Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 14
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xiv fanfare SLANDER of tomorrow. And the fans of that tomorrow will rage and sneer and revile us with all the strange, rather sad, ephemeral idealism of youth. Even as you and I today . . . * * * MISCELLANIA Nominations for the lowest-down trick of 1941: The Singleton Hoax. 'Twill be delightful to see the reactions due soon from all the fanzine editors who said all those lovely, lovely things about Earl, and then were embarrassed by his untimely resurrection. * * * Theodore Sturgeon, I'm personally certain, is the man behind E. Waldo Hunter. Note that Hunter appears in every issue that Sturgeon does, and the similarity in styles. Too much coincidence here to be coincidence. * * * Wollheim is planning to use the block form of printing all the way thru his two magazines, a la UNKNOWN. * * * Silly thought: Why don't supermen wear overalls to save wear and tear on their snappy supermen suits. The dry cleaning bill must be tremendous! * * * How come so many fans who are out and out atheists, profess themselves to be agnostics? Because it sounds better? * * * Low Martin may move out west this fall. * * * Robert Moore Williams is trying for the slick markets now. Bob became an honorary member of the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION a short while back. * * * Art Joquel is planning another fanzine. The conception behind it is unique in the US, being a conglomeration of letters received in a round-robin started by Art . Thus, one fan received Art's starter, wrote one or two pages of stuff, attached a note and every sticker he had and that no one else had previously used, to his letter, and sent it on to the next person, who followed the same procedure. The result should really be somethin'. The amazing Art is also planning an annual of fanzines, and one or two more items, such as the BOOK OF DZYAN and Fywert Kingo's blank verse. * * * Lynn Bridges is working on an Fapaper, JINX, a bi-monthly newsheet with the emphasis on Southern fandom, SOUTHERN SLAN(T)S, and a fan-fiction mag, wherein each story will have a full page illustration, the author selecting the illustrator. * * * Gilbert plans to issue UNFAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES in addition to his other FAPA mag, SOUND-OFF! * * * Jenkins will use Assorted Services' Mimicrayon to litho the best drawing in each issue of FANART. * * * Eugene Colowaert, 3117 E Larned, Detroit, Mich., is busily at work on a new fanzine. Gene's a decent sort, and needs material, so why not shoot an article in his direction? You'll be in good company--Jenkins and Fischer being represented in the first issue. * * * Chamberlain of Shangri-LA at work on NUCLEUS. * * * Fortier will produce TWILIGHT this winter for Starlight Publication (Cheese, don't dose guys pick out de most poetic names for dere fanzines? Sounds chust like Eddie Guest, almost!) * * * Lou Goldstone, of that very excellent magazine, FANTASIA, is working on a new idea. * * * SUN SPOTS has dissolved, and abelieve if or not, I'm sorry. * * * This trip has exceeded even the ten-page limit I set for it, so I'll stop and go out and bay at the moon until a neighbor makes a lucky shot. THE END x - o - x - o - x - o - x - o - x - o CUNLA! at the Pacificon IN 1942!
xiv fanfare SLANDER of tomorrow. And the fans of that tomorrow will rage and sneer and revile us with all the strange, rather sad, ephemeral idealism of youth. Even as you and I today . . . * * * MISCELLANIA Nominations for the lowest-down trick of 1941: The Singleton Hoax. 'Twill be delightful to see the reactions due soon from all the fanzine editors who said all those lovely, lovely things about Earl, and then were embarrassed by his untimely resurrection. * * * Theodore Sturgeon, I'm personally certain, is the man behind E. Waldo Hunter. Note that Hunter appears in every issue that Sturgeon does, and the similarity in styles. Too much coincidence here to be coincidence. * * * Wollheim is planning to use the block form of printing all the way thru his two magazines, a la UNKNOWN. * * * Silly thought: Why don't supermen wear overalls to save wear and tear on their snappy supermen suits. The dry cleaning bill must be tremendous! * * * How come so many fans who are out and out atheists, profess themselves to be agnostics? Because it sounds better? * * * Low Martin may move out west this fall. * * * Robert Moore Williams is trying for the slick markets now. Bob became an honorary member of the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION a short while back. * * * Art Joquel is planning another fanzine. The conception behind it is unique in the US, being a conglomeration of letters received in a round-robin started by Art . Thus, one fan received Art's starter, wrote one or two pages of stuff, attached a note and every sticker he had and that no one else had previously used, to his letter, and sent it on to the next person, who followed the same procedure. The result should really be somethin'. The amazing Art is also planning an annual of fanzines, and one or two more items, such as the BOOK OF DZYAN and Fywert Kingo's blank verse. * * * Lynn Bridges is working on an Fapaper, JINX, a bi-monthly newsheet with the emphasis on Southern fandom, SOUTHERN SLAN(T)S, and a fan-fiction mag, wherein each story will have a full page illustration, the author selecting the illustrator. * * * Gilbert plans to issue UNFAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES in addition to his other FAPA mag, SOUND-OFF! * * * Jenkins will use Assorted Services' Mimicrayon to litho the best drawing in each issue of FANART. * * * Eugene Colowaert, 3117 E Larned, Detroit, Mich., is busily at work on a new fanzine. Gene's a decent sort, and needs material, so why not shoot an article in his direction? You'll be in good company--Jenkins and Fischer being represented in the first issue. * * * Chamberlain of Shangri-LA at work on NUCLEUS. * * * Fortier will produce TWILIGHT this winter for Starlight Publication (Cheese, don't dose guys pick out de most poetic names for dere fanzines? Sounds chust like Eddie Guest, almost!) * * * Lou Goldstone, of that very excellent magazine, FANTASIA, is working on a new idea. * * * SUN SPOTS has dissolved, and abelieve if or not, I'm sorry. * * * This trip has exceeded even the ten-page limit I set for it, so I'll stop and go out and bay at the moon until a neighbor makes a lucky shot. THE END x - o - x - o - x - o - x - o - x - o CUNLA! at the Pacificon IN 1942!
Hevelin Fanzines