En Garde, whole no. 9, March 1944
Page 8
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page 8. presence. Had intended to hold forth on the co-operative phase of the project in this issue of En Garde, but lack of time and space prevent. We always enjoy your mag, so keep it coming as regularly as possible. THE PHANTAGRAPH: We second your plea for all the unknown, lesser known, and unfinished works of A. Merritt. Hope your fears about the screened covers prove groundless. They have been one of the bright spots in the Mailing. ADULUX BESKAN: We had begun to consider this a total loss. Then we spotted "coffee arz doughnutlu". That saved it. Even without the doughnuts we would like it as long as there was coffee. RAY: We find here, points inspiring argument. But considering the water that has passed under the bridge since it was written, we doubt the worth of arguing those points. PHANNY- 2 III: Exceptionally interesting review department, and it was much enjoyed. Alphabet article contains much thought - food for one interested in languages, auxiliary and otherwise. We're slightly amazed at how far you've gone into it. Best crack in the issue was calling the CC the "One Man Multitude " SUSTAINING PROGRAM: We love your smooth running-comment reviews. That, and the variety of other topics you touch upon lightly, is why Sus-Pro is one of our favorite FAPAzinos. But that is the extent of our comment this time for the reasons set forth in the paragraph following. CONFESSION As with all previous issues of En Garde, this issue is being composed with extreme haste in a frantic struggle to meet the deadline. Ever since the first issue, we've been promising ourselves to start working on it right after finishing the Mailing. And every time the result has been the same. But FAPA really represents our greatest interest in Fandom. Not that other phases of activity don't interest us too. But we'd like to really go into all the lovely topics for discussion that are always cropping up in FAPA, or are suggested by something else in one of the zines. Now the time has come when we shall no longer suppress this desire. In the next issue to make this possible, we shall start working on the next issue, long, long before the deadline. (EEE, Jack and Walt start counting on their fingers in an effort to figure out how many times they've heard that before.) As for this issue, we ask your forgiveness for brevity of comment on the rest of the mailing. We want to say more, but simply haven't time. THE COSMIC CIRCLE AND FANDOM: Ah! DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION FOR FANTASY FANDOM (Swisher's mistake. That should be FICTION): We like this system. One of these days we shall make an automatic card-sorter, or its equivalent, and your system will work nice for this purpose.Then think of all the fascinating comparisons one could make.
page 8. presence. Had intended to hold forth on the co-operative phase of the project in this issue of En Garde, but lack of time and space prevent. We always enjoy your mag, so keep it coming as regularly as possible. THE PHANTAGRAPH: We second your plea for all the unknown, lesser known, and unfinished works of A. Merritt. Hope your fears about the screened covers prove groundless. They have been one of the bright spots in the Mailing. ADULUX BESKAN: We had begun to consider this a total loss. Then we spotted "coffee arz doughnutlu". That saved it. Even without the doughnuts we would like it as long as there was coffee. RAY: We find here, points inspiring argument. But considering the water that has passed under the bridge since it was written, we doubt the worth of arguing those points. PHANNY- 2 III: Exceptionally interesting review department, and it was much enjoyed. Alphabet article contains much thought - food for one interested in languages, auxiliary and otherwise. We're slightly amazed at how far you've gone into it. Best crack in the issue was calling the CC the "One Man Multitude " SUSTAINING PROGRAM: We love your smooth running-comment reviews. That, and the variety of other topics you touch upon lightly, is why Sus-Pro is one of our favorite FAPAzinos. But that is the extent of our comment this time for the reasons set forth in the paragraph following. CONFESSION As with all previous issues of En Garde, this issue is being composed with extreme haste in a frantic struggle to meet the deadline. Ever since the first issue, we've been promising ourselves to start working on it right after finishing the Mailing. And every time the result has been the same. But FAPA really represents our greatest interest in Fandom. Not that other phases of activity don't interest us too. But we'd like to really go into all the lovely topics for discussion that are always cropping up in FAPA, or are suggested by something else in one of the zines. Now the time has come when we shall no longer suppress this desire. In the next issue to make this possible, we shall start working on the next issue, long, long before the deadline. (EEE, Jack and Walt start counting on their fingers in an effort to figure out how many times they've heard that before.) As for this issue, we ask your forgiveness for brevity of comment on the rest of the mailing. We want to say more, but simply haven't time. THE COSMIC CIRCLE AND FANDOM: Ah! DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION FOR FANTASY FANDOM (Swisher's mistake. That should be FICTION): We like this system. One of these days we shall make an automatic card-sorter, or its equivalent, and your system will work nice for this purpose.Then think of all the fascinating comparisons one could make.
Hevelin Fanzines