Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 29
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fanfare ixxx STRANGE INTERLUDES try to make a department like this more distinctive, Q&A (7) Probably (because, I knew all the answers in advance. STRANGE INTERLUDES (10) This is a flagrant violation of LRC's suggestions, because the letters varied In quality and wouldn't give the department an average of ten. But I turned to it first and read thru without boredom,so there you are. BEWILDERED, BY GAD! by Harry Schmarjo Ironic, isn't it? Miske gives us a report on Earl Singleton, and Gilbert takes it out on Miske, also Rothman does too. In my opinion, Miske is one of the top fans. Indeed, he should be placed above both Tucker and Ackerman; you seldom see an article by 4e, and Tucker only occasionally, While Miske is always in print, (*They must've seated you behind a post, chum. Doc Swisher's files record that fans 1 & 2 have each been in print twice as much as the Clevelander! * ) Reading an issue of a good fan mag usually leaves me bewildered. (*FooFoo have pity on you if you get a b̲a̲d̲ one!*) Such a variety of material good and otherwise. I was surprised to see STARDUST in FANFARE. By the way, it took me quite a while before I caught on that the stars in the heading spelled STARDUST. STRANGERS IN BOSTON — swell, but dull in places. Gad, some of the Futurians are former QSFL members. Gad! What happened to your super hekto? Or maybe you can't get that any more because of Singleton at MIT? If you can't got better hektoing than this, you had better fold (cease publication.) Why the lack of color on the cover? The drawing is bad enuf--- As to Phil Bronson's inquiring about "splrfsk" [sic] --- I believe that he himself is the author of the term. Gad, such ignorance; Brazier and Studloy didn't know what MYJ, HICON [sic] means. The latest cover on FA sort of glamorizes stf. (*Gad! How did t̲h̲a̲t̲ get in here?*) Any sort of pulp magazine is usually looked upon as being read by low forms of human beings, such as tramps and etc. Overlooking the miserly hectographing, corny material,and cussed length, I'll agree that your magazine is OK, but you had better improve. Yhos, THE NO. 1 IOWA FAN otherwise "THAT IOWA FAN" ONE NEVER KNOWS, DOES ONE? by Virginia Allen I've just completed my first copy of FANFARE. It's good too. Pay no attention to those agitators who can't be pleased no matter what. To all of them I say, "A personal phooey from me to you." (*Save me a drag on that 'fore you throw it away-- Jinni*) Your mag looks nice too, Art. I can read almost all of it,(*Amazing!*) which is extra good since the rest is easily guessed at. I'm not quite sure just which I liked better, STRANGE INTERLUDES, or SLAN!DER. Both are tops. I've always suspected Joe Gilbert of intelligence, but wasn't quite sure until I saw SLAN!DER. That, friends, is proof positive. (*Which way?*) Doc Lowndes, as usual, did himself proud. For the love of Moses, get your stuff out on time. That would be its most interesting feature if you do. (*Not only interesting, but phenomenal! --- *)
fanfare ixxx STRANGE INTERLUDES try to make a department like this more distinctive, Q&A (7) Probably (because, I knew all the answers in advance. STRANGE INTERLUDES (10) This is a flagrant violation of LRC's suggestions, because the letters varied In quality and wouldn't give the department an average of ten. But I turned to it first and read thru without boredom,so there you are. BEWILDERED, BY GAD! by Harry Schmarjo Ironic, isn't it? Miske gives us a report on Earl Singleton, and Gilbert takes it out on Miske, also Rothman does too. In my opinion, Miske is one of the top fans. Indeed, he should be placed above both Tucker and Ackerman; you seldom see an article by 4e, and Tucker only occasionally, While Miske is always in print, (*They must've seated you behind a post, chum. Doc Swisher's files record that fans 1 & 2 have each been in print twice as much as the Clevelander! * ) Reading an issue of a good fan mag usually leaves me bewildered. (*FooFoo have pity on you if you get a b̲a̲d̲ one!*) Such a variety of material good and otherwise. I was surprised to see STARDUST in FANFARE. By the way, it took me quite a while before I caught on that the stars in the heading spelled STARDUST. STRANGERS IN BOSTON — swell, but dull in places. Gad, some of the Futurians are former QSFL members. Gad! What happened to your super hekto? Or maybe you can't get that any more because of Singleton at MIT? If you can't got better hektoing than this, you had better fold (cease publication.) Why the lack of color on the cover? The drawing is bad enuf--- As to Phil Bronson's inquiring about "splrfsk" [sic] --- I believe that he himself is the author of the term. Gad, such ignorance; Brazier and Studloy didn't know what MYJ, HICON [sic] means. The latest cover on FA sort of glamorizes stf. (*Gad! How did t̲h̲a̲t̲ get in here?*) Any sort of pulp magazine is usually looked upon as being read by low forms of human beings, such as tramps and etc. Overlooking the miserly hectographing, corny material,and cussed length, I'll agree that your magazine is OK, but you had better improve. Yhos, THE NO. 1 IOWA FAN otherwise "THAT IOWA FAN" ONE NEVER KNOWS, DOES ONE? by Virginia Allen I've just completed my first copy of FANFARE. It's good too. Pay no attention to those agitators who can't be pleased no matter what. To all of them I say, "A personal phooey from me to you." (*Save me a drag on that 'fore you throw it away-- Jinni*) Your mag looks nice too, Art. I can read almost all of it,(*Amazing!*) which is extra good since the rest is easily guessed at. I'm not quite sure just which I liked better, STRANGE INTERLUDES, or SLAN!DER. Both are tops. I've always suspected Joe Gilbert of intelligence, but wasn't quite sure until I saw SLAN!DER. That, friends, is proof positive. (*Which way?*) Doc Lowndes, as usual, did himself proud. For the love of Moses, get your stuff out on time. That would be its most interesting feature if you do. (*Not only interesting, but phenomenal! --- *)
Hevelin Fanzines