Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 21
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[header] fanfare xxi [/header] FROM A "BULLETIN OF 'QUEENS SCIENCE FICTION'" "science fiction celebrities who will be present are Leo Margulies, Editorial Director of Thrilling Winder and Starling Stories---. Startling Stories will be revived and discussed." I don't think Editor Margulios will take very kindly to that statement. I don't believe he knows that his magazine is so"far gone. What do you intend to use, Mr. Sykora? The prone-posture method or a pulmotor? FROM "BOLIDE" VOLUME 1, NO. 1 "If Singleton is not dead and his suicide a hoax, we think fandom should ostracize him and kick out the humorless bums responsible. How about forming a "Keep Singleton Dead Committee"?" Sign me up pronto, Don. If Singleton is dead, I'm sorry. If he is not dead, I'm even more sorry. FROM "FROM THE DUEL CONTROLS" IN THE "SOUTHERN STAR" VOL. 1 NO. 2 "We aren't promising anything special in the way of mimeographing, expect that we'll do our dangest on it, and will doubtless have a fairly legible magazine by our first issue." By our first issue? That's a weird statement to make in the seconf issue, isn't it? What-the-hell! Have you really solved the problem of time travel, Mr. Gilbert? Do I still gripe you, Joe? FROM "ONSLAUGHT OF THE DRUID GIRLS" IN "FANTASTIC ADVENTURES" JUNE '41 "Little Zonara, second satellite of Earth. Some two hundred thousand miles outside the orbit of the Moon, itresolves around the Earth once in approximately fifty Earth-days. Presenting, like the Moon, always the same face to the Earth, it has nearly equal days and nights, each of some twenty-five Earth hours." Another one snared by Scout Perdue. It's too much for a mere"escapist"; some of you serious scientifically-inclined fans should hav a ready caption for that one. FROM 'THE ROCKET CAR" IN "COSMIC TALES" JULY 1941 "The fatty officer, waited till the last minuet, than saved his worthless life by executing a high jumb." High jumping in the minuet!!! Is there nothing sacred to thes youngsters! If this sort of thing keeps up the only folks who will b able to waltz will be trapeze artists and pole-vaulters.
[header] fanfare xxi [/header] FROM A "BULLETIN OF 'QUEENS SCIENCE FICTION'" "science fiction celebrities who will be present are Leo Margulies, Editorial Director of Thrilling Winder and Starling Stories---. Startling Stories will be revived and discussed." I don't think Editor Margulios will take very kindly to that statement. I don't believe he knows that his magazine is so"far gone. What do you intend to use, Mr. Sykora? The prone-posture method or a pulmotor? FROM "BOLIDE" VOLUME 1, NO. 1 "If Singleton is not dead and his suicide a hoax, we think fandom should ostracize him and kick out the humorless bums responsible. How about forming a "Keep Singleton Dead Committee"?" Sign me up pronto, Don. If Singleton is dead, I'm sorry. If he is not dead, I'm even more sorry. FROM "FROM THE DUEL CONTROLS" IN THE "SOUTHERN STAR" VOL. 1 NO. 2 "We aren't promising anything special in the way of mimeographing, expect that we'll do our dangest on it, and will doubtless have a fairly legible magazine by our first issue." By our first issue? That's a weird statement to make in the seconf issue, isn't it? What-the-hell! Have you really solved the problem of time travel, Mr. Gilbert? Do I still gripe you, Joe? FROM "ONSLAUGHT OF THE DRUID GIRLS" IN "FANTASTIC ADVENTURES" JUNE '41 "Little Zonara, second satellite of Earth. Some two hundred thousand miles outside the orbit of the Moon, itresolves around the Earth once in approximately fifty Earth-days. Presenting, like the Moon, always the same face to the Earth, it has nearly equal days and nights, each of some twenty-five Earth hours." Another one snared by Scout Perdue. It's too much for a mere"escapist"; some of you serious scientifically-inclined fans should hav a ready caption for that one. FROM 'THE ROCKET CAR" IN "COSMIC TALES" JULY 1941 "The fatty officer, waited till the last minuet, than saved his worthless life by executing a high jumb." High jumping in the minuet!!! Is there nothing sacred to thes youngsters! If this sort of thing keeps up the only folks who will b able to waltz will be trapeze artists and pole-vaulters.
Hevelin Fanzines