Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 26
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xxvi f a n f a r e STRNGE INTERLUDES you wanted to be one or not. (*Not if you heard of FooFoo first. Foo Foo's benign influence would protect your innocence*) Issue as a whole: elegant, and remarkably even in merit---not one really bad thing. Best to date, which is saying a lot, and FANFARE is now my favorite fan magazine when I'm modest and don't count SPACEWAYS. Oh yes---why do you count those votes for DAWN in the fanmag poll? Thought you said only publications during the past year counted? (*Fortier sent in a batch of votes from the GGC which rated DAWN well up, saying that the voters had seen the dummy---as I expected the mag to be out soon) - - -- - - - - - - UNIVERSAL UNGUENT by D B Thompson Only one serious complaint about the current FANFARE. One page of my copy is badly mutilated with the words SUBSCRIPTION HAS EXPIRED in big, red letters. I don't like such mutilation---hence the two bits stuck in the corner of this page. Rothman's IN REPLY TO MISKE is by far the best of the ten or twelve such "replies" (under various titles) that I have read. We are all composites. The subject matter onsidered in Davis's article is of considerable interest to me. The treatment scarcely does the subject justice---but it would be very difficult to do the subject justice in such a short article. STRANGE INTERLUDES begins to look as though it might drive VoM out of its pre-eminence in its own field. I like the editing, incidentally. But I'm not going to try to pick the best letter from the batch in #6. I wouldn't know how. I can't think of a much duller subject than Tucker's---but the dullness of the subject doesn't hamper Bob any, apparently. I thoroughly enjoyed his "Audit". Working thriteen hours a day, as I am just now, doesn't leave much time for science fiction. It's a sad world. When I have time, I have no money, and when I have money (even a very little bit) I have no time. Wurra, Wurra! (*You ain't the only one!*) See you in Denver, or else! - - - - - - - - - - NUDE DEPARTMENT HEADS by Bob Jones A really remarkable issue, considering the fact that you used filmograph. The entire format was as good as any preceding ones. The one thing that struck me as being especially good and I'm sorry that I'm limited to 100 in rating, was the quality of the dept heads and cuts. How do you do it? I've never seen any that had anything on them. (*Hmm--must've been Brundage and Petty or Repro-Adele*) The cover was a fine piece of symbolical art, the title page was also good, the best you've done. SOME ASTOUNDING THINGS ABOUT STYLE looked like re-hash stuff, but it was interesting. Tucker's was informative and nicely written. SLAN!DER wasn't as good this shot as was the preceding installment. It was rather silly. . .not too comical. I see Joe G is taking up the load established by every other columnist and slamming Miske. I won't rate IN REPLY TO MISKE for obvious reasons. Guk! STARDUST, yet? JC*s right about the basest reason. Good you hooked on to it tho. See if you can't keep it going in FANFARE. STRANGERS IN BOSTON seemed to me to be nothing but a kick at the Queens SFL, not very cleverly disguised at that. You should have known that a Futurian would have written something like that. (Not that I have anything against them---nooo) (*Lowndes merely reported the facts or I wouldn't have prin-
xxvi f a n f a r e STRNGE INTERLUDES you wanted to be one or not. (*Not if you heard of FooFoo first. Foo Foo's benign influence would protect your innocence*) Issue as a whole: elegant, and remarkably even in merit---not one really bad thing. Best to date, which is saying a lot, and FANFARE is now my favorite fan magazine when I'm modest and don't count SPACEWAYS. Oh yes---why do you count those votes for DAWN in the fanmag poll? Thought you said only publications during the past year counted? (*Fortier sent in a batch of votes from the GGC which rated DAWN well up, saying that the voters had seen the dummy---as I expected the mag to be out soon) - - -- - - - - - - UNIVERSAL UNGUENT by D B Thompson Only one serious complaint about the current FANFARE. One page of my copy is badly mutilated with the words SUBSCRIPTION HAS EXPIRED in big, red letters. I don't like such mutilation---hence the two bits stuck in the corner of this page. Rothman's IN REPLY TO MISKE is by far the best of the ten or twelve such "replies" (under various titles) that I have read. We are all composites. The subject matter onsidered in Davis's article is of considerable interest to me. The treatment scarcely does the subject justice---but it would be very difficult to do the subject justice in such a short article. STRANGE INTERLUDES begins to look as though it might drive VoM out of its pre-eminence in its own field. I like the editing, incidentally. But I'm not going to try to pick the best letter from the batch in #6. I wouldn't know how. I can't think of a much duller subject than Tucker's---but the dullness of the subject doesn't hamper Bob any, apparently. I thoroughly enjoyed his "Audit". Working thriteen hours a day, as I am just now, doesn't leave much time for science fiction. It's a sad world. When I have time, I have no money, and when I have money (even a very little bit) I have no time. Wurra, Wurra! (*You ain't the only one!*) See you in Denver, or else! - - - - - - - - - - NUDE DEPARTMENT HEADS by Bob Jones A really remarkable issue, considering the fact that you used filmograph. The entire format was as good as any preceding ones. The one thing that struck me as being especially good and I'm sorry that I'm limited to 100 in rating, was the quality of the dept heads and cuts. How do you do it? I've never seen any that had anything on them. (*Hmm--must've been Brundage and Petty or Repro-Adele*) The cover was a fine piece of symbolical art, the title page was also good, the best you've done. SOME ASTOUNDING THINGS ABOUT STYLE looked like re-hash stuff, but it was interesting. Tucker's was informative and nicely written. SLAN!DER wasn't as good this shot as was the preceding installment. It was rather silly. . .not too comical. I see Joe G is taking up the load established by every other columnist and slamming Miske. I won't rate IN REPLY TO MISKE for obvious reasons. Guk! STARDUST, yet? JC*s right about the basest reason. Good you hooked on to it tho. See if you can't keep it going in FANFARE. STRANGERS IN BOSTON seemed to me to be nothing but a kick at the Queens SFL, not very cleverly disguised at that. You should have known that a Futurian would have written something like that. (Not that I have anything against them---nooo) (*Lowndes merely reported the facts or I wouldn't have prin-
Hevelin Fanzines