Fanfare, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 7, August 1941
Page 31
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fanfare xxx 1 THE LAST MINUTE to press even before we left, but we were tied up by a pokey mail-order house and didn't receive our machine and stencils until much too late to do anything but the supplement. We may have some special feature on the Denventlon in next issue, but we're not promising. We are all out of issues 4, 5, and 6, and would like to get some of them if possible. Our offer is to trade you for copies of No.3 or extend your subscription an issue for every issue you send us. #3 is now 15¢, so you make a nickel on the deal if you trade them. We intend to sell 4,5, and 6 to fill back number requests, so your issues must be in good condition. "We notice that a couple of fanzines are paying for material. This is all very nice, but we are somewhat skeptical about the value of such a course. It may increase the quantity of fan stuff written, but we somehow doubt if it'll increase the quality. There'll be a flurry of dusting off old tripe Just for the sake of pay be getting something for it, which will not be good for the "standards" of fan literature. So, starting with this issue we inaugurate a policy calculated to stimulate a competitive spirit and raise or set a standard for fan writers. 'Tis now more important than ever that you send in your ratings for the best item, as selected by you, will receive a prize of one dollar ($1) every issue. We particularly want to encourage newcomers to get in on this, so we also offer a prize of $1 every issue to any fan who has not appeared before in a fanzine (letters don't count!) and who can capture third place or higher. If a newcomer can hit the top, he will naturally receive both prizes. The prizes of rare stf items for the best letter in STRANGE INTERLUDES also continue. This time the prize will be Vol. 1, No. 1 of SCIENCE WONDER STORIES QUARTERLY, Fall 1929. Naturally, being a prise, it is in excellent condition. So, don't forgot to select what you think is the best letter. Tho third fan to attain the distinction of Honorary Member of THE STRANGE CLUB, is the #4 fan of the nation: Doc Lowndes. We hope this news will make you feel so good that the old bug which has you in bed right now won't stand a chance. Up-and-atom, Doc! In case there is doubt, which no doubt, editorial comments sprinkled thruout the issue are in parentheses with asterisks ("thus*). (Of course, we could have used the Tucker system of double parentheses, but as ever, we remain a slave to originality. That is, the medium which WE are able to evoke... That*s another thing on which we'd like your opinion. Do the ed comments irk, bother, or bore you? If the majority says yes, we'll cut them out, but reluctantly. We get a kick out of it. Hoping you do the same. Many thanks to Harry Warner for mimeoing the last three pages of the supplement when we stopped to see him on our way thru to Denver. Next issue is rather nebulous, as always, but we can make one big announcement. Added to our list of top-notch columnists will be one Louis Russell Chauvenet, who brings back nothing loss than DE - TOURS! the demise of which as an independent mag was much lamented by all its readers. And that seems to wind up this edition of the jerky journal. We will now stencil this and the contents page, and put Mimi to work.... This is your Bryantville blabbermouth who just found out that you can't get shaving cream from a rocket tube. ---yhos --- AND DON'T FORGET THOSE RATINGS !!!
fanfare xxx 1 THE LAST MINUTE to press even before we left, but we were tied up by a pokey mail-order house and didn't receive our machine and stencils until much too late to do anything but the supplement. We may have some special feature on the Denventlon in next issue, but we're not promising. We are all out of issues 4, 5, and 6, and would like to get some of them if possible. Our offer is to trade you for copies of No.3 or extend your subscription an issue for every issue you send us. #3 is now 15¢, so you make a nickel on the deal if you trade them. We intend to sell 4,5, and 6 to fill back number requests, so your issues must be in good condition. "We notice that a couple of fanzines are paying for material. This is all very nice, but we are somewhat skeptical about the value of such a course. It may increase the quantity of fan stuff written, but we somehow doubt if it'll increase the quality. There'll be a flurry of dusting off old tripe Just for the sake of pay be getting something for it, which will not be good for the "standards" of fan literature. So, starting with this issue we inaugurate a policy calculated to stimulate a competitive spirit and raise or set a standard for fan writers. 'Tis now more important than ever that you send in your ratings for the best item, as selected by you, will receive a prize of one dollar ($1) every issue. We particularly want to encourage newcomers to get in on this, so we also offer a prize of $1 every issue to any fan who has not appeared before in a fanzine (letters don't count!) and who can capture third place or higher. If a newcomer can hit the top, he will naturally receive both prizes. The prizes of rare stf items for the best letter in STRANGE INTERLUDES also continue. This time the prize will be Vol. 1, No. 1 of SCIENCE WONDER STORIES QUARTERLY, Fall 1929. Naturally, being a prise, it is in excellent condition. So, don't forgot to select what you think is the best letter. Tho third fan to attain the distinction of Honorary Member of THE STRANGE CLUB, is the #4 fan of the nation: Doc Lowndes. We hope this news will make you feel so good that the old bug which has you in bed right now won't stand a chance. Up-and-atom, Doc! In case there is doubt, which no doubt, editorial comments sprinkled thruout the issue are in parentheses with asterisks ("thus*). (Of course, we could have used the Tucker system of double parentheses, but as ever, we remain a slave to originality. That is, the medium which WE are able to evoke... That*s another thing on which we'd like your opinion. Do the ed comments irk, bother, or bore you? If the majority says yes, we'll cut them out, but reluctantly. We get a kick out of it. Hoping you do the same. Many thanks to Harry Warner for mimeoing the last three pages of the supplement when we stopped to see him on our way thru to Denver. Next issue is rather nebulous, as always, but we can make one big announcement. Added to our list of top-notch columnists will be one Louis Russell Chauvenet, who brings back nothing loss than DE - TOURS! the demise of which as an independent mag was much lamented by all its readers. And that seems to wind up this edition of the jerky journal. We will now stencil this and the contents page, and put Mimi to work.... This is your Bryantville blabbermouth who just found out that you can't get shaving cream from a rocket tube. ---yhos --- AND DON'T FORGET THOSE RATINGS !!!
Hevelin Fanzines