Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 23
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fanfare xxiii STRANGE INTERLUDES A MISKELLANEOUS KNIGHTMARE by damon knight FANFARE came today, and I read most of it --- not all, because the puny hectographing is hard on my eyes --- and liked mildly what I read. Slightly sickened by Miske's pompous clichés, particularly since Chauvenet has told me about the Singleton Hoax. I note that both snide and I are tied with something else in our respective polls. Don't mind about s; glad to be association with PLUTO, in fact. But I view with horror the linking of my fair name with that of Miske. I heartily object, to tell the truth. The mere thot that I fill much the same place in the public mind as JCM fills me with assorted emotions, all unpleasant. A horrid vision swims before my glassy gaze. I see Miske and me standing solitary on a raised place somewhere before the public. I recoil shuddering from Miske, and he, a haughty sneer upon his bovine face, coldly ignores me. A hoarse voice, from nowhere in particular chants, "Two specimens of genus FooFoo, both 29th on the Widner scale. Notice the rudimentary third and fourth eyes. Now on your right -- laydees and gentulmen…" But this is intolerable. It is fantastic...I know what I'll do; I'll turn out reams and reams of fan stuff right away and either raise or lower myself ten points or so. You haven't heard the last of this, Widner. I'll have my revenge, I tell you, my revenge, a-ha-ha- ha- ha- ha- haah! --------------------------- MAKING A CLEAN BREAST OF IT by sinn-yk-uhss Davis on style --- subjective vaporings. Why not use the like or dislike method? Tucker on expenses -- an awful waste of space on the past. Finances are everybody's worry, why dig up last year? Gilbert's SLAN!DER -- He is wasting space about Miske. Making up FANFARE must be too much of a nuisance to waste so much space on Miske. Rothman on Miske -- more of it, altho it's more Rothman than Miske. Such arrogance as our Rothman exhibits...Typical sensitive soul stuff. Recluse and hermit, intense radical and garrulous...all evidences of passive revolt against society which does not appreciate his "genius". To himself, soothingly, he says, "Young scientist" but lets the cat out of a bag with "clerk"...Very just...very clerkly... STAR TREADER -- it ain't so, he's miles from the stars in condemning the English fans for their conscience. Pooey, he's a very ordinary being. Lowndes on Boskone -- didn't think he had it in him; good reporting. Chauvenet in STRANGE INTERLUDES -- that style duel wants
fanfare xxiii STRANGE INTERLUDES A MISKELLANEOUS KNIGHTMARE by damon knight FANFARE came today, and I read most of it --- not all, because the puny hectographing is hard on my eyes --- and liked mildly what I read. Slightly sickened by Miske's pompous clichés, particularly since Chauvenet has told me about the Singleton Hoax. I note that both snide and I are tied with something else in our respective polls. Don't mind about s; glad to be association with PLUTO, in fact. But I view with horror the linking of my fair name with that of Miske. I heartily object, to tell the truth. The mere thot that I fill much the same place in the public mind as JCM fills me with assorted emotions, all unpleasant. A horrid vision swims before my glassy gaze. I see Miske and me standing solitary on a raised place somewhere before the public. I recoil shuddering from Miske, and he, a haughty sneer upon his bovine face, coldly ignores me. A hoarse voice, from nowhere in particular chants, "Two specimens of genus FooFoo, both 29th on the Widner scale. Notice the rudimentary third and fourth eyes. Now on your right -- laydees and gentulmen…" But this is intolerable. It is fantastic...I know what I'll do; I'll turn out reams and reams of fan stuff right away and either raise or lower myself ten points or so. You haven't heard the last of this, Widner. I'll have my revenge, I tell you, my revenge, a-ha-ha- ha- ha- ha- haah! --------------------------- MAKING A CLEAN BREAST OF IT by sinn-yk-uhss Davis on style --- subjective vaporings. Why not use the like or dislike method? Tucker on expenses -- an awful waste of space on the past. Finances are everybody's worry, why dig up last year? Gilbert's SLAN!DER -- He is wasting space about Miske. Making up FANFARE must be too much of a nuisance to waste so much space on Miske. Rothman on Miske -- more of it, altho it's more Rothman than Miske. Such arrogance as our Rothman exhibits...Typical sensitive soul stuff. Recluse and hermit, intense radical and garrulous...all evidences of passive revolt against society which does not appreciate his "genius". To himself, soothingly, he says, "Young scientist" but lets the cat out of a bag with "clerk"...Very just...very clerkly... STAR TREADER -- it ain't so, he's miles from the stars in condemning the English fans for their conscience. Pooey, he's a very ordinary being. Lowndes on Boskone -- didn't think he had it in him; good reporting. Chauvenet in STRANGE INTERLUDES -- that style duel wants
Hevelin Fanzines