Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 25
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f a n f a r e ccb STRANGE INTERLUDES mend the mag as a must for every fan. POLL NEWS is swell. You rate a lot of credit for undertaking this project. While it can hardly mean a great deal yet, because of the small number of returns you got, it will certainly become the authoritative yardstick soon. Even now, it reflects whatever trends there are, particularly in regard to the pro field. It's established, and it will prosper. GEMS FROM THE FAN PRESS ppealed to me in particular. Thanks again. FAN Q&A is okay. Keep it. LAST MINUTE is interesting, and STRANGE INTERLUDES is the best letter-section I have seen yet - not excluding VOM. Jones' back cover illustration exhibits some very fine technique in the saves. Didn't care for the figure so much, though, nor silly verse. (*Don't blame Bob for that, it's my fault. He drew the pic after reading HY BRAISAIL but didn't send any excerpt for the blank space, and I couldn't seem to get hold of HB*) FANFARE as a whole is all anyone could wish for. The whole STRANGER CLUB gets a hand on it. SHYNESS DOES NOT PAY! by Harry Warner Jr. So now, heheh, you know what it's like to have to use the poor man's hekto. I'll bet you never roast anyone for slightly illegible gelatin duplication again; (*Right! We find that a broiler is much more efficient*) I know I didn't after I found out what a mess they are to get decent results out of. (*Tsk! Don't they learn youse no grammar below the Mason-Dixon line?*) But you did an excellent job, considering all; you'll probably get a lot of unkind words, but they'll be due mostly to the comparison between this and the last four issues. Nothing completely illegible in mine. Lowndes (*poem*) unrateable, mostly because the last eight lines were all right and the rest not. Davis: I'm a heretic and feel that "using words" ability is far overrated, whether in stf or best-sellers. I don't find anything particularly remarkable in the words of the "best" writers and the way they put them together; it's the ability to sustain an atmosphere over thousands of words (and sometimes pages!) that's the real acid test. Unless the writer is skilled in the use of the mot juste, like de Camp, or adopts some sort of idiom more or less prominent (no fantasy writer has yet done it skillfully; I mean like in HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY) I pay little attention to individual sentences for "style." Tucker: What's the CFS doing with its money if it's that easy? SLAN!DER: Very good--and best analysis of Miske's woe so far. Hope you let Joe just ramble on and on, even if he takes up ten pages each time. Rothman: Also nail-on-head-hitting. Star-Treader: I'm not jealous, but feel it's not up to the SPACEWAYS versions. Lowndes: Funny there haven't been many accounts of the Boskone. This is the first really elaborate one I've seen. SPACEWAYS Ad; one sub directly traceable to it so far, and maybe more. Not bad! Poll: Why in the world was I too shy to vote for myself in the fan poll? I think I put Lowndes up fairly high if memory serves; now, if I'd ignored Doc and put myself first, I'd be number four. Oh, well. Maybe next time I'll refrain from voting until I see how I'm doing! Q&A: I thought you became a ghughu convert the first time you even heard of it, automatically and whether
f a n f a r e ccb STRANGE INTERLUDES mend the mag as a must for every fan. POLL NEWS is swell. You rate a lot of credit for undertaking this project. While it can hardly mean a great deal yet, because of the small number of returns you got, it will certainly become the authoritative yardstick soon. Even now, it reflects whatever trends there are, particularly in regard to the pro field. It's established, and it will prosper. GEMS FROM THE FAN PRESS ppealed to me in particular. Thanks again. FAN Q&A is okay. Keep it. LAST MINUTE is interesting, and STRANGE INTERLUDES is the best letter-section I have seen yet - not excluding VOM. Jones' back cover illustration exhibits some very fine technique in the saves. Didn't care for the figure so much, though, nor silly verse. (*Don't blame Bob for that, it's my fault. He drew the pic after reading HY BRAISAIL but didn't send any excerpt for the blank space, and I couldn't seem to get hold of HB*) FANFARE as a whole is all anyone could wish for. The whole STRANGER CLUB gets a hand on it. SHYNESS DOES NOT PAY! by Harry Warner Jr. So now, heheh, you know what it's like to have to use the poor man's hekto. I'll bet you never roast anyone for slightly illegible gelatin duplication again; (*Right! We find that a broiler is much more efficient*) I know I didn't after I found out what a mess they are to get decent results out of. (*Tsk! Don't they learn youse no grammar below the Mason-Dixon line?*) But you did an excellent job, considering all; you'll probably get a lot of unkind words, but they'll be due mostly to the comparison between this and the last four issues. Nothing completely illegible in mine. Lowndes (*poem*) unrateable, mostly because the last eight lines were all right and the rest not. Davis: I'm a heretic and feel that "using words" ability is far overrated, whether in stf or best-sellers. I don't find anything particularly remarkable in the words of the "best" writers and the way they put them together; it's the ability to sustain an atmosphere over thousands of words (and sometimes pages!) that's the real acid test. Unless the writer is skilled in the use of the mot juste, like de Camp, or adopts some sort of idiom more or less prominent (no fantasy writer has yet done it skillfully; I mean like in HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY) I pay little attention to individual sentences for "style." Tucker: What's the CFS doing with its money if it's that easy? SLAN!DER: Very good--and best analysis of Miske's woe so far. Hope you let Joe just ramble on and on, even if he takes up ten pages each time. Rothman: Also nail-on-head-hitting. Star-Treader: I'm not jealous, but feel it's not up to the SPACEWAYS versions. Lowndes: Funny there haven't been many accounts of the Boskone. This is the first really elaborate one I've seen. SPACEWAYS Ad; one sub directly traceable to it so far, and maybe more. Not bad! Poll: Why in the world was I too shy to vote for myself in the fan poll? I think I put Lowndes up fairly high if memory serves; now, if I'd ignored Doc and put myself first, I'd be number four. Oh, well. Maybe next time I'll refrain from voting until I see how I'm doing! Q&A: I thought you became a ghughu convert the first time you even heard of it, automatically and whether
Hevelin Fanzines