. Each issue has been an improvement and it appears that the stories are somewhat above the average in comparison to those in certain other self-termed story maggies. Being for the time on the free list due to the courtesy of my Noble friend, Ed, Jr., mayhap I should keep my big yap closed, though I find that generally those who get in for free usually complain the loudest. However, I have naught to complain of, and I trust you will continue to force Edward to emit with his little pall, Littlechip. [Fear not; we shall! There are several Littlechip tales on hand now, besides the one in the present ish, All God's Chillun Got Worlds.] Keep up with the swell job you have been doing on F-F. ---Jack Cuthbert, Box 1736, Pittsburgh, 30, Penna. ** ** To Andy Duane: I bet you were glorified at what Rog Phillips said about your story, Involuntary Oddyssey; quite a build-up for both you and Fan-Fare. I liked the idea of including John Carter, even though the story was no great shakes. ---Jim Bradley, 545 N. E. San Rafael, Portland 12, Oregon. ** ** The Masters of Louaen was well! Mysterious robed beings, space-battles, naked men in music concerts---just the kind of story I like ---Brian McNaughton, 198 Bergen Place, New Jersey. ** ** Enjoyed Masters very much; Duane's descriptions and action were very fine, but---I feel that he was influenced by certain of his favorite authors. The plot was handled beautifully, however. #### Duane has it in him to write in a new style if he would only stop letting the influence of other writers---and critics!---creep into his work. I await with anticipation the promised sequel to Masters. ---Ted Burgoyne, 33 Penobscot Avenue, Howland, Maine. The sequel to The Masters of Louaen, now in progress, will be in the May and July, 1951, issues of Fan-Fare, barring complications. And with that somewhat long-term forecast, we put the cat out for this time. Hope there are some more interesting morsels for him to drag in next issue. ---Reb CHALLENGE: A new quarterly devoted entirely to the poetry of science-fiction and fantasy. Only the best craftsmanship and the most original and unusual subject matter accepted. Don't try to write for Challenge until you have read it. Editor, Lilith Lorraine, Associates, Stanton A. Coblentz and Evelyn Thorne. Rogers, Ark. Copy 30[[cent symbol]], per year, $1.00. Do you remember the times when men were free and lusty; and the gods and the demons roamed the world; and men were less wise but more happy? Do you remember---"SHANADU"? If not, you will learn more about this magical place of the dim and misty past... soon!
OK with grammar OK and stuff like dat dere; it provided a longish plot and got to the end all right.... ---Girard, Pennsylvania. Now to clean out the rest of the mailbox items. Quite a few of 'em, too. FAN-FARE is a charming name---it is anyhow pronounceable, which is more than can be said for certain other Fan Things. ##### Also, I would like to compliment you on the nice work you are doing on same. Each issue has been an improvement and it appears that the stories are somewhat above the average in comparison to those in certain other self-termed story maggies. Being for the time on the free list due to the courtesy of my Noble friend, Ed, Jr., mayhap I should keep my big yap closed, though I find that generally those who get in for free usually complain the loudest. However, I have naught to complain of, and I trust you will continue to force Edward to emit with his little pall, Littlechip. [Fear not; we shall! There are several Littlechip tales on hand now, besides the one in the present ish, All God's Chillun Got Worlds.] Keep up with the swell job you have been doing on F-F. ---Jack Cuthbert, Box 1736, Pittsburgh, 30, Penna. ** ** To Andy Duane: I bet you were glorified at what Rog Phillips said about your story, Involuntary Oddyssey; quite a build-up for both you and Fan-Fare. I liked the idea of including John Carter, even though the story was no great shakes. ---Jim Bradley, 545 N. E. San Rafael, Portland 12, Oregon. ** ** The Masters of Louaen was well! Mysterious robed beings, space-battles, naked men in music concerts---just the kind of story I like ---Brian McNaughton, 198 Bergen Place, New Jersey. ** ** Enjoyed Masters very much; Duane's descriptions and action were very fine, but---I feel that he was influenced by certain of his favorite authors. The plot was handled beautifully, however. #### Duane has it in him to write in a new style if he would only stop letting the influence of other writers---and critics!---creep into his work. I await with anticipation the promised sequel to Masters. ---Ted Burgoyne, 33 Penobscot Avenue, Howland, Maine. The sequel to The Masters of Louaen, now in progress, will be in the May and July, 1951, issues of Fan-Fare, barring complications. And with that somewhat long-term forecast, we put the cat out for this time. Hope there are some more interesting morsels for him to drag in next issue. ---Reb CHALLENGE: A new quarterly devoted entirely to the poetry of science-fiction and fantasy. Only the best craftsmanship and the most original and unusual subject matter accepted. Don't try to write for Challenge until you have read it. Editor, Lilith Lorraine, Associates, Stanton A. Coblentz and Evelyn Thorne. Rogers, Ark. Copy 30[[cent symbol]], per year, $1.00. Do you remember the times when men were free and lusty; and the gods and the demons roamed the world; and men were less wise but more happy? Do you remember---"SHANADU"? If not, you will learn more about this magical place of the dim and misty past... soon!
Hevelin Fanzines