En Garde, whole no. 9, March 1944
Page 5
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page 5 expulsion or exclusion are warranted? Do the rules of fan-hospitality demand toleration of a confirmed moocher, or one who is personally obnoxious? When situations arise that place all Fandom in an extremely bad light, or that become intolerable to the majority of fen, are we able to act with swiftness and dispatch? Or must we stammer and fumble, to prove ourselves unable to cope with even our own small affairs, to say nothing of those futures on which we expound so lengthily. There is no call to overdo this matter of ethics. Fen are, by nature, individualists, and a large degree of tolerance is indicated at all times. But there is a limit to everything. It is up to us to face the facts and set those limits -- not only for our own mental clarification, but for the enlightenment and guidance of those new members who are ever entering our ranks. We must always be ready to lean slightly backwards in an effort to give an offender the benefit of the doubt, yet we must be able to say, "Up to this point, you may say and do as you wish. Beyond this, you encroach on the rights of others. Beyond this, you forfeit all further consideration, and may expect summary treatment." A definite, accepted code of ethics will go far toward keeping Fandom a peaceful, harmonious, smoothly-functioning group. True, there is an extremely small minority that favors chaos and turmoil. It thrives on the excitement of feuds and dissention. But by far the majority of fen are concerned with things more important than continual bickering. So let's make this matter of ethics a subject for a great deal of discussion. Sometime in the not too distant future, I'd like to present to the NFFF a written code of ethics, for consideration and possible approval. It is generally conceded that FAPA contains the cream of fan experience and opinion, so it is to FAPA members that I look for the needed ideas and suggestions before going further with this task. What do you think ? qrqpzznvmxlzywbtjzzistheVenusianoquivalentooftheRussiantskwricktsky EVOLUTION Evolution has been defined as "progress from the simple to the more complex". If one of the primitive cave men had wished to give you an orange, he doubtless would have said, "Have an orange." But we of today have evolved. We have progressed. We live in a civilized world. Today the giver of an orange would protect himself and avoid any misunderstanding by hiring a lawyer to put the whole business in writing thusly: "I hereby give and convey to you, all and singular, my estate and interests, right, title, claim and advantages of and in said orange, together with all its rind, juice, pulp and pits and all rights and advantages therein, with full power to bite, cut ,suck
page 5 expulsion or exclusion are warranted? Do the rules of fan-hospitality demand toleration of a confirmed moocher, or one who is personally obnoxious? When situations arise that place all Fandom in an extremely bad light, or that become intolerable to the majority of fen, are we able to act with swiftness and dispatch? Or must we stammer and fumble, to prove ourselves unable to cope with even our own small affairs, to say nothing of those futures on which we expound so lengthily. There is no call to overdo this matter of ethics. Fen are, by nature, individualists, and a large degree of tolerance is indicated at all times. But there is a limit to everything. It is up to us to face the facts and set those limits -- not only for our own mental clarification, but for the enlightenment and guidance of those new members who are ever entering our ranks. We must always be ready to lean slightly backwards in an effort to give an offender the benefit of the doubt, yet we must be able to say, "Up to this point, you may say and do as you wish. Beyond this, you encroach on the rights of others. Beyond this, you forfeit all further consideration, and may expect summary treatment." A definite, accepted code of ethics will go far toward keeping Fandom a peaceful, harmonious, smoothly-functioning group. True, there is an extremely small minority that favors chaos and turmoil. It thrives on the excitement of feuds and dissention. But by far the majority of fen are concerned with things more important than continual bickering. So let's make this matter of ethics a subject for a great deal of discussion. Sometime in the not too distant future, I'd like to present to the NFFF a written code of ethics, for consideration and possible approval. It is generally conceded that FAPA contains the cream of fan experience and opinion, so it is to FAPA members that I look for the needed ideas and suggestions before going further with this task. What do you think ? qrqpzznvmxlzywbtjzzistheVenusianoquivalentooftheRussiantskwricktsky EVOLUTION Evolution has been defined as "progress from the simple to the more complex". If one of the primitive cave men had wished to give you an orange, he doubtless would have said, "Have an orange." But we of today have evolved. We have progressed. We live in a civilized world. Today the giver of an orange would protect himself and avoid any misunderstanding by hiring a lawyer to put the whole business in writing thusly: "I hereby give and convey to you, all and singular, my estate and interests, right, title, claim and advantages of and in said orange, together with all its rind, juice, pulp and pits and all rights and advantages therein, with full power to bite, cut ,suck
Hevelin Fanzines