Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 24
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xxiv fanfare STRANGE INTERLUDE development, like to see a couple of the gals in action, in full battle costume. Gems section -- want to cry right out loud for a full and descriptive write up on the bandeau-brassiere question. Its downright indecent to keep us uninformed on such an "uplift" subject. Am quite sure that awjr would be willing to devote several pages of FANFARE to such a deep chested subject...what say, awjr? (*Am quite sure he wouldn't -- he has his hands full as it is --*) Jones-picture -- swell. I'll bet old pickle-puss there has Tantric Buddhism and Chinese derivations thereof for sources? Anent Davis again -- his talk of hot and sensuous tropic women's kisses is a fantasy brought on by distance. Been there (Havana) and they're "des pesos" and mechanical...(*You went to the wrong place, chum. Davis has been to Mexico...*) ---------------------------- THE INVISIBLE ELEVATOR by Lou Goldstone I AUDIT THE CHICON, STRANGERS IN BOSTON, and SLAN!DER gave me the greatest reading pleasure. Tucker's article was particularly interesting. Bob is always succinct, a virtue that cannot be overrated. I wish I possessed it. Lowndes is a colorful chronicler; his meticulous regard for detail, and his good judgement in arranging the necessarily jumbled facts make his material top-notch. Filbert was remarkably lucid, and while parts of his article were inane, this failing is due to the magnitude of the task rather than to any disability on his part. If quantity of comment accused in any criterion, Miske has undeniably made quite a character of himself. But I have yet to find in any of his writing that which will make me stand in awe of him. He is admittedly able to handle his words well, but I cannot see what elevated him in the minds of some fans to a stature of a godhead. Before I forget it, I have a bone to pick with Rothman. He has, I believe, revealed his own intellectual shortcomings most clearly. At the same time, he has exposed the innate incapacity of people of his type to think honestly. The various self-styled "liberal" sects, ranging from Party members down through the assorted vermilions and pinks and infra reds, are queer indeed. The kind of person who belongs in these groups is, I feel, either outrightly misguided or intellectually corrupt. Rothman, I'm sorry to say, seems to fall into the latter category. He is, of course, an advocate of tolerance. They all are. He believes in humanity, naturally. He is a champion of civil rights, and would resent most bitterly any impugnment of his integrity. Yet he is so abysmally conceited, so callously inscrupulous in his disregard for fact, so pitifully choked up with the opium of his own intolerant brand of wishful thinking as to make a statement like this one: "...Pegler is utterly despised by all who make pretense to advanced ways of thinking." Rothman means, of course, his way of thinking. At least he thinks he does. But I've an idea that the verbatim context hits the nail on the head. We know that Rothman despises Pegler, Rothman refers to people who make pretense to advanced ways of thinking. I think he has described him -- and his ilk -- aptly. At least the description is apt if "advanced ways of thinking" indicates an improvement on the narrow, bigoted, selfish ways of thinking that have afflicted the world for so long, and for which Rothman is to so eloquent a spokesman. Now that I'm rid of the above, back to FANFARE. STARDUST and the article on ASTOUNDING both pleased me. Nothing in FANFARE is bad, and that fact is more than enough to recom
xxiv fanfare STRANGE INTERLUDE development, like to see a couple of the gals in action, in full battle costume. Gems section -- want to cry right out loud for a full and descriptive write up on the bandeau-brassiere question. Its downright indecent to keep us uninformed on such an "uplift" subject. Am quite sure that awjr would be willing to devote several pages of FANFARE to such a deep chested subject...what say, awjr? (*Am quite sure he wouldn't -- he has his hands full as it is --*) Jones-picture -- swell. I'll bet old pickle-puss there has Tantric Buddhism and Chinese derivations thereof for sources? Anent Davis again -- his talk of hot and sensuous tropic women's kisses is a fantasy brought on by distance. Been there (Havana) and they're "des pesos" and mechanical...(*You went to the wrong place, chum. Davis has been to Mexico...*) ---------------------------- THE INVISIBLE ELEVATOR by Lou Goldstone I AUDIT THE CHICON, STRANGERS IN BOSTON, and SLAN!DER gave me the greatest reading pleasure. Tucker's article was particularly interesting. Bob is always succinct, a virtue that cannot be overrated. I wish I possessed it. Lowndes is a colorful chronicler; his meticulous regard for detail, and his good judgement in arranging the necessarily jumbled facts make his material top-notch. Filbert was remarkably lucid, and while parts of his article were inane, this failing is due to the magnitude of the task rather than to any disability on his part. If quantity of comment accused in any criterion, Miske has undeniably made quite a character of himself. But I have yet to find in any of his writing that which will make me stand in awe of him. He is admittedly able to handle his words well, but I cannot see what elevated him in the minds of some fans to a stature of a godhead. Before I forget it, I have a bone to pick with Rothman. He has, I believe, revealed his own intellectual shortcomings most clearly. At the same time, he has exposed the innate incapacity of people of his type to think honestly. The various self-styled "liberal" sects, ranging from Party members down through the assorted vermilions and pinks and infra reds, are queer indeed. The kind of person who belongs in these groups is, I feel, either outrightly misguided or intellectually corrupt. Rothman, I'm sorry to say, seems to fall into the latter category. He is, of course, an advocate of tolerance. They all are. He believes in humanity, naturally. He is a champion of civil rights, and would resent most bitterly any impugnment of his integrity. Yet he is so abysmally conceited, so callously inscrupulous in his disregard for fact, so pitifully choked up with the opium of his own intolerant brand of wishful thinking as to make a statement like this one: "...Pegler is utterly despised by all who make pretense to advanced ways of thinking." Rothman means, of course, his way of thinking. At least he thinks he does. But I've an idea that the verbatim context hits the nail on the head. We know that Rothman despises Pegler, Rothman refers to people who make pretense to advanced ways of thinking. I think he has described him -- and his ilk -- aptly. At least the description is apt if "advanced ways of thinking" indicates an improvement on the narrow, bigoted, selfish ways of thinking that have afflicted the world for so long, and for which Rothman is to so eloquent a spokesman. Now that I'm rid of the above, back to FANFARE. STARDUST and the article on ASTOUNDING both pleased me. Nothing in FANFARE is bad, and that fact is more than enough to recom
Hevelin Fanzines