En Garde, whole no. 9, March 1944
Page 7
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page 7 ".....with jaundiced eye." COMIC CIRCLE COMMENTATOR: Having put our copy to the logical use suggested in the first paragraph, we find ourselves unable to comment. But we do seem to remember a chuckle or two in connection with this publication. FAN-DANGO: Very interesting reviews. However, as we feel no impulse to add to your comments we refrain from reviewing reviews. LE ZOMBIE COVER: We seem to have seen this all before. This must be where we came in. HPL TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY: Another of those much appreciated bits of hard work. PHANNY: Unusuallty good cover ***"Genius and Super-man" extremely thought-provoking. It strikes us that some determination of the motives directing his use of his superior mind is necessary before any of your questions can be answered. Assuming "genius" to be an ordinary man with extraordinary mental faculties, and the possibility of obtaining a quantity of fairy accurate data on the motivations and workings of such a mind, it might be possible to extrapolate a plausible conception of "superman", his superior abilities, and his probable limitations. Does such data exist in available form at present? Has anyone ever attempted to study the mental methods of genius?*** "Aspects of Internationality" a fine article. As with any consideration of such a topic as this, it all boils down to the fact that people do not think. In fact, the present educational system of this country definitely discourages thought. Further, it goes to such amazing lengths to avoid any possibility of individual thinking that one has reason to wonder if there might not be an organized conspiracy to reduce the populace to a state of virtual ignorance. But to even hit the nigh spots of this subject would take many pages, so I will save further remarks for a future article. LIGHT: Tale of "Light's" resurection was best in issue. Liked Nanok's poem. The horror in Recordemon was quite gooey and not too subtle alright. But why don't you really let yourself go sometime? Anyway keep it coming. THE FAPA CORRESPONDENT: Drop me a line Harry, and tell me what brand of stencils you've been using and what you pay for them. I've just run onto a new stencil source, and might be able to help you out. As for your type, did you ever consider having a set of new type faces mounted on the thing. Of course, even that might not be possible under present conditions, or the cost might be too high, but it might be worth investigating. THE FANTASY COMMENTATOR: A really neat publication. Its policy is as admirable as it is unusual, and the material more than welcome considering our own interest in book collecting. MILTY'S MAG: So you see, Milty, Sian Center isn't likely to end up in Michigan anyway, wherefore we'll be looking forward to your
page 7 ".....with jaundiced eye." COMIC CIRCLE COMMENTATOR: Having put our copy to the logical use suggested in the first paragraph, we find ourselves unable to comment. But we do seem to remember a chuckle or two in connection with this publication. FAN-DANGO: Very interesting reviews. However, as we feel no impulse to add to your comments we refrain from reviewing reviews. LE ZOMBIE COVER: We seem to have seen this all before. This must be where we came in. HPL TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY: Another of those much appreciated bits of hard work. PHANNY: Unusuallty good cover ***"Genius and Super-man" extremely thought-provoking. It strikes us that some determination of the motives directing his use of his superior mind is necessary before any of your questions can be answered. Assuming "genius" to be an ordinary man with extraordinary mental faculties, and the possibility of obtaining a quantity of fairy accurate data on the motivations and workings of such a mind, it might be possible to extrapolate a plausible conception of "superman", his superior abilities, and his probable limitations. Does such data exist in available form at present? Has anyone ever attempted to study the mental methods of genius?*** "Aspects of Internationality" a fine article. As with any consideration of such a topic as this, it all boils down to the fact that people do not think. In fact, the present educational system of this country definitely discourages thought. Further, it goes to such amazing lengths to avoid any possibility of individual thinking that one has reason to wonder if there might not be an organized conspiracy to reduce the populace to a state of virtual ignorance. But to even hit the nigh spots of this subject would take many pages, so I will save further remarks for a future article. LIGHT: Tale of "Light's" resurection was best in issue. Liked Nanok's poem. The horror in Recordemon was quite gooey and not too subtle alright. But why don't you really let yourself go sometime? Anyway keep it coming. THE FAPA CORRESPONDENT: Drop me a line Harry, and tell me what brand of stencils you've been using and what you pay for them. I've just run onto a new stencil source, and might be able to help you out. As for your type, did you ever consider having a set of new type faces mounted on the thing. Of course, even that might not be possible under present conditions, or the cost might be too high, but it might be worth investigating. THE FANTASY COMMENTATOR: A really neat publication. Its policy is as admirable as it is unusual, and the material more than welcome considering our own interest in book collecting. MILTY'S MAG: So you see, Milty, Sian Center isn't likely to end up in Michigan anyway, wherefore we'll be looking forward to your
Hevelin Fanzines