Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 27
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f a n f a r e xvii STRANGE INTERLUDES ted it.*) Art, why don't you get a stronger policy as regards stuff of a controversial nature? (*Our only policy is---"Does it interest the majority? Is it the truth?*) GERMS — pardon —GEMS FROM THE FAN PRESS was received cordially, though Yhos's curt style made it seem rather empty. STRANGE INTERLUDES walks off with the prize, 100. The best letter, in my estimation, was Chauvenet's missive. Did you write the poem accompanying that putrid picture? (*We confess, yes. But the putridness is the other way around.*) - - - - - - - - - - FROM RICHES TO RAGS by Lynn Bridges #6 FANFARE generally well-liked, but what happened to the hekto job? Is it a different hekto, or did I just get an extremely poor copy this time and a very good one last issue? (*When Singleton bumped himself off and went to work for the gov't, the $200 MIT hekto was no longer available, so we had to come down to a $3.95 filmograph. It is rumored that es is to lead a special division of zombie troops. . .*) SOME ASTOUNDING THINGS ABOUT STYLE rates a neat 75. I doubt if that between the lines guess you make at the end of the article is right. I can think of a couple of names that might be pseudos for JWCjr, but neither of them is A E Van Vogt. Tucker's bit on Chicon financing gets 80. Still, $145 is $145 and I don't think I'd care to put on a convention single-handed. Not at this time, at least. (*Ah, but Bob said nothing about the income! The Wycon and Chicon even made a little, and the Denvention broke even.*) SLAN!DER is better this time than at first. He's wrong tho, in saying that some fans are normal. It's impossible to be a fan, and still not be a nut of some kind. (*Well, look at Sully Roberds---he likes a Normal life!*) Rothman's reply repeats Gilbert somewhat---but is still interesting. It's getting so that you can't pick up a fanmag without someone telling you what's wrong with J C M. STARDUST: It's too bad Miske wrote this one and his last one for SPACEWAYS. If those last two hadn't been written, I, for one, would have been left with much better impression of Miske's ability. Previously, the Intelliect Supreme's ego was interesting now it's obnoxious. STRANGERS IN BOSTON would have been better without so much discussion of the faults of Sykora, another greatly overworked subject. But, since that seems to have been the main topic at the BOSKONE, I suppose Lowndes was justified in devoting so much time to it. STRANGE INTERLUDES not quite so interesting this time. Incidentally, that fan club Millard mentions does not include Detroit, as you seem to think, but only Jackson and Battle Creek. Us guys in Detroit have a separate organization. Dick Kuhl and myself were at the first meeting of the J and BC clubs, and signed the letter endorsing the NFFF, which acounts for the error. E E Evans is trying to organize a state-wide club to include the two clubs already organized, and all other fans in the state. We ought to have some news about that in the next issue of our Detroit fanzine. (*ECLIPSE--10¢ 13598 Cheyenne.*) Issue as a whole was not quite as good as the December one but was better than the average. - - - - - - - - - - HYSTERIA RIDES AN ASS by Doc Lowndes This was easily the best issue of FANFARE you've done so far, even if my copy was awfully light. (A scurvy trick to play
f a n f a r e xvii STRANGE INTERLUDES ted it.*) Art, why don't you get a stronger policy as regards stuff of a controversial nature? (*Our only policy is---"Does it interest the majority? Is it the truth?*) GERMS — pardon —GEMS FROM THE FAN PRESS was received cordially, though Yhos's curt style made it seem rather empty. STRANGE INTERLUDES walks off with the prize, 100. The best letter, in my estimation, was Chauvenet's missive. Did you write the poem accompanying that putrid picture? (*We confess, yes. But the putridness is the other way around.*) - - - - - - - - - - FROM RICHES TO RAGS by Lynn Bridges #6 FANFARE generally well-liked, but what happened to the hekto job? Is it a different hekto, or did I just get an extremely poor copy this time and a very good one last issue? (*When Singleton bumped himself off and went to work for the gov't, the $200 MIT hekto was no longer available, so we had to come down to a $3.95 filmograph. It is rumored that es is to lead a special division of zombie troops. . .*) SOME ASTOUNDING THINGS ABOUT STYLE rates a neat 75. I doubt if that between the lines guess you make at the end of the article is right. I can think of a couple of names that might be pseudos for JWCjr, but neither of them is A E Van Vogt. Tucker's bit on Chicon financing gets 80. Still, $145 is $145 and I don't think I'd care to put on a convention single-handed. Not at this time, at least. (*Ah, but Bob said nothing about the income! The Wycon and Chicon even made a little, and the Denvention broke even.*) SLAN!DER is better this time than at first. He's wrong tho, in saying that some fans are normal. It's impossible to be a fan, and still not be a nut of some kind. (*Well, look at Sully Roberds---he likes a Normal life!*) Rothman's reply repeats Gilbert somewhat---but is still interesting. It's getting so that you can't pick up a fanmag without someone telling you what's wrong with J C M. STARDUST: It's too bad Miske wrote this one and his last one for SPACEWAYS. If those last two hadn't been written, I, for one, would have been left with much better impression of Miske's ability. Previously, the Intelliect Supreme's ego was interesting now it's obnoxious. STRANGERS IN BOSTON would have been better without so much discussion of the faults of Sykora, another greatly overworked subject. But, since that seems to have been the main topic at the BOSKONE, I suppose Lowndes was justified in devoting so much time to it. STRANGE INTERLUDES not quite so interesting this time. Incidentally, that fan club Millard mentions does not include Detroit, as you seem to think, but only Jackson and Battle Creek. Us guys in Detroit have a separate organization. Dick Kuhl and myself were at the first meeting of the J and BC clubs, and signed the letter endorsing the NFFF, which acounts for the error. E E Evans is trying to organize a state-wide club to include the two clubs already organized, and all other fans in the state. We ought to have some news about that in the next issue of our Detroit fanzine. (*ECLIPSE--10¢ 13598 Cheyenne.*) Issue as a whole was not quite as good as the December one but was better than the average. - - - - - - - - - - HYSTERIA RIDES AN ASS by Doc Lowndes This was easily the best issue of FANFARE you've done so far, even if my copy was awfully light. (A scurvy trick to play
Hevelin Fanzines